First we had the Stone Age, then the Bronze Age and so on throughout history. Now we have come to the Digital Age. What’s next? The rate of change in the Digital World is beyond comparison to the changes in our past. It came in with a fury and has taken over the world and how we interact with each other.
With the advancements of modern technology coming at us so rapidly will the Digital Age be here to stay? Yes. We can be sure that it will be here for the long haul. However, certain faces of it.
Future of Digital Marketing
We can be sure that Digital Marketing is going to change in our future but for the time being, Digital Marketing as a whole is here for the long haul. That’s not to say that it will not have to make some adjustments. It would not be realistic to think that everything will stay the same as it is today. With the many technical gadgets coming down the pipeline we can at the least expect that our fingers will flit across smaller and faster things in the very near future.
Future Goals of Digital Marketing
What we can expect to remain the same is the goal of the Digital age. This era in our history has literally changed the way the world interacts
In recent years we have learned how the Marketing Industry has had to turn on a dime to get to their customers. Digital Marketing has raised the bar and will continue to do so. A business that does not know what its customers wants will soon be out of business. The future will be the Age of the consumer. Therefore the Marketing avenues will be utilizing Digital Marketing more and more to reach out to those customers.
Digital Marketing in the Mobile World
But by and large the biggest change in the future for Digital and Social Media will be that they are going mobile. Already we are seeing that we are no longer tied to huge desktop computers and an old dial up Internet connection. We will have the world at our fingertips. Literally. Mobile apps are a plenty now, just wait a few years.
A final thought on the future of Digital Marketing and Social Media
Competition will be fierce in the future. Even today we can see that the average person can launch himself into the hearts of millions of people with just a simple video or blog. So, whether you are competing for personal attention, a business or just to educate and inform, you will have fierce competition. Anyone who has an idea will be able to accomplish the same thing. Anyone wishing to be a part of that life will definitely have to come with his “˜A’ game.
No matter what the future holds for us individually, chances are that we will be doing it all through the channels of Digital Marketing and Social Media.
Twitter: shaileshtr
Digital Marketing and Social Media has lead us to a total new aspect of communication from our daily lives to daily business. I think it will not stop here but go beyond our imagination.
Twitter: healthy_start_
My imagination is pretty good, but I am willing to be that you are right! This day and age was beyond my imagination when I was excited about my new dial-up modem for my computer. I can still remember the sound!
Kari recently posted..Viral Content Buzz: A New Way To Get Viral
I think the most important takeaway is that everyone is going mobile. As a business owner/blogger/etc, it’s not enough to have a website (which you should totally have). Your site has to work well with multiple mobile platforms – and having a dedicated app available is even better! Thanks!
Raina recently posted..My UPrinting Review and Coupon Codes
Absolutely. I got a refurbished computer a little while ago but I am now thinking of getting a tablet to take around. Visitors are more and more about mobile computing and that is something us providers and bloggers need to keep in mind.
Mobile computing is a good example of technology means we can not have laptop at all the time but Mobile can be available all the time atleast on vacations and it solve the problem of work during vacations.

this can be considered as a bless of technology.
Bhushan recently posted..University School Library Management Software Delhi Noida
Twitter: wpthemesave
I agree with you. Mobile is a huge trend this year and we can stay ahead of this trend using a good wordpress themes with mobile feature or responsive WordPress themes.
Robert recently posted..33+ Creative WordPress Themes That Will Blow Your Mind Away
Twitter: paulas2
Hi Annetta
Congratulation to you, for writing your 1st article on ComLuv. Yeah the digital marketing age is here to stay. But I’m not quite ready to give up my Desktop for an hand held device yet.The two big problems for Mobile Marketing, that they haven’t quite perfected yet is your online security and battery shelf life.
Paul Profitt recently posted..How To Get Targeted Traffic From Linkedin
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the comment. I agree with your point on the online security about the mobile devices. Honestly, I am yet to trust a mobile device when I do a financial transaction online. I am more confident with a desktop device for such transactions. However, changes are inevitable. When I look back, I was not trusting a desk top to do my bank transactions but I am fully depended on it.
As a marketer or a business person, we all need to adopt to the changes. Couple of months back, I updated my site to optimize for mobile devices. Well, the normal capture pages on my site never really converted when prospects visited the site through a mobile device. Now I have a click to call, click to text and a click to email button and I am getting much better response and leads when my site is visited through a mobile device.
Annetta Powell recently posted..Autoresponders: An Important Tool to be Used in Online Business
Recently learn Twiiter marketing from Annete blog. Really Briliant! Thanks dear..
Adam recently posted..Adele selamat melahirkan Bayi Lelaki
Twitter: techupdatesorg
As a Tech lover I can say yes we need to get digitalized to get success online .Really heplful tips dear .
Narender recently posted..Top High Paying Websites for Guest Authors
Yes,i agreed that their will be a horrible competition so their will be something extra and outstanding gained by us to secure ourself.
Thanks for the hidden attention and alarm.
Bhushan recently posted..Travel Web Portal Software Delhi Noida
Twitter: teesort
From past to today, social media has come with various new technology. It will solve many of problems. After some time, it will work which is beyond or imagination now.
Twitter: adrianoarwin
Digital Marketing and Social Media are good example of development how Marketing evolves today.
Arwin Adriano recently posted..10 Tips to Reaching Out to Local Businesses for Your Event
There is a huge rush on internet these days, for business promotion. Web presence became important for companies of all shapes and sizes. Sharing blogs, videos, facebook, twitter etc became the new marketing fundas. No doubt, we are completely in hands of digital technology, in present scenario.
Right now it is a must to be present online, spread the word through viral marketing and create your brand through social media, if you will not adapt to these new techniques you probably have a huge amount of budget on your pocket.
Mobile marketing is very fast in popularity right now, who isn’t using a smartphone nowadays?
Cool topic..
Twitter: SteveRo60881115
Can someone please explain the attraction of Twitter? I get Facebook, G+, Pinterest, Linkedin all of that. I can see their usefulness, but Twitter seems utterly pointless, except for opinionated people to tweet their every vacuous thought.
steverob recently posted..Headlight Restorer: it’s all here!
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
Hi Steve,
Any social media, for that matter is useless unless, you utilize the full potentials in the way you want them. Could it be Twitter or Facebook, they can be very powerful, if you use them as a “marketing tool” for your business.
Annetta Powell recently posted..How Effective is Your Twitter Marketing?
Twitter: AMBM9
Hi Anneta,
I have to agree that the future is moving toward mobile marketing but depend on geographical area, some are early adopters and some are late. As in Malaysia, many are still happy with Facebook or struggling with it. For those who are struggling with it, asking them to invest into mobile is like asking them to invest into something vague that they can’t see and touch.
But if they are willing to venture in and work together with the consultants they will see more rewards in the future.
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
Hi Michael,
Investing few hundred dollars to make your site mobile friendly is going to boost your presence in the local market and in the world wide web. The number of mobile internet users are increasing and it is not going to slow down any soon.
Lets take the example of a local florist website. If a local search is conducted and the site is optimized for mobile devices, the number one advantage is that, in a mobile device, sites optimized for mobiles are given more priority (it’s not proven but that’s the talk). Second, with a single click, the customer can contact the florist and place the order. It’s not rocket science.
Annetta Powell recently posted..LinkedIn New Company Page Design: Features for Your Small Business Page
Twitter: AMBM9
Hi Anneta,
I get your point. Just hope that merchants in my place share our understanding about the future and things will be much easier.
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
Soon or later we all have to adapt to the changes
It could be something else in the next 10 years.
Annetta Powell recently posted..One of the Key Indicators of Success
Twitter: AMBM9
True. True. I get your point.
Well on the whole I agree that mobile marketing is the future f digital marketing, but the issue depends on what we mean under mobile marketing. On one hand mobile devices become more popular and more people use internet on mobile devices, but on the other hand the distinctions between mobile devices and computers become smaller too – the screens are bigger every day and the mobile internet connection is quicker. So I wonder, maybe soon they’ll be one online marketing
Twitter: LisaAngelettie
Hi Annetta,
I love the whole idea of mobile marketing and have been making baby steps to make sure that my business stays the course especially when I checked my stats. A lot more people were visiting my website via mobile phones and iPads then desktops. It’s easy to sit behind a desktop and not be aware of the fact, but the reality is here.
Lisa Angelettie recently posted..How To Build A SEO Friendly Blog In 15 Minutes (Or Less)
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
Hi Lisa,
If we really go through the site’s traffic analytic data we realize that a major part of the visits are from mobile device. Most of the sites are build for them. The information and our intended message of the site does not really reach out to our customers.
My site looked really horrible through a mobile device before it was optimized for a mobile platform. I searched for a reasonably priced application and found Dudamobile. I pay about $80 a year for the service. But now I see that they have a partnership with Google and Google will pay one year absolutely free test drive for you. And it is with all the premium features.
But if you directly go to dudamobile and try to make your site mobile, you will have to pay fee for premium features. If you go to this particular blog post (I have no affiliation with this program nor is an affiliate link) you will find out about the GoMo initiative. They have the direct link to free site builder with all the premium features absolutely free for one year.
I am sure, there would be lots of other companies providing the same service. You have to do a little research.
Annetta Powell recently posted..How to Create an Article a Day on Your Blog?
Without Social Network and Digital Marketing there would have been economic crisis all over the world. Trade would never be easy like now
Dhiraj recently posted..Understanding How VOIP Technology Has Evolved As the Best Mode for Communication
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
May be or May be not
Annetta Powell recently posted..Empower Network Fast Start Training Review
Twitter: @magichhy
We won’t leave digital market, i think.
Nice article. Some i agree with, some i don’t. Digital will become more and more important. Although not exclusively.
Not sure if the human race is here to stay like you quoted. Everything in life contradicts this.
Awesome points! It will be very interesting to see just what the future holds when it comes to social media and digital marketing in general!
Jeff Emmerson recently posted..Who am I? A Successful ADHD Author in the Making!
The speed in which digital marketing is advancing is almost frightening, not to mention intimidating. It almost take (or does take) complete digital immersion and a significant amount of time to even compete todays e-world… not to mention staying updated in the latest social technologies.
Gabriel Killian recently posted..Coupon Codes for V2 Cigs E Cigarette Starter Kits
I defeinitely agree. It’s important for companies (new and old) to have online presence since majority of potential clients now use the internet.
Edward recently posted..7 Tips to Help You Buy Gifts for Less
Twitter: healthy_start_
I think the competition is already huge, but I also think that there is enough room for everyone to succeed. It is just a matter of doing the right things at the right time.
I also personally believe that the people who put forth the most effort, and keep up with the changing times, will be the most likely to come out ahead.
I love the digital world, it’s amazing how we can connect with everyone in the world with a single push of a button.
Kari recently posted..Viral Content Buzz: A New Way To Get Viral
Some points I agree to while to some I don’t regarding digital marketing, but overall its a useful and informative article.
Social media and e-commerce has close relationship. Social media is often used to support the development of e-commerce.
julidarmaputra recently posted..The Easy Way To Enlarge Your Breasts Naturally
Twitter: makemyblogmoney
Social media is a great way to get noticed online.
Wade Harman recently posted..How To Get Blog Traffic
there are many social media likes pinteres, linkedin,facebook and many more, I used facebook and twitter to promo my blog , so add with digital marketing I love it . because this social media very helpful for me ,
joy recently posted..Making The Proper Selections Once Shopping For A Little Business
Twitter: jonnalarajkumar
Well i think facebook and pinterest and etc could be an awesome digital social media in upcoming days… thanks for the awesome post.
Rajkumar Jonnala recently posted..Top 5 Instagram Mac Apps
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
Speaking of Pinterest, visualization is social media has greater impact and infograpgics in social media is going to rule a greater part in the future.
Twitter: TheTechnoMAG
Hi Annetta!
What I feels about social media is that future of Social Media Marketing and SEO belogs to Google+, I mean there are so many changes that Google is making and gonna make in future which would make Google+ a darling of bloggers and webmasters.

Joe Clark recently posted..Google plus: heaven of SEO for webmasters in 2013
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
I absolutely agree with you about Google+, although many experts discredit the power of it. I firmly believe that Google+ is here to stay and it is really going to influence the SEO world.
Annetta Powell recently posted..Basic Principles of Marketing Management?
good post anneta. one thing that excites me about this new era is like you said, anyone with an idea can get exposure and get their words out there.
Don’t forget Pinterest too – people arn’t just going mobile, they are going visual too, where pictures are all important for getting people to pay attention to you.
Twitter: mindykoch
It is amazing how everything has become so intertwined. Social, Search, Images, Mobile, Local – Digital Marketing is just become an absolute necessity. It is such a double edged sword – anyone can succeed in it and yet at the same time so many people are floundering at it.
Mindy Koch recently posted..Reputation or Marketing – Which is more important?
Twitter: AnnettaPowell
As we go more and more digital, like your recent post keeping your reputation in the digital world is a big task that none of us can forget. Thanks for the comment Mindy!
Annetta Powell recently posted..Making Money Online: Mistakes to Avoid in Online Jobs
Twitter: Steps2BuildSite
Well said Annetta
Thanks for the nice post.
Chaitanya recently posted..Off page seo checklist – Rank high in Google
Twitter: SEON_2012
Hi Annetta,
Awesome post, I particularly like your insight on digital marketing you mentioned above, I being a Network Marketer for the last 3 years myself can honestly say I find Digital Marketing very effective in branding yourself online as well as generating free lead consistently.
Great post. Digital marketing is just the first step. UIX is becoming more and more important. Once someone lands on your site you better hope you can keep them there. Make for a good experience otherwise your great marketing went to waste.
Hi there, I check your posts daily. Your writing style is awesome, keep up the good work!
Twitter: Rohitkabdwal
nice article Annetta,
you’ve given nice points about the future of digital marketing and social media.., I appreciate your research in this regard.
Rohit recently posted..Rayman Jungle Run for Android Game play + free download
Great post and very useful. It is true Social media has proven to be an extremely effective and reliable source to market any business.
Twitter: ThatGamingCriti
A lot of my traffic comes from Social Media! Cellphones (Mobile) to me, I’m not worried about. My theme does all that mobile madness for me. I will never go mobile and trade in this Desktop. Just like I’ll never get rid of my PlayStation for a PC. I just don’t do stuff like that. Digital Media I extremely dislike. I’d rather hold it in my hand that have it digitized to me. – Scott Craighead
Scott Craighead recently posted..Top 10 Greatest PS3 Exclusive Character’s!