The Only Guide You Need To Create Quality Content

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Amrik Virdi
Amrik Virdi. Nothing more than a guy who cared enough to try... Visit my blog: My Blog.
Amrik Virdi
Amrik Virdi

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Amrik Virdi
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It’s common sense — quality content makes a blog successful. The structure of the content itself can still vary, from articles to reviews to “how to”s, so “quality” in and of itself does not hinge upon the actual type of post as it does the subject matter.

If you dare to go against the grain of your niche, you should be able to grab some attention. But it’s a complicated process, more complicated than just going against the pact. Quality writing can be divided into a few categories: Technical and Essence.


Quality first and foremost depends on technical capabilities:

1. Improve Your Writing

Typos, spelling errors, and bad grammar, no matter how original your content is, will destroy your post. You lose a lot of credibility as a leader within your niche if you can’t even spell properly or punctuate correctly.

While many people would hire proofreaders for this process, I think you as a blogger (even if you’re not a native English speaker) should take the time to learn proper grammar. Take a class, read a textbook, go through online tutorials, hire a tutor.

This will in the long run make writing a much less time-consuming task, and it makes you a better conveyor of information.

2. Simplify Your Language

For many writers, even English native speakers, a post’s writing can be grammatically perfect but still difficult to follow. This is because the attention span of most readers now is extremely short. Any sort of writing that is unnecessarily long or wordy will be overlooked.

While an academic paper will congratulate you for your wordy language, your readers certainly will not. One of the biggest problems I see is the overuse of prepositional phrases. For example: “Writing should be simplified to make readers want to read our content more for traffic in order to become credible bloggers.” All the times I used “to” or “in order to” or “for,” I

was making the sentence unnecessarily long.

The meaning of the sentence is lost when I pack so much information in there. Break up sentences.


We’re at the heart of quality content. Once you’ve mastered your basic writing skills, you can be more free to put your heart into your posts.

1. Inform your Readers with Fresh Material

Always think: what will be interesting to readers? What should they learn after they’ve read my post? Something should draw your reader to the content itself. If you’re a tech blogger, then maybe your review on the new Nexus will intrigue them. Once they’ve finished reading, they should gain a better understanding of the tablet and know better whether or not they want to buy the product.

Fresh should mean it comes from your own opinions and worldview, not necessarily taken from another blogger. To do this, keep a tab on what other people are saying within your niche.

2. Write about Things that Interest You

Even the most controversial and the “hottest” topics can’t win readers if you yourself are not interested. Readers will know when you put your heart into your writing. You won’t be able to stop writing. You will be putting material in that is truly from your personal experience, and not just a rehashing of what others are saying.

3. Write about Yourself

If you’ve got a good following already, then readers should be pretty interested in you. If you haven’t talked about your own experiences yet, you really should put yourself out there.

Even if you’re just an information blog aimed at educating your readers, you shouldn’t let that hold you back. Write about your life, get a small memoir going through your posts. It makes you more likeable and connected to your readers as not just an informer but as a human being.

So the first step is your writing. Develop your grammar and your language and then start working on your actual content. You should notice that you will start forming your own tone and style in your writing. The content should be fresh, well-informed, and easy to relate to. This will get you a nice readership going and get your reputation in tip-top shape.