Probably if you are a beginner in online business want to make money online from home.
You’re probably asking the following questions: Why do most people still do not work online from home? After a certain period of time of starting an online business, making money online has not been easy.
Well, not to worry, the answer is that you should first think about your customers’ needs or problems, provide a solution to their problems and then the money will flow in.
Creating a website with a few pages, placing advertisements and affiliate links and sitting back to wait for the money is never the way to make money online; you have to write valuable articles that will contribute to what you are promoting before you can impress someone to click on your links.
This is why most folks complain and say that they have 3 to 5 websites but yet they are not making money online from home. And after a couple of months they say there’s no way this thing works.
Tips to make money online from home
Here I present to you a couple of tips to apply in creating a successful internet business that lets you make money online from home in the near future:
a) Research Your Niches: Research various niches carefully before selecting that perfect one on which you have interest in, and probably will help you make money online from home.
Why is this necessary you ask? Well, it’s because you must have knowledge and be passionate about the topic you’re trying to get into, and most important is that the market must be hungry for the information you provide, offering you the chance to make money online from home.
b) Content creation. Knowing the fundamental and important of creating valuable content for your site visitors, and also for SEO is critical to your purpose to make money online from home.
You have to create more valuable content, publishing it on article directories, participating in specific forums etc. Do you really have to do all that? Yes you have to. When you write articles and publish it all over the internet, it lets you establish yourself as an expert on issues, gain the trust of the visitors of the forum or its audience, attracting free traffic directed by search engines, and increase the chance of making money online from home.
c) Add
d) essential requirements. Once your site has at least 40 pages of content and at least 50 visitors a day, which are essential requirements, you can begin to monetize your website, adding advertisements, affiliate links, Google Adsense, and also market your own products or services, and also third, and sales will make it possible to make money online from home.
It makes no sense trying to monetize your site, where your visitors a day do not exceed the sum of 50. Who do you want to sell? Who do you want to buy?
e) Basic actions. Your actions should be focused on creating more valuable content, generating traffic, building your list of subscribers you in the near future will begin to make money online from home.
You must follow the formula that says: “Content – Traffic – Trust – Monetize Traffic” , practically foolproof formula if you have generated valuable content for your site visitors and the search engine rankings.
After some time, the searchers began sending free traffic that will increase steadily as the ability to make money online from home.
f) Provide information. You should provide valuable troubleshooting report. It lets you create a relationship based on trust of your visitors and your customers will be more than happy to do business with you, to buy your own products or third you promote, you should be aware of their recommendations and suggestions, you will increase the possibility of generate more sales and make money online from home.
g) Monetize Traffic. Only now is the right time to monetize traffic to your site, insert Google Adsense advertisements, affiliate links, and sells your products or those of third parties to make money online from home.
Monetization is at last in the process of building your online business. The steps are: create valuable content that generates traffic, gain the confidence of visitors and customers, and only then it makes sense to monetize your website traffic to make money online from home.
If you are a beginner in online business and want to make money online from home , you should take careful note of the suggestions and recommendations you’ve learned by reading this article. Good luck in your endeavour!
Twitter: himanshuk18
Hey Andy could you please tell me some more websites for dofollow links.
Twitter: dhruvbhagat2
Hi Himanshu , you can check out some Commentluv enabled blogs list on Google!
They are mostly do-follow
Twitter: The_ESman
Great tips there, they sound so practical but sad enough a good number of people are not able to make money online.
Viren recently posted..Email Marketing To The Poor: Should You Do It?
Twitter: blogdum
I agree, even getting approved for google adsense is not easy today.
Twitter: gosprich
That’s true Shasha
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: gosprich
Hi Viren, That is very correct. It’s just because they are busy jumping from one money making business to the other. They are not willing to learn what it takes to make money from one business. They simply go into it just because they saw an advert that says “MAKE $1000 IN 7 DAYS WITH JUST 2 HOURS WORK DAILY”.
Online business is just like a regular offline business that requires you to work hard even when nothing seems to be coming.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Good points. Many thanks. Like the style of writing of yours. Of course the topic is not new of How to earn money, but still you’ve managed to present it in quite a fresh way)
Evan recently posted..Top 30 Internet Marketing WordPress Themes 2013
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Evan
Richie David recently posted..9 Tips For Writing An Ad
Twitter: surajramnani
i Agree content is the king…once you are off the initial step of creating quality content.things will go in your favor soon enough
Suraj recently posted..Mission Odysseus in COD Black Ops 2
Twitter: gosprich
Of course Suraj.
Quality content matters
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: lalitabisht21
Thanks for publishing such a good article with awesome tips given. For sure these are some necessary steps that we need to learn when starting an online business.
Lalita Bisht recently posted..How To Successfully Utilise SEO
Twitter: gosprich
You are welcome Lalita
Richie David recently posted..Selling Digital Products Online
Twitter: AAAccidentlaw
Understanding the niche you are going after is so essential, something that I think gets overlooked quite often. Do some keyword research, even finding long tail keywords that target your intended audience right on the nose, and maximize your efforts. Site owners I believe try to capitalize on too much, or too little, at a time, and their opportunity is missed. You need a clear picture of who you are going after, and what they want, spend their time on, without going too broad or too overly focused.
Twitter: TechAndTeaching
Absolutely. When it comes to monetization, different niches work differently. Sometimes, you can profit really well with AdSense, sometimes Amazon is the answer, and sometimes you need to find a different method. It pays to weigh your options, because you want to make sure you get the most out of the traffic you do get.
Brian Rock recently posted..Canon t4i vs t3i: Who Should Upgrade and Who Shouldn’t?
Twitter: gosprich
That is well said Brian,
One needs to check what works best in his/her niche.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: gosprich
Nice comment Paul..
I try as much to tell whoever wishes to listen that its best you spend time n researching and getting your niche and keywords right before starting anything or else you regret it later.
Richie David recently posted..35 Almost Free Marketing Ideas
Twitter: umpreetturtlers
ohh yes some really great methods to earn sitting home online. keep up the good work. (y)
myles recently posted..Google Keep: The Note Taking App on Android
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Myles
Thanks for the tips Richie, content is important but most people fail when they start to build their foundation. Targeting the wrong niche with wrong keywords will kill any online business fast, so take good time researching before you invest any money.
Twitter: gosprich
Good advise here from Ludwig.
Researching is the first and most important step to building an online business, but most people neglect it.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: freedommmc
Good tips Richie,
The only thing that worked for me was conducting experiments and reviewing results and repeating over and over again.
This helped me climb through all of the BAD advise that’s out there.
What techniques have you found effective at monetizing your sites?
Darnell Jackson recently posted..35 reasons why I’m paying $100 for guest posts
Twitter: gosprich
Hey Darnell, It’s good to sometimes experiment things for yourself and go with the ones that works for you; and its sometimes better you avoid trial and error by going with the advise of experts.
I wouldn’t recommend any program to monetize your blog, but there is adsense, chikita, affiliate products, selling of advert space and so on.
Go with what works for you because what works for me might not work for you.
Richie David recently posted..Tips On How To Write A Press Release
These are great tips to help improve your online presence. Everyone will have a different strategy, but essentially following this model is a great start.
Robert Koenig recently posted..Man Stuck on Ride Wins Injury Case
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Robert
Richie David recently posted..Selling Digital Products Online
One must give high importance to the first point i.e. research your niche. If you choose any niche in which you are not very passionate about, that will take you to dead end. You again have to start from the beginning. So, its better to spend time on choosing the niche and then move ahead.
Rinkesh recently posted..Benefits of Solar Panels
Twitter: weezlabs
There are several methods of making money online, in current era educated young persons prefer to work as freelance because it has wide scoop for talented people. In this regard i prefer to start blogging and become author to publish your contents on different webs.
Guest posting is becoming more favorite and have high demand now a days. I good writer can make money online while sitting at home by using this technique.
James recently posted..The Future Goes App
Twitter: gosprich
Hi James, I like your thought about this. But as a wanna-be blogger. I suggest you work on your writing skills and avoid grammatical errors and blunders such as this.
Thanks all the same.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
You made a very interesting point about the basic requirements before you monetize.
With the vast array of ways to monetize you don’t necessarily need a large audience. In some cases by releasing a product you can increase traffic.
I think it depends on what way you choose to monetize. If you are going to go the affiliate marketing route or ads, then yes I completely agree. You need to have some sort of regular traffic for it to work.
I hope people don’t look at the basic requirements and live by that. There is always another way.
However, I agree that it is a good baseline to get started.
Great post Richie
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Ian,
Just like you said, it all depends on what one wants to monetize. I know folks who don’t use adsense on their blogs, and it’s not because they don’t want to, but just because it doesn’t suit their blog and its contents.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Choosing your monetization method can go a long way.
Sometimes it can make or break your blog. I’ve heard of stories of people who have had a revolt on their hands due to their choice of monetizing.
The most important key is neche. Of course, if our contents have a good niche, traffic will come, and earning will follow.
Thak you.
Ilmu Kimia recently posted..Morfologi Polimer
Twitter: gosprich
I totally disagree with you Kimia,
Take a look at this: Let’s say you open a big shopping mall with everything in stock in a remote village where people hardly visit. If you don’t advertise and let people know that there is a shopping mall around there that have all their shopping needs, how do you expect to make sales, pay your staffs and pay your bills?
Of course you don’t expect them to just appear from thin air and patronize you if they don’t know about your shopping mall.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: turtlers_com
i get traffic more than 200 visitors through organic sites according to analytics !
what can i do to monetize it ???
harshi recently posted..Top And Cool Google Fun Tricks
Twitter: himanshuk18
Harshi i also have to ask same question as it is very important to know how to monetize your traffic.
himanshu recently posted..Htc galaxy one a cool phone.
Hi Harshi,
You are using AdSense already on your blog. So, now I would say that you should start building an e-mail list to earn a lot more than you are earning with AdSense.
Anurag recently posted..Social Bookmarking Sites List With High PageRank (PR)
Twitter: Techblowup
Great ways for making online money. As it’s hard to generate money from online business. You put some valuable information. Nice post.
Prakash recently posted..Best Antivirus for Android 2013
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Prakash
Richie David recently posted..Advertisement On Craigslist
Those are the essential points, and one need to sincerely follow the advice of doing so. But when ever you are starting a new online firm make sure you got PATIENCE. Online business is very much different in compare with Offline, Working online require 4 to 5 months to show some progress.

Thanks for the article ….
chatung recently posted..7 Tips on Productivity Improvement with How-To-Do
Twitter: gosprich
Hey Chatung,
I really appreciate you stopping by with this advise. You know, most folks that start an online business end up dumping it just because nothing was coming forth when they started. Probably they thought they were going to make it big the moment they start one; not knowing it’s a gradual process.
Richie David recently posted..9 Tips For Writing An Ad
Great post buddy!
Newbies should read it at least once as they starts monetizing in the starting which leds to nothing. No money, no repu, no nothing.
Anurag recently posted..Social Bookmarking Sites List With High PageRank (PR)
Twitter: gosprich
That is very correct Anurag.
Richie David recently posted..Selling Digital Products Online
Twitter: musicianmakers7
I find the monetizing traffic part to be kind of easy. It’s getting traffic that I find is the most challenging.
Leslie Edwards recently posted..How To Play Drums: Practice Tips
Twitter: gosprich
Getting traffic to your site shouldn’t be a big deal Leslie. There are many ways you can get traffic to your site without paying a cent.
I have a couple of articles written pertaining to getting traffic to your site. Just check it out and go with the ones that favours you.
Richie David recently posted..18 Simple Ways to Generate Website Traffic
Hey Richie,
Nice post and Yes, its very tough to make money online as its require lots of hardworks in starting times and we have to update our blog regularly and also make links with other blog continuously. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips and by following these tips we can make money online.
Sudipto recently posted..Best Love Stories Of All Time
Twitter: gosprich
That is the spirit Sudipto. You have really said it all.
When you determine never to give up no matter what, then you will start seeing results in no time.
Richie David recently posted..18 Simple Ways to Generate Website Traffic
Twitter: AsifnKhan
A really helpful guide David sir. This has given me the when to monetize my blog. Affiliate marketing is better as adsense is not working well for me.Thanks again.
Asif Khan recently posted..[How To] Unlink Google Adsense Account From Google Analytics
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Khan, It’s best you go for the one that works for you, and not what every one else is doing.
Richie David recently posted..Selling Digital Products Online
Twitter: primejuicers
Hi Richie,
Wow! I like your approach, Content – Traffic – Trust – Monetize Traffic. You really spelled it out for us. Thanks for the valuable information and I’ll definitely use it. Best wishes!
Rich Donahue recently posted..Omega J8004 Juicer Part III: The Best Juicer
Twitter: gosprich
You are welcome Rich
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
thanks for the post. I just started my own business making jewelry and selling it on-line. it’s frustrating at first because you are in a sea of many but it’s getting better. You always have to work at it even if you get to the top. The internet is always changing
Jessi Larson recently posted..Natural Turquoise and Pyrite Nuggets Leather Wrap Bracelet by Onsra
Twitter: gosprich
Congratulations Jessi,
That’s how every business is. You don’t expect to open a business today and start seeing profits immediately. You have to work tirelessly to make sure the results you need come.
Keep it up Jessi
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: blogginggame
It looks easy in start but when we start working it gets more worse than any other thing
Twitter: gosprich
That’s true Roshaan,
That’s exactly the way it is when you are starting a business from scratch. That’s why it is advised you do something you are very passionate about. Because with that, you will never get tired of it even if the money is not showing up yet.
But with determination and hard work, you will start seeing results.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: how_to_0
Thanks, I think improve social media can help to promote something. Now many social media growth fast. Ohh, ihave little blog that using COMMENLUV plugin too, please, you wanna check now at , comments and get backlinks
Twitter: Rohitkabdwal
nice article Richie,
online money making is not an easy task.., it requires much hardwork.., and a proper research.
you have given very nice points here..
Rohit recently posted..Parabolic Antenna (Parabolic Dish Antenna) Explained
Twitter: gosprich
You are welcome Rohit
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: iAm_chetan
Great tips Richie,
I really agree with your money making strategies is quite an interesting idea for beginners to clear about the sense of earning, so that the individual does not get confused
Chetan recently posted..How technology for kids help them in their studies?
Twitter: gosprich
Hey Chetan,
That’s just the fact about it. Because so many folks get confused when it comes to making money onine, especially beginners.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: shureekn
My site is getting 2000+ daily unique visitor but m still not making a single penny, if u have any idea plz do share.
Duyu Nimey recently posted..Content Writing tips for newbie bloggers
Twitter: gosprich
Hey Duyu,
I think you need to monetize your site. You can sell advert space, advertise affiliate products, ads from chikita or google etc.
Just make sure the one you use will be effective on your site.
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: hardluckstrome
Content – Traffic – Trust – Monetize Traffic It is the most important formula for any blogger. And one must follow it. I would like to suggest it to the every blogger around the world who wants to make money online.
Ashish Kumar recently posted..LG Lucid2 VS870 {Specifications and Price}
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Kumar
Richie David recently posted..5 Methods To Make Money Online
Twitter: ullakalim8
wow!! Nice article, i my option make money online from home is not good idea,because at any point time we deceive . Better search Job
mohammed kalimulla recently posted..different between structure and union
Twitter: prabhatrayal
hello rischie
and i think blogging is the best way to earn money online. i have been in this field from 1 year and i am happy because i have made a lot of money here
prabhat recently posted..How to Create a PayPal Account without Credit Card 2013 – iEatTraffic
Twitter: Techblowup
With so many people getting into blogging and writing e articles, how can writer’s keep content fresh? While I found your article interesting, the information seems to be widely available on most how-to sites. It just seems like everything’s been done the same way at least a dozen times. Not to mention writers now have to cater to SEO and plug ads for things that may be scams, destroying your credibility as a legitimate resource. (I’ve been victim to it more than once.) It’s a minefield. What advice can you give those of us just starting out in writing online content? If you have an article on it, please post a link. Thank you.
Prakash recently posted..WeChat for PC Download Free, WeChat For Computer (Windows 7, Mac)
Twitter: tech_junction
Thank you for for the insightful article, i was wondering if you know how to become a transcriptionist, not medical as i see tons of posting yet i do not see how to actually learn the trade, thanks so much
Sagar nandwani recently posted..Hike Messenger Download for Android, iPhone, Blackberry, PC, Nokia
Twitter: gosprich
Thanks Sharma