Revealed: A Fool Proof Way to Teach Google What Your Page Is About And Where It Should Rank!

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James Martell
You’ll receive money making advice and actionable tips and strategies directly from James Martell when you subscribe to his weekly podcast by email, RSS feed or iTunes. You can also follow James on Twitter. Recognized as a leading expert in affiliate marketing training, James is the host of the "Affiliate Marketers SUPER BootCamp", and host of the "Affiliate Buzz", the first ever and longest running podcast for affiliate marketers in the industry. A sought-after speaker, James has presented at Commission Junction University, Affiliate Summit, The System Seminar, Digital River Lab, Pubcon, Affcon, and more. Google+ James Martell
James Martell
James Martell
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Quality is of the highest importance to Google. There’s no question that your websites should be of the highest quality. It’s even more important to Google that your backlinks, the pages that link back to you, also be of the highest quality.

Once upon a time, Google depended heavily upon the number of backlinks, whether of good, bad, or so-so quality, to come up with rankings. This is no longer the case. This expectation was relatively easily manipulated and the search results were often loaded with irrelevant results.

Fast forward to today.

Google does still look at the number of backlinks to determine ranking, but much more importantly they evaluate the *quality* of the pages where those backlinks reside. They look at things such as the quality of the content, page importance (backlinks, PageRank, etc.), and relevance to the pages they are outbound linking to. They also look at things such as anchor text.

What Is Anchor Text?

Simply put, anchor text is a keyword, or keyword phrase that links to another website. It’s most often those little blue links you see embedded in a page of content. And if you use anchor text correctly you can actually teach Google what your page is about, and better, exactly which keyword phrases you would like your page to rank for in the results.

And selecting the anchor text (aka keyword phrases) you would like to page to rank for in the results is not nearly as complicated as many make it out to be.

I’ll give you an example…

…if you have a page on your site that is about earning extra income online“, I would suggest getting a couple dozen *quality* backlinks linking to your page using that exact phrase “earning extra income online”. I would also suggest that you can take it much farther by developing a list relevant keywords you would also like to see your page for in the search results:

  • earn extra income
  • earn extra money

You could assume they want to earn it online:

  • earn extra income online
  • earn extra income on the Internet
  • earn extra money online
  • earn extra money on the Internet

You could of course assume they’ll be working on their computer:

  • earn extra
    income on my computer
  • earn extra income on computer
  • earn extra money on my computer
  • earn extra money on computer

You could assume they want to earn it from home:

  • earn extra income at home
  • earn extra income from home
  • earn extra money at home
  • earn extra money from home

You could add words to the front of the keyword phrases:

  • ways to earn extra income online
  • how to earn extra income on my computer

You can scramble it up:

  • how to earn money on my computer
  • ways to earn income online from home

You can then add another word into the mix and create another whole list. For example, if you changed the word “earn” to “money” you would end up with an entirely new list:

  • make extra income
  • make extra money

You could assume they want to earn it online:

  • make extra income online
  • make extra income on the Internet

There’s truly no end to it.

And the purpose of the exercise is two-fold. One to show you how easy it is to use a little common sense to develop a list of keywords that you could link to your page. And two, why there’s no need to use the same keyword phrase over and over again.

It gets better. Google quickly sees all of these keyword rich anchor text links pointing back to your page about “earning extra income online”. In addition to seeing these “votes” from other webmasters who thought enough of your page to link to it — Google will also begin to rank your page for these exact same keyword phases once you have enough backlinks in place.

It gets even better. Google will also rank you for all kinds of variations of those same keywords as they begin to trust your page and as they begin to determine what your page is really about.

And the very good news is doesn’t matter at all what page you’re promoting on your site – whether it’s earning extra income online, your e-book on gluten-free cooking, work at home income opportunities, or premium WordPress themes – the exact same strategy works no matter what you’re selling or promoting.

I’d love to hear your comments.