4 Really Bad Ways to Find Love

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Bellaisa is passionate about having a happy and healthy life, and helping others to do the same. In fact, helping men succeed with women has been one of her most successful and rewarding paths to date. Check out her blog at Attract And Get Women to learn some real secrets about getting the woman you want in a way that creates lasting happiness.
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Find Love Love Potion

Thinking About Making a Love Potion to Help You Find Love?

Ready To Find Love?

Looking for love? If you are then you will be using different strategies to find love like online dating, scoping out the work crowd, checking out friends of friends on facebook, and hanging out at coffee shops to spot that one guy or girl that seems to be exactly what you are looking for. These are all valid ways to find love – but there are other things that you may be trying that could be hurting your chances of finding love.

You may think some of the following ‘find love tactics’ are silly, and you may be right, but that doesn’t mean that they are not popular! There are tons of websites and forums devoted to 3 of them and the last one is so common that I hear about it many times a day. In fact, I’ve tried a few of them myself in my past.

Wishing to Find Love

The law of attraction has become really popular lately. I am a believer in the law of attraction myself, but if you are just sitting around making vision boards and wishing for the love of your life to appear in your lap, then you are going to be sitting around and wishing for a long time!

The law of attraction involves you taking action towards finding your love, not just sitting around and waiting for it. This is why you commonly hear that the universe will supply you with clues or directions to take in order to reach your desires. It shows you the steps you need to take in order to get to where you want. So instead of sitting on your couch staring at your vision board, get out and look for the breadcrumbs from the universe that will lead you to find love.

Advertising For Love on Craigslist or Any Other Classifieds

Yes it’s free, and that may be appealing to a lot of people (all kinds of people), but seriously – advertising on Craigslist is worse than going to a really bad bar. At least at the bar you can see the people you are taking a chance on. On craigslist you have to correspond with someone based off their words. This means that when you see them (or they see you) one of you may be extremely disappointed and let down, and that could lower the other one’s self-esteem. So not only did you waste a whole bunch of time, but now you feel like crap!

Instead spend the money to try online dating. You can see pictures

of people before you have to talk to them. You can find out more than just there little blurb that they decide to share. You can chat online, or on video chat, in a safe environment to really get to know the person before meeting them. Also, online dating requires you to fill in a lot of vital information about yourself that will help others decide whether you are really right for them or not.

And most importantly, you know that everyone on an online dating site is serious about finding love, and that they willing to pay for a service to help them instead of being cheap and advertising themselves alongside furniture. It’s a lot less time wasted and it’s worth the money you pay.

Buying or Making a Love Potion

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just sit around and make potions to get the things we want? Many people are buying into the belief that it works. I saw one love potion that required you to brew the tea on a Friday evening during a full moon and then recite a rhyme that went something like:

By the light of the moon, I brew this tea, to make (the person) fall in love with me!

There’s more to it than that in the chant, but then they tell you that on the following Friday to give the potion to the one you want to love you and they will soon fall in love with you!

Really? I have not seen one case of this working – besides on the movie ‘The Craft. The potion is not what is going to make someone fall in love you with. It’s rather a waste of time don’t you think? It may be fun to do but there are better things you can do with your time to find love than chanting and making tea.

Someone will fall in love with you because of your kindness, compassion, sense of humor or similarity to them. So get out there and show the world your good traits and see what kind of magic you can do with that effort!

Staying Inside Your Comfort Zone

This is probably the worst way to find love. How can you find love when you are stuck doing the same old thing and seeing the same old people? You are never going to meet someone new unless you push your boundaries and experience new things and people.

The more chances you take at finding love the more likely you are to find love soon. Go to the speed dating event in your city. Get online and surf for free on online dating sites. Make your presence known when that hot guy or girl enters the room. Go ahead and break out of your shell and let finding love be a real option for you!

Please feel free to share your tips on how to find love (what works or what doesn’t) in the comments below!