You will have to excuse this post as it all started with an idea and got twisted from there!
There is a new addiction that has spread amongst both webmasters and normal people and they are calling it “obsessive compulsive social media disorder”. Have you heard about it yet?
I was shocked when a friend, yes a real human, told me I was displaying symptoms of the addiction.
Most Obvious Symptoms
The symptoms go in stages from 1 to 5 and 5 being the most serious.
#1. Asking strangers to like you
This is just crazy. Would you walk down the street and ask a complete stranger to like you. What a desperado you would be! Well people are doing this loud and clear..By the way do you like me? Sorry I might still have a problem!
Anyway this is where it all starts.
Collecting friends and followers by asking people to like you is stage one of the Obsessive compulsive social media disorder.
It is especially bad for people that do not have friends in real life. Gathering 1000 friends is like a bag of gold for some.
#2. Status addiction
Status addiction is having the urgent need to update your status on Facebook or maybe tweet on twitter.
For example: My friend and I were going to see Cold Play at Splendour in the Grass and we had to walk to the main stage before the big crowd came. The walk was only 5 mins at the most but my friend stopped and said, “Wait a sec I have to update my status. My followers will be wondering what I am doing?”

So we stopped. The updating status task took longer than we thought and when we finally started walking the stampede came. It then took us closer to an hour to walk the 5 min trip. We also missed out on getting close to the stage!
I blame my friend’s status addiction for that!
Another tell tale sign of status addiction is when a person posts personal details on a business account like, “just having breakfast..then doing some start jumps..ready for blogging.” Ok I am happy to hear that! NOT! But wait! Did you remember to feed the dog?
We have all seen this. People posting absolute rubbish to their own loyal Twitter followers.
Do you show any signs of this symptom?
#3. Pressing your own buttons – Obsessive Compulsive
Social Media Disorder
So you have a website and you wanted to look popular. The “asking strangers to like you” gig was not working out for you..Strangers were rude and did not want to like you. This is when you came up with the brilliant idea to press your own social media buttons.
Press press press and the count goes up! Wow I am popular!
#4. Creating Social Media Accounts
You are so addicted to pressing your own social media buttons that you just have to move on and do more. That s when you start making more social media profiles under your 100 new alias’s you just created with your 100 new Gmail email accounts. Your social status is going through the roof! Its time to party and celebrate.
When your social media accounts are listed on an Excel spreadsheet then you know you have a serious problem.
#5. Claiming Social media expertise
The person that has got to this stage of the addiction by starting with what seemed to be a harmless task of “pressing your own buttons”. But then people kept asking “Wow how do you get so many LIKES?” Instead of telling the truth and admitting their addiction they casually start claiming social media expertise. The other person looks at them in AWE and this makes the addiction worse!
This is a difficult symptom to pick out because there might actually be some real social media experts out there. But don’t be fooled because people with “Obsessive compulsive social media disorder” can look just like a real expert.
What can you do if you have Obsessive Compulsive Social Media Disorder?
If you are showing any signs of this addiction you need to seek help fast. I have just joined “Obsessive compulsive social media disorder anonymous” and I will share a few tips with you:
- ==>> Do not rely on Social media as a backbone for your website. To build a serious “kick butt” business, the website needs to stand on its own two feet.
- ==>> Do not press your own buttons because you think no one knows you are doing it..Well the big G knows all. The sooner you realize this the better. When a real person presses your button, (one that doesn’t live in your street) it is far more valuable.
- ==>> Phone up a real friend and ask them to like you. (If you have any after neglecting them for virtual social media friends)
Look out for the symptoms so you do not catch this addiction yourself and be sure to press my buttons for me as I am a recovering Obsessive Compulsive Social Media Disorder success story!