5 Ways to get more (comment)Luv

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I am the creator of CommentLuv Premium
You can get your own content published on this site as long as you have CommentLuv installed on your site.

Doing so means you get exposure to thousands and thousands of other CommentLuv users and your posts get sent out to the massive subscriber list.

Google loves this site and indexes it multiple times per day and posts always get lots of comments so you can be sure of some excellent exposure.

See the Write For Us page for more details

btw.. you can get this author box here

A lot of people use CommentLuv, A LOT! Some as a blog owner and most as a blog commenter but many aren’t taking full advantage of the features to get more people to click on their links so here’s a list of things you can do to increase your luv..

1. Register!

Show your blog info in your links
If you register (for free) your url, you can enter a description in your profile and anyone that hovers over the little heart icon on one of your luvlinks displayed on a CommentLuv enabled blog will be able to see what you look like (if you have your email address registered with Gravatar), read your description to see what you’re about, see where else you comment and even click on links to some of your other posts.

Your info panel will start to generate even more traffic for you when people can see where you go and what else you write about.

2. Choose a relevant post to link with your comment

choose from ten links when you comment
By registering your URL here you will be able to choose from your last 10 posts when you comment on CommentLuv enabled blogs.

Doing this means you can choose the most relevant post to link to on the post you’re commenting on. If you’re commenting on something about Twitter then choose a post about Twitter and you’ll increase the chances of other visitors (not to mention the blog owner) of clicking your link and visiting your site.

3. Fix your FeedBurner links

Dont lose your link juice when using feedburner

If you’re using Feedburner for your RSS feed then make sure they aren’t stealing your link juice! Check your last blog post link on a CommentLuv enabled blog by hovering over the little heart or check the bottom of the browser status bar when your mouse is over the link to see if it shows something like http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blahblah

alt="Check your links for feedburner urls" width="600" height="174" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-247" />
If it is then the ComLuv server wont be able to recognize who the link belongs to and will show a default message. Not good!

How to set Feedburner to use your actual blog links instead of their proxy ones.

4. Use the search engine to find CommentLuv blogs for your niche

Search for sausage and bacon mmmm

Even if your niche is sausage and bacon sandwiches (mmmm sandwiches), you’ll be able to find a plethora of websites that use the CommentLuv plugin and talk about sausage or bacon or both (mmm both!).

8 pages of results for sausage and bacon

This is the biggest and bestest CommentLuv search engine in existence because it uses the Google custom search engine and only trawls the blogs that have given out some luv in the previous 7 days which gives you literally hundreds of thousands of posts to search from. If you can’t find a CommentLuv blog for your niche phrase, you may be in the wrong niche! (or you’re in the right one and can be the first blog in your niche to have CommentLuv)

5. Go on a luv-trail

go on a love trail
This is a game I play sometimes, look at your comments and see who is a CommentLuv member and click on their link. The chances are that they use CommentLuv too so leave a (relevant) comment and look at who else comments and choose someone else who is a member and follow the link to their site. Rinse and Repeat.

You’ll be surprised at how far you can travel just following luv links and commenting. It’ll widen your blogging network and help you discover new and interesting blogs.

I hope you find these tips useful, let me know in the comments if you have any other great tips