BOL Newsletter #56 – launch finished and new direction in 4k

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Here’s the video and transcription of this weeks newsletter

Here is the link Trello that I’d like for you to use, join up for free and get me a free month of gold!

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Contest Winner

And this weeks winner is Julie from Business Among Moms, who recently wrote about New to BAM? 10 ways to get involved

well done!,maybe someone will leave a comment on your blog to say well done (hint hint!) and get a backlink for the trouble :)

(it will be up to you to claim your prize of a lifetime license to Commentluv Premium, you have until next weeks newsletter comes out)

why not head over and leave them a comment to let them know the good news!


Transcript: Newsletter #56 

Hello and welcome to another newsletter.

Now this is just on the cusp on the last moments on the sale that I said you could get $52 off with the coupon “HELPANDY”.

I don’t know if you’ll be able to see this video while the sale is still on, but, you know the sale was for 7 days, and did it do well? Well, it did okay actually. Did I get enough to get a new video editing suite? Well unfortunately, no. I think I was trying to be a little bit cheeky there to get extra stuff out of this sale, but that wasn’t the point to having this sale.

The whole point was to see which direction Commentluv needs to go in now, and highlight what things I need to work on, and what things need work, and work through the funnel, and what kind of settings that need tweaking and adapting so that we can go to a new era of the way Commentluv works.

Now one of the first things I noticed was the password and the access system that go in through Zaxaa. You get a user name and password for Zaxaa, but then you get another one for Commentluv and how to download the plug-in and all sorts of stuff like that. Now that is okay. Most people got through it okay and they were able to determine what their user name and password is from which email and stuff, but you know even though there is nothing wrong with it I will do something to change that.

So my idea is to let everyone have an initial username and password of their email address and that’s the address that they set up through Zaxaa or through

their PayPal or whichever one they use their preferred one that they ask for at the beginning.

I will set the username and password to those. Both are the same thing as their email address and that way they could log in. And, as soon as they log in it promotes them to change their password to something else.

And, this way they don’t have to wait for emails to come through from my server or if there is some network interruptions. So that will be that sorted as soon as they log in they change their password and everything is hunky dory and they don’t need to wait for anyone before they can log in and go to the members area. Pretty sweet.

I’ve also got some funnel enhancements as well, but luckily it did make a fair few sales. Not as many as I was expecting on the fantastic pipe dream, day dream of thing I had in my head. I would be brilliant if they made 10 squillion dollars. It didn’t make 10 squillion, but it did make enough. More than enough to pay for the email series that I’ll be having for new members when they come in and existing members will be able to see how they can get that as well.

And also, I had enough money to get this course that is being released today about Facebook advertising about identifying audiences and stuff like that. It’s a good guide and the course is done by a guy. The last course I did with him I made over $50,000 from the results of it. So you know it’s worth having a go at this one as well, and I think investing some money back into the business which is basically me is a good idea because that way when I do go forward with Commentluv then I’ll know I am going in the right direction rather than just driving off into oblivion and hoping, –hoping and crossing my fingers and hoping that it will work. So that does seem like a plan.

The sale is going to end today. It didn’t make 10 squillion dollars but it did make a few thousand and so I will be able to use that money wisely. I am not going to spend it on ivory back scratchers!, I am going to go invest it on myself and get some course material and learn how to do something’s and stuff that really needs to be learnt how to do so that then I can do it properly rather than just you know throwing loads of stuff into the breeze and which ones lands.

You know, it’s not going to be like that anymore.

Okay so it was really nice to catch up with you. I haven’t been in your inbox for a couple of weeks while I’ve been doing the launch or the little money off thing and the little direction seeker that I have been doing with the launch, and I will be coming back into your inbox now, from now on and on a weekly basis it should be. And, hopefully this video is in ultra HD. I don’t know why I set it to ultra HD, what are going to do? If you can might as well do it!


  1. Twitter:
    Thanks for the sale Andy. I picked up CommentLuv Premium and I love it!
    Troy S. recently posted..#928 Panda bearMy Profile

  2. Twitter:
    ahan!!! nice post and i like the video most
    ajay recently posted..All About Apple iPad Air 2 revealed featuresMy Profile

  3. Hi! I received a blog post comment from you that I won a premium plug in! Woo hoo – how do I claim?

    • Twitter:
      haha well done, just submit a support ticket with the same email address explaining what you won and you’ll get an account set up and details sent to you

  4. Twitter:
    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for this awesome awesome sale. Will check into it.
    Frank Joseph recently posted..IRCTC Shopping Portal Review and DealsMy Profile

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