Your Home-Based Business – Getting the Right Tools

Photo by fomu

When I opened my first home-based business, I was on a tight budget. Our home didn’t have a space for a designated office, so I organized a make-shift office in a corner of the family room. I didn’t want to take out a loan, so I made do with an old computer and an even […]

A Great way to Start your own Green Business.

green business

Starting your own business can be daunting, especially a green business. This is especially the case if you want to stay true to your values and create a green business which incorporates the principles of sustainability – that is, a business that meets your needs without compromising the needs of others and the planet. When […]

The Data Behind Why Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Data

You’ve Heard You Should Be Investing in Social Media Marketing, but Why? Most small business owners can see some value in running a Social Media Campaign but is it worth the time and money.  The Risk vs Reward ratio is where many have a hard time in determining if it is right for their business. […]

How to Properly Clean a Carpet


Carpet Cleaning Steps and Tips: Before cleaning the carpet it is important to decide what type of carpet and padding materials will be cleaned and what products and equipment are necessary to clean the carpet. After thoroughly vacuuming particulate soils, it is time to determine whether a preconditioner that suspends and emulsifies soils can be […]

3 Valuable Lessons to be learnt from the Result of Making Bad Business Decisions

man on phone

When I write about failing I generally mean making bad business decisions that have lead you down the path of failure. At some point in our online careers we’ve all made mistakes, but the best thing about making mistakes is that we can learn from them, right? It shouldn’t really be looked upon as a […]

Some like it hot, but I like it simple

Beanie's Small Business Marketing Ideas

They say nothing quite strikes fear into the heart’s of people like speaking in public. I have never quite understood this fear, as for me it is actually something I quite enjoy doing. There is something however that is my kryptonite, and that is closing sales or asking for the order. Not a good weakness […]

Tips for using Social Media to promote your business


Social media is the craze these days and it appears things will most likely become crazier as new players invent new ways of keeping in touch either with friends or in the case of business – with clients. Originally, when social media began its rise to popularity it was mainly focused for personal use between […]

6 Important Steps to Starting a Successful Small Business

Bellevue Chiropractic Business Success

Since opening my Bellevue Chiropractic clinic I’ve learned a lot about business, and most of that I learned the hard way.  I opened a healthcare practice in 1998, and let me tell you it’s rare to find any business training on the curriculum when you’re going to school to be a healthcare provider.  And although I can’t […]

How To Embed a Google Calendar on Your Blog

Embed a Google Calendar

I saw a question on Twitter the other day and turns out it was from someone I met a Twitter awhile back. @MediaCastGuy saw me tweeting about problems I was having with my mic and he quickly came to my aid. We chatted on Skye and he told me just where I was going wrong. […]

The #1 Least Expensive Way to Outsource SOME of Your Blogging Tasks

No Cash

Before we even begin, please notice that I said “SOME” not “ALL” of your blogging tasks.  Don’t get it twisted, you can’t outsource everything when it comes to blogging, but there are some things you can delegate to increase your productivity. My biggest barrier when it comes to blogging, is NOT ideas.  I’ve got tons […]