3 Ways to Get Real Comments on Your Blog

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Ovais Mirza
Ovais Mirza is a professional Blogger Providing tips and trick for SEO, PPC, Social Media, Blogging and Affiliate Marketing at Techy Blog and also offering Digital Marketing Training . I do have more than 10 years of experience in Digital marketing and have served so many clients till now.
Ovais Mirza

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blog-commentingI cannot think of anything worse than having a blog without any comments. Comments, feedback and conversations of your blog readers in combination with strong social signals and influences are the lifeblood for the success of any blog.

Newbie bloggers when starting out are always puzzled as to why they’re not getting many comments on their blogs.  The good news is that getting comments doesn’t have to be a complicated assignment, and of course requires several necessities from you as a blogger; you need to always ensure you’re –

  1. Providing awesome content
  2. Adding a meaningful ‘call to action’ at the end of your posts, and I’ll explain why…
  3. Actively engaging on other blogs

Let’s look at these closely.

3 Ways to Get Real Comments on Your Blog

  1. Awesome content always

I’ve always believed that content isn’t king as you know, more over having an active audience and a blog with many conversations is ultimately king for me.  However to make those conversations happen, you need one massive vital ingredient; content and not just any old tripe content, but quality content, resourceful and useful content.

The blogosphere is filled with content of every type, the downside is that there are also thousands of starter bloggers who want to be successful in blogging, but for various reasons are absolutely craps at writing good content.

So check out the following resourceful post for tips on how to create quality content for your

blog –

  1. Adding a call to action

This is notable; I see a lot of newbie bloggers writing great content but at the same time failing to add a simple ‘call to action’ at the end of their post.

Adding a ‘call to action’ is a powerful way to converse with your audience on a personal level, it makes your blog appear more community friendly rather than just another generic content driven type blog.

So, ensure you add something that will encourage your readers to take action in the comments area after reading your awesome post, just add something simple.  Usually I love asking questions about my readers own experiences and whether they have any ideas and suggestions they’d like to add to the topic.  Also whether they agree or disagree with any of the points I’ve made etc.

  1. Actively engaging on other blogs

It’s a pretty simple equation, if you want real topic related comments on your blog; you’ve got to be prepared to comment on other blogs first.

If you have awesome content, added your effective ‘call to action’ then get commenting on other blogs.

Also when someone visits your blog, reads your content and leaves a meaningful comment, make absolute sure you go and visit their blog and do the same, especially if you both have niche related blogs.  This is a great way to establish and build stronger relationships with other bloggers in your community, and you’ll soon find they’ll be commenting on your blog on a regular basis.

Remember, the more meaningful comments you leave on other blogs, the more likely others will visit your blog, so don’t go leaving generic one line comments, leave useful comments.

Now you understand the 3 simple steps to get real comments on your blog, go and implement them and start turning your blog into a conversation magnet.