Success in 140 Characters – How Twitter Can Help Grow Your Business

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Subhash Chandra

Subhash Chandra

SEO Consultant at TIS India
Subhash is working as an SEO Consultant with a renowned Website Design Development & SEO & Social Media Services Company – He loves to share his knowledge and ideas on SEO, social media marketing, mobile SEO, latest Google algorithm, SEO Friendly Web Site Design Development and marketing trends.
Subhash Chandra
Subhash Chandra
Subhash Chandra
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It was renowned marketing consultant and wine connoisseur Gary Vaynerchuk who said in an interview that if you’re not doing social media marketing, your business will fall behind and lose its competitive edge approximately five years down the road. And in the arena of brand building through social networks, Twitter is a platform you should never overlook.

With more than 500 million active users and approximately one million new accounts being created every day, Twitter is arguably the top contender of Facebook in terms of usage and following. So, how in the world can a social network channel that only allows 140 characters per post help you grow your business? Here are a few tips.

Search and Follow Your Target Audience, Industry Peers and Potential Market

One of the advantages of Twitter over Facebook is its ability to organize people by interests. You follow a marketer and the next thing you know, Twitter is already suggesting other marketing enthusiasts you might want to follow and even show promoted tweets related to marketing. It’s an organized network where you can find like-minded people whom you can build relationships with either to amplify your social media marketing messages or convert into real paying customers.

Take the Hashtag (#) Seriously

It’s amazing how a simple symbol can make a big difference. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should know that social networks are doubling as search engines. Some marketers even argue that it’s better to search using social media because there is context as opposed to that of semantics used by search engines. When people search for topics of Twitter, they usually use the hashtag (#) before the “search term (i.e. #marketing) to show all Tweets related to that topic. So, if you want your Tweets to appear on these searches, don’t forget to use the hashtag whenever appropriate.


Back on Relevant Trending Topics

Here’s a clever tip to using the hashtag. Trending topics on Twitter are actually made possible because of the hashtag. If a topic is trending, that means thousands or even millions of people are using that hashtag. So, if there’s a trending topic that you think you can link to your business, take advantage and post relevant Tweets using that hashtag.

Be Generous of Your Content

This is just another way of saying that you need to share your content on Twitter. Ask around and you’ll be surprised that a lot of people get information about current events or breaking news from Twitter, not from the TV, the newspaper or the news agencies’ websites. Twitter users are hungry for content so give it to them. It’s an easily implementable social media activity for effective link building.

Just make sure that every piece of content you’re sharing is interesting. According to an infographic from Info Labs, the top reasons why Twitter users re-tweet are:

  • Interesting content
  • Personal Connection
  • Humor
  • Incentive

Content marketing and social media marketing are closely intertwined and Twitter is an effective platform for you to establish your business’ thought leadership on different industry topics.

Humanize Your Brand

Businesses and business men or executives are often perceived as cold entities. Through social media marketing via Twitter, you can humanize your brand and bring it closer to your audience or your target market. Remember, the second reason why people interact with brands on Twitter is personal connection. In your Twitter posts, sound professional but warm and accommodating. Engage your followers in constant and meaningful conversations. When people feel a personal connection with your brand, the more likely they are to buy.

The old adage reminds us that “good things come in small packages.” While Twitter posts are short and sweet, they can definitely help you push your business forward online.