There is a difference between being ‘lazy’ and ‘productive laziness’. I have come across both types in the DoFollow Blog Community.
I came across the concept of DoFollow Blog Commenting about 4 months ago. At the time I had high hopes for the approach. The idea is simple. You leave positive comments on people’s Blogs that are in the same market niche as you. They reciprocate and leave a comment on your Blog.
The trick to making your commenting work is to change your Blog to DoFollow. You do this via a plug-in usually. This means that the people commenting benefit from a ‘bacllink’ to their Blog. The more back links the better for their SEO. In general the approach has worked for me I now have a PR3 Blog.
Finding Blogs to comment on
The ComLuv Network seemed an ideal vehicle for finding Blogs to comment on and their WordPress Plug-in makes commenting by visitors easy. I set out a commenting policy that said if you leave a sensible comment I will approve it and you will benefit from a backlink.
First month things were fairly positive few if any spammy comments got through. Then the fun started. Let’s look at each category of Lazy Blogger.
The Really Lazy Blogger
This Blogger does one of two things. They set up some kind of script that looks for Blogs with keywords. Then believe this or not the comment it leaves is the title of your post. Actually this Blogger borders on dumb. Only unmoderated Blogs accept this type of comment. Closely following is the Blogger who ‘farms’ out their commenting for about 50 cents a comment. Then you get the same comment 4 or 5 times on 4 or 5 different posts. They never monitor the work they have farmed out and probably only care about their Blog and it’s rankings. They also never respond to comments you leave on their Blog.
The Clever Lazy Blogger
This Blogger realizes that automatically creating thousands of links will annoy other Bloggers. However they also lack the time to create thousands by hand. What to do? They cleverly realize there are two key things to improving your PR – Relevance + Authority. Establish authority by publishing content demonstrating you know what you are talking about. Also leave good comments on high PR DoFollow Blogs in your niche because by definition Google sees them as important. I comment on 2 Blogs a day, sometimes I miss a day, However I do comment several days a week. I always reply to meaningful comments on my Blog.
Since I began my strategy of being a clever lazy Blogger my PR has gone from 1 to 3 and I have less total links to my domain than many people with the same PR. My Alexa traffic rank has gone from 1.5M to 352k. A rise of 1.2M places in 4 months.
Yes you can get to high PR, but..
So, yes you can get to high PR with lots of spammy comments to unmoderated Blogs. You can also get the same results using a targeted commenting approach.
Which type of Bloggers would you want your business to be known as?
Twitter: GrowMap
I am so glad you are a “clever” commentators and not one of those other goofs. I am so incredibly tired of spammers especially since I’m testing not using Akismet.
I have a list of DoFollow CommentLuv KeywordLuv blogs by niche in my Keywordluv post that can “introduce” you to others who will welcome your comments.
I also have DoFollow KeywordLuv Twitter List and a Dofollow CommentLuv Twitter List. Anyone who has a blog that qualifies just has to leave a comment in that KeywordLuv post to be added.
I look forward to seeing you around the community.
GrowMap´s recent blog post ..Akismet Deletes Comments Bloggers NEVER SEE!
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Thanks for the kind words. I will make sure I am following you on Twitter and also visit your Blog. I will also look at you post on Askimet because I have had similar suspicions about it.
Andrew Peel
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What Is The FamousBloggers ComLuv Internet Cash Contest?
Twitter: kikolani
How did I miss out on getting on the KeywordLuv list?
I think Twitter changed their URL structure – this is the KeywordLuv list and the CommentLuv list.
Kristi´s recent blog post ..Strengthen Your Article Marketing With CommentLuv Links
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I think they are lists maintained by another Blogger.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What is the 75 principle of success
Twitter: GrowMap
I don’t know Kristi but you’re on there now. Be sure to tell me any time you notice I have forgotten anyone.
GrowMap´s recent blog post ..Akismet Configuration- How to Turn Off Akismet Automatic Comment Deletion
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Nice to see it was resolved.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to CAPTCHA quality comments
Twitter: hussybrighton
Thanks for the list, I never thought of using twitter for SEO research. I assume the way I use the keyword list is to go to the profiles of the people on the list and then find a link back to their website?
Twitter: ditesco
I am definitely the “clever” type although I have to admit that in my early stages I was kinda “lazy” to comment and was only being selfish. Little did I know that at that time I was hurting myself more than the approach I am doing today. I comment often but not on hundreds of blogs. Maybe I’ll reciprocate and there are few that I always visit when there is a new post. One thing though is that I only leave meaning comments (at least I think I do).
DiTesco´s recent blog post ..WordPress Thelonious Version 3.0 Released
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
So we seem to have learned the same lesson, quality over quantity counts every time.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What Is The FamousBloggers ComLuv Internet Cash Contest?
QUALITY! While the backlink is ultimately what we’re after, lets not forget that these places or content we create (blog, articles, press releases…ect) will also drive traffic. Let’s drive more then the Google spiders to our sites If you slapping content out just to get a backlink then you losing out on the free traffic you can drive just from your content piece or related site your linking from. Why get a link on a dog grooming site if you want to promote fast cars? No possible traffic at all from the dog grooming site, so all you got was a backlink…better to maximize your linking efforts imo. I completely agree with Andrew…Quality will win every time!
Twitter: FamousBloggers
Actually you do leave a lot of meaning (at least for me -:)
FamousBloggers´s recent blog post ..Thesis Theme Tutorial: Customize WP Author Archive Page
I just came across this comluv on a couple of other blogs while I was looking for blogs to leave comments on.
I too will only approve comments on my own blog if they are decent comments and relate to the topic and contribute to the conversation.
I think I will put comluv on my blog and see how I go.
Sheryl´s recent blog post ..Chicken Patties with Baby Bel Cheese
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I would defintely say self moderating comments is the way to go unless you are getting way to many to cope with.
It is common for me to to have to moderate between 15 and 20 comments. Because many people are lazy commenters most end up in the trash. But there are some nuggets that really shine so I think the work is worth it.
Thanks for commenting.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to write a Blog comment that always end up in the trash-
Twitter: bizchickblogs
That’s definitely a great strategy for increasing PR. But if you are new in the community and you want to build a network, you don’t necessarily need to skip over low PR blogs.
Tia – BizChickBlogs´s recent blog post ..Proud Sister
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Goof point and I fo comment on low PR Blogs when I find them of interest. I simply adopted this approach on the basis that if Google sees the site as an anuthority site then a link from it is worth many automated links.
I suppose the main message in my post is many things can be achieved successfully by focusing on quality over content.
Thanks for taking the time to comment Tia
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What Is The FamousBloggers ComLuv Internet Cash Contest?
Twitter: torontodentist1
Well done Andrew!
Over the past month I’ve started doing exactly what you’ve said. The only hard part is finding others in my industry who have blogs and understand the game of reciprocal commenting. Looks I’m a little ahead of the curve, but that’s not a bad thing.
Toronto Dentist´s recent blog post ..Dental Sins and Dentists to Avoid – Pain Exploiters II
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
In social media marketing being ahead of the curve is a good thing. Because believe me when the heavy hitting ‘gurus’ move in they give away to the world what works. They usually have the capital and the marketing contacts to cross polinate their launches. They essentially use the Joint Venture approach which has been proved to be successdful.
Thanks for commenting
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to write a Blog comment that always end up in the trash-
Twitter: benwaynet
Very good post. I’ve been trying to spend more time commenting on commmentluv blogs, but I haven’t seen an increase of backlinks using the Yahoo site explorer. How do you track your backlink increase, to monitor the comments from commentluv?
benwaynet´s recent blog post ..Send you data center to the clouds
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I have found more ComLuv sites tend to be DoFollow whereas as those in the DoDollow say they are however when you check them using the Search Status plugin for Firefox they are all no follow.
I have a spreadsheet and enter the URL of the comments page for the post. As I usually do two or three times a day it’s no chore and can be kept in a Google Docs spreadsheet.
I go back a week later and if there is no comment from me I red list that Blog. I reckon a week is long enough to moderate a comment. So they have either ‘spammed’ me or failed to moderate.
I have no firm figures, however I will now add an extra column to my spreadsheet. It’s just that as I mainly focus on ComLuv Blogs the back links must be coming from there in the main.
I use Market Samurai every two days to track the rank SEO of my key phrases.
Thanks for the question.
Andrew Peel´s recent blog post ..How can a Blog spam filter be loosing you customers?
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I use a spreadsheet to log my comments, I will now add a column to record whether the Blog is ComLuv. However most of the quality sites I visit are ComLuv therefore my backlinks must in the main be Com Luv.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How can a Blog spam filter be loosing you customers?
Twitter: lambdakennels1
That is a good idea. I forget where I left comments and then don’t go back and look at them again. Writing them down will help.
stephaniesuesansmith´s recent blog post ..ComLuv-FamousBloggers Contest Benefits Garden Bloggers
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I find my Comment Log indispensible. I can keep track of where I have commented. Then I can see where they have failed to appear. I can then choose to contact the Blogger and ask if my comment caused offence and if so say none was intended.
Glad the tip was usaful.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to CAPTCHA quality comments
Twitter: iroko247
I do support using automation in commenting but starting out with commenting would certainly require quantity rather than quality and most blog that gone high in PR are now making commenting a nofollow thing and so many in order to block spam and developing draconian kind of commenting policy, do you still think the 2 blog comment is feasible and in the best interest of the blogosphere?
Ewealths´s recent blog post ..Get Comments That SAY Something!
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
The short answer is 2 comments a day must work because it’s worked for me. Blocking spam is nothing to do with DoFollow or NoFollow. I have my Blog set to moderate before publishing comments. I wait until say 10PM then I go through my comments. People who are trying to spam get marked as spam, rubbish ones get trashed and the quality one’s get published.
I have my comment policy link on my sidebar so their is no excuse for rubbish comments.
Automating comments is in my opinion lazy and a dis-service to the Blogger who took the time to write the Blog.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How can a Blog spam filter be loosing you customers?
Wow! All I wanted to do was write, and maybe SOMEBODY read it…but I’m hopelessly sucked in, and confused! Thanks for the info…I’m going to have to research some of the info within the info…sad!
Angie´s recent blog post ..6 Degrees of Separation? The Director and a Family
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Actually that is the best reason for doing a Blog. Write to your market and aim to be the best Blogger in your niche. People will find you.
Commenting is a specific strategy that does need to be planned otherwise you can end up spending all your time commenting as opposed to running your business.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How can a Blog spam filter be loosing you customers?
I try to do the same thing, two or three comments a day. Like you, I am not a PR snob. If the post is interesting, I leave a comment, if not, I don’t. Doesn’t matter what their PR ranking is. Also, shouldn’t we be helping the new people?
BestWicklessCandles´s recent blog post ..Scentsy Bars, Scents of Summer
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Yep agree with all you have said.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How can a Blog spam filter be loosing you customers?
Twitter: jmpruitt75
This is a great post thanks. One thing that I have struggled with on commenting is having the time to do it properly. There are just so many things to do, and only a few hours in the day to get it all done.
If you really get into it,you can spend hours commenting on blogs. Thanks for the heads up. I will try to focus on 2 blogs a day. Now, does that mean you post on 2 posts, or do you post on multiple posts within that blog? Looking forward to your insight.
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I personally post about three times a week because it’s linked to my Aweber list and more than that would be spammy except if something special comes up.
Commenting I search a broader version of my target key phrases in ComLuv search engine and look for likely candidates.
When you think you have to read and the thoughtfully respond to a post and record it in your log you are talking 10 mins. a comment nearly. So 2 – 3 comments is 30 minutes work each evening in my case. That’s out of maybe 3 – 4 hours work time in the evening so it’s 25% of your time.
Now you see why quality counts. Because for every comment you fail to get accepted that’s wasted earning time.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How can a Blog spam filter be loosing you customers?
Twitter: lambdakennels1
I never realized that some comments were automated. I need to get out more . I struggle with overwhelm in learning all the things I need to do to succeed as a blogger, writer, photographer. Something concrete like leaving two comments a day is helpful because it cuts the overwhelm down. I will try to do that from now on. Thanks for a good article.
stephaniesuesansmith´s recent blog post ..Multiflora Rose in Bloom
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
There are probably two types of automated commenting. Both use a plug-in or a script to simpy look for posts with key words in. They then leave a pre-prepared message. They are really quite useless because people are getting wise to them. The only people who gain are the people who sell them to you.
Thanks for commenting and glad you found it useful.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What Is The Alternative For The UK Public Sector?
I wish more people would take the ‘smart’ lazy way – You can do less work with better results. It’s like the old adage says – Work smarter, not harder!
perumom´s recent blog post ..More Visitors from ‘the North’
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Thanks for the kind words. I think part of my approach comes from my Project Management background where the ‘smart’ approach leads to success.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What Is The Alternative For The UK Public Sector
Twitter: BasicBlogTips
Hi Andrew,
First I want to wish you good luck in the contest.
Personally, I would need to go on a serious diet in order to comment on only 2 blogs a day! But don’t mind me, I’m one of those crazy dedicated bloggers that spends hours at the computer trying to “perfect” my craft – oh who am I kidding? I’m just addicted to blogging. Do they have BA (bloggers anonymous) yet?
CommentLuv makes my blogging fix that much sweeter!
Ileane´s recent blog post ..SEO for WordPress via Stephan Spencer on
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Firstly thanks for taking time in your busy commenting schedule to comment and wish me luck:)
I have always worked on the 80/20 rule – that’s why I am a ‘lazy’ Blogger. Productive laziness accepts that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Then you spend 80% of your time being unproductive because you are dealing with the 20% of things that are hard.
Again it’s my project management background coming out – whenever I see a manager very busy and no time to see his/her staff I think ‘they need to learn productive laziness’.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What Is The Alternative For The UK Public Sector
Twitter: sbttraining
Thanks for the tips – will have to rethink. We had our blog comments set as dofollow but then changed it as got worried this would dilute the “juice” of our internal links. What do you think? Also got worried about linking to dodgy sites and accidentally letting a spammy site filter through.
I do like the keywordluv plug in though – a good way to both reward commentators and to stop the comments feed looking spammy.
p.s. as you mentioned you have project management experience, you may be interested in our recent blog post on top iphone apps for PMs

Natasha´s recent blog post ..Keeping Project Management straightforward when freelancing
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Thanks for the comment because it gives me the chance to clarify a few things.
You can have a DoFollow Blog set up in one of two ways. With or without strong spam filters. In addition I would always set up a DoFollow Blog with comment moderation. This is usually a little tick box that says comments will not be published until they are approved.
I have become aware that one of the most popular WordPress Spam Filters is in my opinion seriously flawed. It stops legitimate comments getting through. This happens when another Blogger reports that person as a Spammer to Askinet.
The problem is there is no agreed definition of SPAM. So you could end up of Askimet’s Blacklist and never know.
I prefer the self moderated route. Some days I have 30 comments to moderate. However as I have a link to my Comment Policy where people make a comment there is no excuse for them to try to abuse it.
About 95% of the comments are clearly from people too lazy to comment themselves. They farm the work out for a couple of cents a comment and consequently the comments are awful.
These 95% simply end up in the trash with the click of a mouse. The rest I always reply to and thank for commenting.
So it’s really a question of choice however DoFollow and how to moderate comments are separate issues. DoFollow encourages more interaction with other serious Bloggers other than just comments.
Andrew Peel´s recent blog post ..How to use the web to tap into new markets
Great post, I never really thought about the different Blogging models.
I accidentally fell into the ‘Clever Lazy Blogger’ model and glad I did.
There is always more to learn
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I am glad you were able to pick up a technique which I hope will work for you.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..The Only Successes In Business Are Failures
KeywordLuv!! Blogs should come standard with it, thanks!!
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I agree the issue is I think a lot of people have a ‘lack of’ attitude. They focus on getting backlinks to their Blog. They forget that givers gain this is an appreciation mentality. The more you appreciate others the more they will appreciate you.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to CAPTCHA quality comments
Twitter: prfuller
Hello Andrew
I like your idea “targeted commenting approach”
Quality over quantity
Luv the concept and I apply it every day
Thanks Andrew!
Peter Fuller MBA´s recent blog post ..Support my entry to the Famousbloggers ComLuv contest
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Pleased to find a like minded soul and that the approach is working working for you.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What is the 75 principle of success
Thanks for sharing Andrew…
You taught me something very useful, I’ll be sure to apply it.
Team Sales Training´s recent blog post sales training
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Pleased to hear that. If I can offer a piece of advice that may help your comments. Sign up for a Gravatar if you prefer to avoid using a personal picture using a logo is fine. People like to know who they are dealing with and a picture helps them trust you.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What is the 75 principle of success
Twitter: z3olyte
My blog is still in its early stage and there came a point where I made a lazy blog post… even in commenting. It kind of felt bad compared to the other posts I did where I put a lot of effort and time in it especially if my ideas are my own. Then I realized I had my first writer’s block. I thought only artists have it, which I also am.
z3olyte´s recent blog post ..“Breakout” Tap Tap Revenge 3 FC video
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Writers Blog hits all Blogger I think. One thing I do is follow some advice I got from the Ezine Artiles newsletter. Have an headline brainstorling session and then save the headlines in a Word Document. Then when you do get writers block you can refer back to the document.
Thanks for commenting and sharing you thoughts with us.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..What is the 75 principle of success
Twitter: tltconsulting
I am new to commenting but it has started to make sense in so many ways. Beyond the SEO benefits, it has started to feel polite to comment. I read voraciously to learn and when someone like yourself really educates me in a great post, it seems the proper edicate to thank and acknowledge the information as useful. So thanks.
Terry Tiessen´s recent blog post ..My Problogger 7 Link Challenge 7Links
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Nice to hear from you and I am glad you have been encouraged to comment.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to CAPTCHA quality comments
Twitter: shunshifu
Here’s a quick backlink for anyone reading this. I just installed the drupal version of comment luv on my site. Click through the link to my most recent blog post and follow the directions in the last two lines.
This site has some really hi authority sites linking to it and should be high PR soon.
Plus it will build you some nice Karma points
shunshifu´s recent blog post ..Were Now Part of the First Ladys Apps for Healthy Kids
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I used to use Drupal however found WordPress easier. Pleased to see Com Luv there are as well
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to CAPTCHA quality comments
i still prefer self-moderating my blogs..i feel kinda better
kunal bhatt´s recent blog post ..Thursday- July 22- 2010
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I would agree self moderating is better as you know where your legitimate comments are.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to track your budget
Twitter: freebesthealth
I fully with the observations of different bloggers made in this article. It is really difficult to sustain and maintain the speed and frequency of good quality backlinks. I have yet not got solved my problem why different number of backlinks are shown by different sites like google, or yahoo, or msn. Further in spite of doing new links every day, hundred of links are disappering every day- what is this.
The only best way i have seen is links of high pr forums like – digital point forum. those are the best .
Twitter: sulynsi
Hi Andrew,
I am really enjoying your blog, but I am concerned I am not doing what you ask because I really don’t understand Twitter.
Could you walk me through that step? I do have a Twitter account, and I would like to start utilizing what I think is its power.
I appreciate the information on commenting on blogs. It has been an issue I have been researching and you explained it so nicely.
I like what you say about quality comments. It doesn’t take THAT long to say something sincere, and I would much rather do a good job and take a little longer to be known. When I become known (I hope) I won’t have to be ashamed of my work!
Susan´s recent blog post ..Work From Home – Other Ideas
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I will write a post on using Twitter similar to the use of commenting. It will be my next post in fact.
The comment you have written here is a quality comment. This is because you have continued the conversation. A good comment thread should consist of comments that expand on the subject (you demonstrate your experience), challenge the author’s views appropriately (again demonstrating knowledge) or asking questions (seeking knowledge).
Twitter is somewhat of a minefield to use because different people use it for different things. I will cover the generally accepted approaches.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How to fish for leads
Twitter: sulynsi
Thank you Andrew, I look forward to reading that.
I am relieved that I’m doing it correctly!
sulynsi´s recent blog post ..Eureka Moments – Working From Home
The thing that matters is consistency. You have to be really consistent when building content or links to your blog. It really adds up after a long time period if you build both daily and never stop.
marissa´s recent blog post ..Prinsessa
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I would say you have hit the nail on the head. Consistency of action is the to success in anything.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..Even better ways to get a Blog comment trashed
What i believe in whenever I comment the comment should be meaningful and just not be posted becz you want backlinks. Using High PR blogs for ranking and SEO is cool but still many lazy bloggers might goof it up by first finding these blogs but then posting some meaningless comment out there and maybe labelled as spam or maybe even banned. So one should be really careful on what he/she is commenting about.
abhishek´s recent blog post ..Indian Independence Day!!
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
I totoally agree in fact fundamental to my strategy is leaving meaningful comments.
Look at it this way. Most Blogs with high PR are run by experienced Bloggers. Therefore if you leave a nonesense comment there is no reason for them to approve it because it lowers the quality of their Blog.
This is why I moderate EVERY comment on my Blog.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..Scary words
Twitter: benwaynet
I have two sites one is a PR2, the other PR0

The PR0 gets about 10x the traffic and most of that from google. I think its because I sell inlinks and google doesn’t like that. Oh well, I’m blogging how I want to not how google wants me to and I’m still getting decent traffic
I do run commvluv on both sites, comments are the one thing I’d love to increase on both sites.
benwaynet´s recent blog post ..The best USENET Provider
Twitter: TheAvgGenius
Thanks for the reply. My home blog here is really good in Alexa, from May to now, simply thru ComLuv.
The PR thing, though, isn’t really concerning. I have PR 0 and PR n/a micro niche sites in spot #1 in Google and making me $, actually out-ranking Wikipedia, Amazon, and the main competitors for my terms (including the affiliate company).
So it’s a secondary metric, only one piece of SEO pie, but thanks for the tip: I’m sure you’re spot on, and I hope you don’t take that as rude (not trying to be, but still working on that morning cuppa).
JamestheJust on Elance´s recent blog post ..Plan For Making Sales Online During Christmas Shopping
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Great comment and I agree PR is only one piece of the pie. The time it becomes important is when you are in a more competitive niche. A friend of mine managed to get a Blog to top spot against .edu .gov and .org by carefully targetted keywords.
In his case relevance was importanr because of the existing ranking sites. The trick is to know when PR is important. I find Market Samurai is very good at this type of SEO competition analysis.
Andrew Peel
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How do you tell people you are an author
Twitter: TheAvgGenius
That makes 100% perfect sense, since I’ve only targeted the low hanging fruit! Niche marketing is that way, but now I’m branching my business out into more competitive markets and terms, just to see how that goes.
On Market Samurai, what are the parameters that it will search?
I’ve been using SEO Quake, SEO for Firefox, and the SEO PowerSuite download – all very good.
I’d think that would be a better investment ($250 for 4 different tools: Rank Tracker, WebSite Auditor, Link Assistant and SEO SpyGlass) – for $100 more.
But curious about Market Samurai – besides looking at traffic volumes, what does it analyze?
theaveragegenius´s recent blog post ..Plan For Making Sales Online During Christmas Shopping
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
In my opnion Market Samurai is a must for the heavy lifting of Keyword Research. Two simple reasons. It’s Adobe AIR based so updates are frequent and bugs dealt with quickly. Number 2 is the sheer quality of the free training videos on their Blog is second to none and you can download a PDF of the presentation. They even encourage you to download the videos.
More info can be found here
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How do you tell people you are an author
Twitter: shokthx
I’ve found that using CommentLuv or dofollow has very little to do with if you get spam or not. I had spam before I even added dofollow and other plugins.
I think it is worse that you put it in the post. I doubt that some of the spam is by people who can even read the posts. It’s fairly easy to spot. Then there are those that almost read it.
And then there are the spambots.
All this has made me come to the point of making sure that when I do comment on another blog, I make sure that it is clear I read the post and that I am adding to the conversation.
James´s recent blog post ..Blogger VS WordPresscom – Which Is A Better Free Blog
Twitter: commentluv
you’ve got it exactly James. Most spammers (and especially spambots) don’t read the post properly, they just use a couple of the words that appear in the post and put them in their comment.
thanks for visiting!
Interesting article. I am looking at ways of increasing engagement on my site and came across the idea of using CommentLuv. The key question for me, regardless of using if for links to your own site, does installing it bring more “real” readers and conversation? Is there a greater conversion rate / more sales from the traffic, or is it mostly just more people that are not really interested in your product, just your comments?
Jon´s recent blog post ..How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week
Twitter: commentluv
I for one believe it brings in real visitors. the whole point is to build a community around your own blog by showing commenters that they can have a link back to their latest blog post in the comment, when you click these links from your own site and leave comments on their site then that’s how the community builds. As you get used to doing it, you get more and more people that come and visit you.
people will see your comments with links on other peoples sites so they’ll be interested in your posts if they click through to your site.
Twitter: theinspiredself
This is very useful information.I am fairly new to the blogging sphere. In the short time that I have been blogging I have come to realize that there are some sites that offer superficial traffic that amount to nothing real in the end. If fact, I spend more time dropping cards that may or may not lead to any true following. In the end, I am more interested in building a community of individuals who have an interest in expanding their horizon.
neferiti´s recent blog post ..The Power of Perception
Twitter: wbaker123
Great advice. I have been trying to figure out the best way to use blog commenting for SEO purposes and I would like to learn from your methods. I plan to study the advice in your post as well as the comments in more detail. Thanks!
Wayne Baker´s recent blog post ..The Time Is Right For The Kidco BabySteps Electric Food Mill
Twitter: wbaker123
This is great advice. I have been trying to figure out the best way to use blog commenting for SEO purposes and I will definitely be trying to learn from your methods. I will be studying your post and the comments in more detail. Thanks!
Wayne Baker´s recent blog post ..The Time Is Right For The Kidco BabySteps Electric Food Mill
Excellent advice. This idea of automatically sending out loads of comments will only hurt you in the long run. I suppose the key to all this is patience, patience patience!
Joseph Condron´s recent blog post ..The Best Television Series Of The 90′s
Because of commentluv, we don’t need to use keywords on our name because our last blog post will usually be parsed after dropping a comment line. We all do blog commenting; either we do this to gain backlinks or we do this because we like the post, I might sound as a lier if I say that I am only commenting because I like your post. But the thing is, I do blog commenting with passion and to gain virtual friends while farming for link juice of course
I agree with with you on this “targeted commenting formula”. Some of my blogs receive so many comments just from spam but thank God for Askimet.
It’s better to use this form of commenting and it is also a great way to build a readership by having this on your site..
Oxbow Herald´s recent blog post ..Gorilla Trekking through the Rainforest
Twitter: iphonegossip
I’ve never heard of cumluv, and came across your article after looking for tips for better commenting (as you can probably see I’m a bit of a novice!). Definitely worth consideration, thanks for the article.
Geoff Rogers´s recent blog post ..Google’s Android now has more free apps than Apple’s iPhone – TechSpot
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Interesting comment as I am clearly a him as opposed to a her. Need to think about that one.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How can a Blog spam filter be loosing you customers?
Twitter: TheAvgGenius
Andrew – great news on your ComLuv experiment. A little further up “kikolani” made a comment – oh my, her EzineArticle, HubPage and other properties on ComLuv — VERY informative articles!
And this one as well – thanks for posting it. I’ve had a similar experience, though with my IM blog it’s not exactly PR anything, PR 0 at the moment.
No matter, though – in 3 months time I was able (only thru ComLuv) to ramp up the Alexa.
Still not sure why, but I do have 1200+ backlinks, 98% from ComLuv. Love that!
theaveragegenius´s recent blog post ..SEOPressor And Amazonian Profit Plan Ranking Experiment
Twitter: Andrew_Peel
Thanks for the comment. I would say higher Alexa is good because you are getting more traffic. The way to improve your PR may be the way you use keyphrases when commenting or leaving backlinks. Consistency is the key here because that will improve your relevancy and relevancy plus higher traffic and links from relevant sites = higher PR. I have seen pages with say a PR2 be rated number 1 on Google for their search term. The trick was choosing a relevant keyphrase with little serious competition.
andrewpeel´s recent blog post ..How do you tell people you are an author
Twitter: TheAvgGenius
Oh, BTW, my PR is uber sucky because of my segmentation, link equity, shingling…
Didn’t even know about all of that until recently.
Essentially: I have a blog that leaks link juice like a sieve, and need to consolidate my links and transfer my link equity in a fashion that really crafts PR.
All that I learned from a free plugin:
SEO Ultimate (or Ultimate SEO? I forget)
Free plugin – the white papers function take you to an SEO company in Chicago – and my goodness he’s informative!
theaveragegenius´s recent blog post ..Plan For Making Sales Online During Christmas Shopping