Why Guest Posting On Blogs is a good idea

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Hi, I am Michael Wong and a recent father. I have been figuring how to make affiliate marketing money 7 years ago. During the process, I have gained some success, learn the process, loss money and failed the business. But I refuse to give up. I stayed on and worked my bud off. I continue to look for better ways to make things happen. I can only say you will learn a lot when you want to build something without resources. In the process I also learn about branding, managing finance and became a better marketer...
You can get your own content published on this site as long as you have CommentLuv installed on your site.

Doing so means you get exposure to thousands and thousands of other CommentLuv users and your posts get sent out to the massive subscriber list.

Google loves this site and indexes it multiple times per day and posts always get lots of comments so you can be sure of some excellent exposure.

See the Write For Us page for more details

btw.. you can get this author box here

affiliatemarketingblogmalaysia.com - Why guest posting on blogs

The common explanation when you see this kind of posting is all technical n boring stuff like guest posting on blogs is to increase your blog traffic, SEO, build authority and etc. No disrespect but that’s not what u going to see in this posting. This is something more to heart and emotional.

It is Exhilarating

First of all, as a writer, you probably will agree that it is fun to write and exciting to see your work being published. :)

Let’s face it, how many writers can have their work being published? Guest posting make that possible and you don’t need to go through the pain of publishing a hardcopy book.

Take Comment Luv for example, once you submitted your post to the network, you will need to wait for the approval over the weekend. If everything flows smoothly, your post will be on queue for publication and the admin will email you the date your post will be published. This is where the excitement starts…

For the entire waiting period, it is like waiting for your baby to be due. When the days come closer, you will feel the excitement building up slowly and is anxious to see your guest posting on blogs. When the email notification finally came that your guest posting is published and when you go over to the site to see your post there, it is like holding your newborn baby in your arms.

It is that exciting…

Sharing Is Caring

The next reason to why guest posing on blogs is to share information.

Have you ever heard of the saying “the more u give, the more u get”?

If that is the case,

why be selfish?

If you believe in the law of attraction, you will know that the Universe doesn’t work that way.

Too many mediocre affiliate marketers focus on the tangible and afraid that there will be more competitors if they share what they know. That’s probably why so many affiliate marketers are struggling to make money online.

If you are following any mentor, they will probably tell you otherwise. If you focus on the intangible like sharing quality content and delivering value, tangibles like traffic, pagerank, authority and money will flow in effortlessly.

By the way, it feels good after you give. :)

Building Relationship

When compare to article marketing, guest posting enables you to interact with your readers where the writer can take the feedback and improve on his writing. Often, these comments are genuine and reflect the readers feeling toward your content.

When the readers comment and you reply back, it is like everyone is interacting in this small like minded community which ideas are being bounced off and trying to help each other without asking for return.

Well, there is return of traffic and other tangible stuff but again, it is advisable to focus on the intangible and let the other things flow naturally.

By the way, building a community and interacting with like minded people is proved to be rewarding because often, partnerships are struck under this kind of environment.

Being Reconized

The sweetest part to guest posting on blogs is to be able to see the compliment from the readers and that they enjoy reading your post. This is such an appreciation that your hard work (not really hard work though because you are just sharing) is being recognized.

Let’s be frank, don’t you like a pad on the shoulder and be told of a job well done?

If you have done the work, shouldn’t you take credit for it?

If you agree, why are you still reading?

Start guest posting on blogs now…