I have decided to change the format of the newsletter so that it can include more posts. The problem with adding more posts is that it makes it tooooo loooong!
New plugin to the rescue
Not to worry! I have created a new plugin that allows me to choose, on a post by post basis, whether to display the full content or just the excerpt in the feed. yey.
What this means is that the preamble which is the first (and usually the only) post that gets sent out will be full and the rest (bar any advertising) will be excerpts.
More exposure for guest posters
Now that I don’t have to worry about sending out mile long feed by email emails I can also include all the new guest poster posts (wow, a double lot of double words in this sentence!) which means more exposure for you (if you’re a guest
I am going to spend the weekend sending emails to those that requested contributor status so after next week, there should be (hopefully) a steady stream of new and interesting posts to read.
All guest posts will be excerpt only but will have the post thumbnail included so make sure you choose a click worthy image as your first image if you’re a guest poster.
Shorter posts but more of them
Rather than frantically type up a post on the day the newsletter is due to go out and then try to remember all the different things I did during the past week, I can now write a new post whenever something new happens and let it go out as an excerpt on the newsletter.
I guess I am going to have to work on creating clickworthy titles though to encourage people to click through to the full post but, that’s good practice anyway.
Wow Andy do you ever sleep??!! You give so much to this community. It is really getting out in the blogosphere that this is the place to be

Not only innovative but a techie too. Thanks
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia recently posted..Lavender Health- Lavender Essential Oil
Twitter: Ileane
Andy, I just announced the CommentLuv Ambassador’s Content on Basic Blog Tips and I’m hoping to use the experience to blog about in a guest post. Thanks.
Ileane recently posted..CommentLuv Ambassador Contest on Basic Blog Tips
Twitter: chantel_mario
That’s a helpful plugin now! Excerpts always attract people to open the full the article while the full posts would do nothing but bore the reader (sometimes)