Blogging can be so much fun and can be an excellent hobby as well as a source of income, but sometimes certain things can bring you down as a blogger, they can make you lose interest in blogging.Most bloggers face these kind of events that can make or break their blogging career, the real probloggers are those who overcome these events of blogging disasters and come out of them with more experience and an attitude which will get them to the top.
These kind of events are what separates the great bloggers from the rest of the pack.
So what can these events be? What kind of blogging disasters did I face? To tell the truth, I did face quite a few blogging nightmares that could have stopped me from continuing my blogging career, but they didn’t and I am proud of that.
During these difficult times, I did get thoughts like -
“Why I am continuing blogging, this is going to be such a waste…..”
“I’d rather be doing something else, my hard-work has not paid off….”
But then I had better thoughts which made me realize that blogging is what I do for fun and is something I really enjoy doing, so I continued on, rectifying the errors.
This attitude saw the problems go away.
So what were these blogging disasters that I faced?
Blogging Disasters-
Deleted Blog.Shocker.
I hosted my first few blogs on the BlogSpot platform where everything looked like blue skies and rainbows. Free hosting, free domain name, zero input, total profit. Things were going really well, I was getting a lot of traffic, good repeating visitors and then this happened.
One day I woke up to find my blog deleted.As you know Google controls all the blogger accounts and can delete any blog without giving notice to the blogger.Even till today I do not know why Google deleted that blog, but a simple mail to blogger support got the blog back to me with all the contents intact.
But for the three days it took to get my blog back, I felt so sad and it was not I like I had a few posts and it didn’t matter if the blog got deleted.It was a good blog with a good amount of readers, which made it
But thankfully, things returned back to normal
Suspended Adsense.
Okay, so right now, Adsense is not a big income source for me from my two blogs, It hardly makes any difference when combined with my affiliate and sponsored post earnings, but back then when I had just one blog which had decent traffic, Adsense was the ultimate source of making money from my blogs.
I am sure all small time bloggers dread the mail which says “Adsense suspended”, I am fortunate to have never received the Adsense Banned mail, but still it was a dreaded mail.
Again I could feel the sadness, after all the hard-work, losing adsense would have been bad.But thankfully, the fix was pretty simple.The mail said that I had to put in a Privacy Policy in my blog or my adsense account would be terminated as according Google Adsense policies, every blog that runs adsense ads needs to have a privacy policy.
I did put in a privacy policy and hence got the suspension revoked in a few days.
Penguin And Panda Almost Killed My Blog.
I had heard about the impending Google algorithm updates and I was not really that phased by them, I had never copied any posts, I didn’t have too many ads, I did not buy links, I did not do any of the blackhat stuff.But it happened.
Traffic was slashed by 50% and I was going mad thinking of why this happened to me.There were literally tons of blogs with “bad content” which did not get affected, but mine did.
After researching a lot, I found the answer on a search engine forum.Page Load Time.
I was always one to try out new widgets, add design CSS, try to make my blog look trendy with Flash and Java-Scripts.I had done myself a lot of harm by doing this.When I checked my blog page speed test on Google, it was 37/100, which if you don’t know, means that a tortoise can finish a 100m race before my page got fully loaded.
Got over that phase too with a lot of tweaking and ultimately totally changing my blog theme.What a relief.
So these were the three blogging disasters that I faced, fortunately I have not experienced any others and hopefully won’t in the future too.Because of these experiences, I now know how to avoid these on my new blog.This is how people become experienced bloggers.
I would like to ask you guys if you have faced these kinds of situations, if so, please leave a comment.
Twitter: efoghorjos
Gautham, I can understand exactly what you went through because I had a nasty experience in the hands of Google too. I would rather not blame Google for the problem but have to blame myself.
I had just entered into blogging way back in 2009 and I was enthusiastic to make a difference. So I started out with no SEO experience; no understanding of the Google duplicate content policy, no thought about what happens with excessive backlink building, etc.
I began to create nice content on my small business blog on blogspot. I created profiles on several related forums and made sure I pasted each new post on those forums. I even added those contents on the revenue sharing sites, etc.
Then one day, I woke up to the sudden realisation that my blog had been banned by Google for what they termed created for \’site reported for having people\’s content (can\’t remember the exact term used). I tried to launch an appeal all to no avail. But I had to move on with life. It did not kill my zeal and resolve to be a great blogger.
Well, for the site speed, that was exactly one of the things I discovered could pull a site down hence I wrote here on Comluv a post on “how to reduce bounce rate of your website and blog by 50%”. You can check that post here on Comluv.
The best way to live with Google and be their friend, is to know what they want and give it to them.
Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..3 Great Reasons Why You Must Join Several Facebook Groups
Twitter: Gautham A S
Seems like you have experienced some of the same stuff as I have !
Gautham AS recently posted..Aweber VS MailChimp | Best E-Mail Marketing Tool
Twitter: efoghorjos
Yeah, to some extent, the experiences were the same especially having to start all over again after your blog is deleted by Almighty Google.
Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..3 Great Reasons Why You Must Join Several Facebook Groups
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Agree with this blog, now a days disaster of blog get evaluate, all above point are get faced by blogger.
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Gothum You really pushed a lot of energies in me and I am pretty much convinced again to start blogging. Trust me I was having same feelings which you mentioned in the first part. Thanks
Twitter: Gautham A S
Yea just keep blogging
Gautham AS recently posted..Lava Iris 504q Review – Features – Price – Specifications
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Thanks for sharing your experience. For other bloggers, being hacked is really pain when you not a technical person and has no idea how to backup and restore a blog.
It really is kind of horrific when faced with issues like these. It sounds like all crises were averted though. Great post – makes us feel like we’re not alone.
Twitter: inspireyourway
Great article. Thanks for warning me, I would take care of my blog regarding this matter. I would like to see more of your posts, your articles are inspiring and motivating. Thanks again.
Debarshi recently posted..10 Tips to Optimize Your E-Commerce Site And Increase Conversion Rate
Yeah adsense have been on my top lists ! i never rely on Gogle adsense as they can suspend or even ban any time they think to ! and till now i have not got any of my banned account back. so i have a backup income form affiliates which is growing day by day and will become my primary income soon
Twitter: Gautham A S
Never rely on Adsense alone as your monetization plan, always have something to fall back upon.
Gautham AS recently posted..Premium Adsense Account Features – How To Get
Twitter: rancorinfotech
Few of my friends also faced same issue with Google Adsense. Google says that you’re promoting more clicks and we’re banning your account. This is really ridiculous.
Aasma recently posted..MLM Software India
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There are many reasons why you should use a self-hosted blog over a hosted blog at platforms like blogspot, you mentioned one, your blog can be deleted without notice and you have complete control over the site and its content, you dont with blogger.
I have heard thousands of stories of suspended or banned adsense accounts, never put all your eggs in one basket.
Blogging is great and I absolutely love it!!!
Twitter: freelancers254
I have read your post and I agree that bloggers must go through unexpected Google ANNOYING changes so as to prepare for the worst. I also will be prepared for any disasters that will happen to my blog in future.
Wilfred Imbukwa recently posted..Understanding SEO Through Traffic Travis Page Warnings Tool
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That was a nice article. Don’t worry about the mistakes you committed, Human beings learn from their mistakes only. Good Luck ahead.
Twitter: xreamloaded
Great post i happened to be one of those who received a shucking mail from adsense in one o my forum but it makes me stronger just like you said i blog because i enjoy it not just for money
Collins recently posted..11 Best wordpress ecommerce plugin
Twitter: netmarktsuccess
Hi Gautham,
Great article! It has the power to motivate people. Anyone can face a disaster, anytime. What matters is the attitude. Positive: go on and win again; quit, lose all and live a sad life. No way! We need to keep going no matter what. This is the real key to success and no magical strategy or tool.
Trust Google? This is like putting your trust in the peace of a raging torrent or the coolness of the summer sun. This behavior (deleting blogs, suspending accounts etc. ) is specific for a company who really things off itself as Almighty. Nobody is almighty. Sooner or later if you do wrong things and make people suffer, you you fall.
Page load time? This is extremely important. For people and searches engines, too. A speed test on Google is important but we must not rely only on this. I think it is better to run at least 2-3 speed tests from time to time and compare the results.
Thanks for this beautiful, motivational article.
Have a nice day
Silviu recently posted..How to Engage More People on Twitter with an Engagement Ship
Twitter: JagranPost
Human beings learn from their mistakes only. See what these are and how to overcome these problems while running .
Woah! Those are tough! I don’t even want to encounter any of those troubles you had. From now on, I’ll be extra careful with my blogging.
Edgar Williamson recently posted..Hello world!
Twitter: OddRandomThots
Hey Gauthum, thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
I haven’t faced the deleted blog or the Panda/Penguin crisis, but…
When I first started blogging, I was approved for an Adsense account and was on cloud 9, then within 6 days or so after implementing their code, my account was terminated. I never received any notice as to why or anything else. Still to this day I have no idea why my account was revoked, which I find quite unprofessional that they would not at least explain why they are pulling your account. But anyway, it was really depressing and it felt like the end of my blogging career, I know, sounds silly right?
But since then I’ve started other blogs and am actually doing quite well WITHOUT Adsense, but I can definitely relate to what you’re saying. I’m just glad I put that behind me and pushed forward.
Thanks for this great post!
Robert recently posted..What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Twitter: musicianmakers7
One major blogging disaster I have faced was Penguin 2.0.
I checked WMT for links pointing toward my site and half of it was gone and I lost rankings for a lot of my keywords.
Leslie Edwards recently posted..Tips On How To Make Electronic Music
Twitter: himanshuk18
I truly like your spirit the problems you discussed are much more than disasters for me.
Heads off to you dude.
himanshu recently posted..Best free and paid IOS apps to use iPhone as Webcam
Hey Gautham,

nice post and Thanks for sharing this post with us. Penguin and panda update are really big disaster for every blogger but suspended AdSense is also affect every blogger very badly.
Sudipto recently posted..Best Android Phone Under 10000
gregory urbano recently posted..Enjoying the Redington Long Pier.
Twitter: BizAdvertising1
Thanks for sharing, guess I’m, not the only one that goes through the blogger blues, lol! I actually felt that I was was wasting time after awhile, posting and gave up on my blog for awhile. Actually for a looooong time! I eventually came back to it since I really liked the idea of helping marketers promote their businesses online. There’s always something to write about as I test new and different ad sources. I realized it’s more about finding your niche and sticking with it.
Sondra recently posted..Free Report: 12 Tips To Help You Get More Sales From Your Classified Ads
Twitter: Yogesh_pant5
I think they are really the lucky ones who have their adsense account verified.
Google have so many policies to be satisfied that it becomes really a challenge to have your adsense account get verified!
Thanks for the share.
yogesh pant recently posted..How to study during examinations?
Twitter: browntroutinfo
I lucked out somehow getting approved for adsense. My first website that they approved was an absolute mess. It had a fair amount of content on it, but not a site to be proud of. I hope to never get a dreaded google email of any sort. Actually just the other day I got one from webmaster tools, but I knew it was coming. I screwed up a bunch of 301 redirects and one of my sites filled with 404′s. Fortunately it hasn’t had a major effect in my traffic yet.
Dub recently posted..Upper Michigan Fly Fishing Trip
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Hello Gautham,
Excellent post. Blogging as a career or for fun has it’s ups and downs. The best part is that the mistakes can be corrected with continuing your education and pushing yourself to do better. I really enjoyed this post and I wish you much success. You are doing an awesome job so far.
To Your Success,
Stacie Walker
twitter: Not shown
Getting adsense banned is the worst nightmare of my life. it it the worst I can think of in my blogging career.
you’ve have written a great article.., thanks for the same..:)
Twitter: YpayZdotCom
I laugh like crazy when I read “tortoise can finish a 100m race…”
I’m glad you passed well the disasters you’ve faced man. God bless you!
Best regards from I. C. Daniel

I. C. Daniel recently posted..Claas Ares 826 HQ
Twitter: GlobalCraze
Yes Gautham
you are right. Blogging is not so easy as many people think. Many bloggers left the blogging after six months due to lots of hard work. and you are right that Privacy policy page is must for adsense.
Chetan Gupta
Chetan Gupta recently posted..You Should Learn: Interesting Things to Do After WordPress Installation
Twitter: Champak Gahtori
So much good things we have learnt easily from all you have experiences in blogging field.Thanks for alerting us with such a terrible mischief\’s,that can be happens with anyone.But from now we are focusing to avoid them…..
Thanks 4 share…
champ recently posted..New Sony playstation 4 | Specification | Price | Release Date
Disabled Adsense account and Google Penguin hit to my blog were the biggest disasters that I faced in very early days of my blogging. Just wish that these don’t come in way, again!
Twitter: @adetechblog
My first blogging disaster happen on wordpress platform when my blog was vulnerably deleted by wordpress without any prior information though I got it back but it was like a day dream that it was very hard to believe for me then
Adesanmi Adedotun recently posted..6 traffic source for new blog
I am still trying to learn how to blog. This article is a great help so I could also learn from your experience. Thank you for sharing.
Ria Dancel recently posted..Aguila Beach Resort – Anilao
Twitter: titaniumhijau
yah. We need to be careful and not abuse it.
titan recently posted..Jobdirumah Payment – Kali ke 43 dan 44
hi, i really like your writing and this blogging article. It really is kind of horrific when faced with issues like these. It sounds like all crises were averted though. Great post – makes us feel like we’re not alone.

Neha recently posted..UP Police Recruitment 2013 Apply for 41610 Vacancies for better career
Twitter: nithinupendran
Some of these disasters are similar to mine! Like google updates.My blog was killed by google panda updates.It was during my intial stages of blogging but later i figured it out tried my level best not to be caught by any updates.This post is really nostalgic for me and it is equally a great motivational posts for all newbies out there! Thanks for sharing this information with us
Nithin Upendran recently posted..How To Get An Approved Adsense Account Using Youtube In No Time
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As soon as I came to Blogging, I was very excited but now after reading your Post, will definitely keep my excitement aside, and will take uttermost care not to face what you had faced. Thanks so much