Use Twitter Wisely

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Wade Harman
I'm a full time blogger. As of last month, I have helped over 10,000 people get fast traffic with my free ebook Boost Your Social Media Traffic Overnight! I love helping people make money blogging! let me know if I can help you!
Wade Harman
Wade Harman

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Wade Harman
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The Evolving of Twitter

I recently blogged about Making Money on Twitter. After this I have been thinking about these different types of sites. Since the involvement of social media sites, bloggers are having to put more time into the mix in getting noticed. I can remember when Facebook wasn’t around. I can also remember when a “tweet” was something Barbera Walters fed her dog!

Twitter Keywords

Just like the search engines, Twitter has different keywords. Now if you are a blogger and are wanting to use this platform wisely, then you need to pay attention to how to use these keywords. There are two types of keywords on Twitter. The actual keyword as it exists, such as “college” and the hash tag “#college” version of the keyword. Searching for either of these will display two different sets of results. It goes without saying that the natural method of search is to type in the keyword without a hash. If someone is interested in tweets about Star Trek, they are more likely to search for “Star Trek” than “#startrek”. In my research, I found that there is more competition in keywords without the hash tags. I performed a search with the hash tag and without it. I noticed that the time between tweets is much smaller without

the hash tag, which proves that the keyword appears on a higher frequency.

Twitter Optimization

Another great way to get noticed on Twitter is search optimization. SEO is a well covered topic, and I don’t want to overdo it, however, when it comes to Twitter, many people may not understand how to do this. I know that it took awhile for me to learn SEO for regular search engines, much less trying to comprehend Twitter’s SEO! In a sense, you can literally pull your hair out if you don’t get it!

A huge missed opportunity is in the shortened links people use on Twitter. Why do we post these links? We post these links to drive traffic to them. What if we could create keyword rich shortened links as easily as we create them now? If you will notice, most people will use shortened links from places like however, if you will introduce keyword rich words in your shortened URL will give you a better shot in the searches. I recommend using a URL Shortener such as because not only does it offer detailed statistics, free usage, vanity url’s, and all the features you are used to with the hundreds of URL shorteners out there, but you can also brand your URL’s for free. gives you the option of branding your URL’s with any sub domain you wish. It also allows you to tag on keywords at the end of your URL for additional SEO on Twitter.

I have written more tips and tricks to Getting Noticed on Twitter if you want to know more.