Most people would like to create at least a little revenue from their blog. Whether it’s just a small amount to cover hosting bills or it’s a large amount to enable you to quit your day job, we all want to see some return on our investment. The first step to making money from your blog is […]
Don’t wait for Google: Learn how to get referral traffic to your website
5 Most Useful WordPress Plugins for Bloggers and Freelancers
One of the primary reasons why WordPress is such a popular CMS is its flexibility and simplicity. It offers a huge variety of options, even for users with very basic computer knowledge. WordPress plugins cover almost every need of a webmaster from security and performance to user engagement and sales. This is the reason why […]
What are the different types of Symbols used in Hindu wedding cards?
In Hindu culture, the selection of wedding invitation marks the commencement of the marriage celebration. These cards contain all the basic information associated with the function and are printed with various religious symbols. The process of sending invitations printed with symbols of Lord Ganesha, OM and Mangal Ghat to guests form an essential part of […]
5 Steps to Get the Maximum Benefit From Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is one of the most frequently discussed and advocated content marketing strategies these days. Every blogging forum and community is full of posts highlighting the benefits of guest blogging. However, many bloggers never really make enough planned effort in order to get the maximum benefit out of their guest posts. This is why […]
17 Most Effective Traffic Pulling Strategies For 2014 Bloggers
Expanding Your Solo Startup Without Breaking the Bank (or the Law)
It starts with something small: a passion-fueled blog, a consulting contract, a few freelance gigs. If you’re lucky, you build up some momentum and see opportunities to build something bigger. With those opportunities come greater responsibility, and individuals are often ill-equipped to handle such a workload by themselves. There comes a point when expanding a […]
Time Is Running Out! Apply These Tips To Improve your Blogging Productivity
No matter how hard we try, sometimes we will end up wasting time. As bloggers, we had to be productive to achieve our desired goals. But at times we tend to procrastinate; we unnecessarily forward our tasks, sometimes we waste time staring at a blank computer screen thinking what to write, sometimes we waste time […]
Get Comments That SAY Something!
When I first started my blog, I assumed that my very first post would magically be noticed by the Internet gods and I would receive several insightful comments right off the bat. I cannot begin to tell you how wrong I was. A month went by before I received my first comment. Sure, my very first […]