7 Fat Burning Green Smoothie Recipes

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How many servings of veggies do you eat per day? For most people, the answer is “not enough.” According the USDA, the average adult should eat 3 cups of veggies every day. The easiest way to substantially increase your fruit and vegetable intake is to drink smoothies. And we’re not talking the sugar-packed, artificial junk […]

A Simple CRP Test Could Predict Your Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke

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How one simple CRP blood test can spot inflammation that leads to heart attack and stroke

Going for your annual checkup can be stressful experience because it’s one of those tests that you can’t study for. If your diet isn’t that great, those blood and urine tests will rat you out in no time. But what about the important stuff, like your risk for heart attack or stroke? A traditional annual […]

Natural Weight Loss: How Brown Fat Helps You Lose Weight

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It’s common for many to vilify body fat, show you blobs of gelatinous goo only to make you feel guilty for even thinking about that piece of cake you had last night. But that’s not the whole “fat” story.  When it comes to fats,  some don’t realize is that not all fat is the enemy. […]

How to Treat Stretch Marks on Teens

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Stretch marks which is also known as striae are not just for the mature, it can also affect teenagers too. It occurs when the skin is stretched beyond its capacity. And because teenagers are growing, not just growing, but at a fast rate, there is the tendency for stretch marks to occur. That is why […]

Coconut Oil: Good, Bad, or Undecided?

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Over the years, the media and medical experts have really put the screws to coconut oil while a lot of island people, like my Dad, just laughed. He grew up eating natural, pure coconut oil, the fresh non-processed kind, so he felt that medicine was a little slow. So here are some of the reasons why […]

Losing Weight For Good Is Not Easy… Here’s Why

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Losing Weight For Good Is Not Easy... Here's Whyes

It’s not as easy as it may seem to lose weight for good. I mean, losing weight is hard as is, but usually when you lose some, it comes back, and more! The reason behind it is simple. People usually want to achieve a specific goal, like lose 5, 10, 20 pounds or more. And […]

What is at the core of all self improvement techniques?

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There are numerous new age self help techniques that are all viable on their own. From NLP, hypnosis, subliminal or binaural beats, positive affirmations to meditations and music therapy. When you know how and why most of them work, it is easy to conclude they all have one common denominator. The Common Denominator The common […]

Has Dieting Made You Temporarily Crazy and Permanently Heavy?

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Dieting isn’t fun. If  you want to lose weight you’ve probably found that being on a diet, trying a new diet plan, eating special foods, avoiding the foods you crave is stressful and miserable. But according to doctors, “eating less and exercising more” is the only way to lose weight. Considering the paucity of research […]

Is Your Weight Problem Caused By Abuse?

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Overweight and obesity are in the news every day with claims that over 60% of people have a weight problem. Overweight people are blamed for causing their own weight issues. They’re blamed for eating too much, not exercising enough, not having enough discipline to stay on a diet. The fact is the 95% of all […]

Using Hypnosis for Weight Loss

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Using Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Welcome to the page that can explain to you how to use hypnosis for weight loss, especially if you are looking to gain that extra willpower to motivate yourself to lose the weight for the last time and change your attitude towards food. Most of you likely gain weight on and off, because the diets […]