If you’re like many married couples who have debt from things like student loans, the purchase of a new vehicle, or just bad decisions with credit cards, then before you welcome the pitter-patter of little feet you’ll need to make great strides in improving your financial status. New babies change the dynamics of the family […]
Soup for the Soul: Healing Through Holistic Approaches
5 Reasons Why I Shop And Buy Online
Women entrepreneurs and the upside of a down economy
If you run a woman-owned company and you’ve successfully navigated it through the downturn and into an anemic, but hopeful recovery, you’ve earned some bragging rights. That you kept the doors open means that you made tough calls under great pressure and you’re truly lean as a firm. Now, as you position yourself to capitalize […]
Extreme Penny-Pinching: 5 Signs You’re Being Obsessively Frugal
Whether by nature or circumstance, today there is a diverse and extensive movement of people taking up a frugal lifestyle. Extreme saving has become a much celebrated ideal. But sometimes all the virtues that come with simple living and resource conservation are at odds with a person’s unhealthy attitudes and tendencies. If ignored, these supposedly […]
3 Lighting Tips for Photographers
The Photographers Challenge As a photographer you should always be looking for the best way to capture images. Your experience as a photographer, combined with your artistic abilities should are your strongest allies in finding new and effective ways to take photographs. Lighting – A Photographers Best Friend One of the most important areas of […]
What in the World?
The world is a beautiful place full of different smells, sounds and tastes. There are big people, small people, and some that are in between. Many believe in certain things; others don’t believe in anything. These differences help to make the world beautiful. Unfortunately , people choose to conform and refuse to savor the beauty […]
Fun Facts About The Summer’s Worldwide Stage
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee starts on the first full week of June in 2012 – and London will certainly be busy, since the summer Olympics begin in July. People worldwide will be heading to London this summer for vacation and to take part in the festivities. London’s history is centuries old, and there’s much more […]
Express Yourself with Personalized Cards
Sometimes saying, “I love you,” or “I’m proud of you” can be challenging. You might live far away and feel like words cannot adequately express your emotions or maybe the timing is never quite right. Why not share your emotions with a personalized card? From Christmas cards for the big holidays to the pat on the […]
Do Past Decisions Still Haunt You?
Living With Regret Sucks Regret is a waste of time. It directs your attention towards experiences that you would rather forget and, therefore, whenever regret comes around it causes you to live your present moments in the past. The present is all we have, so we might as well keep our full attention on it. […]
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