How To Build A Website Of Your Dreams
If you build it they will come or at least that is what every webmaster hopes for. Before getting visitors through the front door you need to determine what it is you expect from your website. A website can do just about anything these days from delivering pizza to awarding online degrees. Getting your perfect website starts with a perfect vision. Here’s how to build a website of your dreams.
Determine the message you want your website to send.
- What do you want your viewers to know? What is it you want them to do while they are at your site? And most importantly what is it you want them to leave with? Once you’ve determined these three key factors it’s time to implement a plan to put these points into action.
How do you want your viewers to perceive you?
- It is not enough to put up any old website. The style and design of your website needs to clearly define who you are. Upon first glance your visitors should have an idea of what your company is about and what it is they can expect from you.
Develop your brand.
- Before any design plans begin for the actual website you need to have a strong image through your branding. Work with a designer to develop a logo for your company or save money by opting to purchase one of many premade logos readily available on the web. Once you’ve chosen the logo that best represents you use it to create any promotional or marketing materials you may need. These may include anything from business cards and stationary to coffee mugs and key chains depending on your marketing strategy.
Design your website.
- Once you have your logo use it to set the tone for your website. Use the colors and even the style of your logo to depict what your website will look like. Is your logo crisp and clean? Then so should be your website. Is your logo strong and bold or soft and frilly? Use the same style to develop your sites design.
- Once you know exactly what
- You can find some very good designers on reputable forums such as Digital Point who work well for cheap. Some tips about hiring from Digital Point or any forum for that matter. Be sure to check the users portfolio. If they don’t have a portfolio move on. Always check their user reputation! I can’t stress this enough. It may not cost much but any little bit is too much when you are being ripped off. Be sure to inquire of their terms. If they require payment up front see if they will agree to half now and half at the end of the job. This way you can be sure you will get what you want and have less chance of getting stiffed.
Develop your website.
- It is extremely important to realize that website design is completely different than web development. A web designer does just that. He will design a beautiful aesthetically pleasing web site. Now getting that design on the web is a completely different story. Whom ever you decide to hire be sure to ask if they will code your site as well. Some may say no you will have to hire a coder yourself while others may complete the entire job themselves or opt to outsource the coding of your website. Just be sure you know what you are getting and what to expect.
- If you aren’t prepared to pay a coder you may want to consider a Content Management System. There are some excellent free ones that come within the CPanel (control panel) of your hosting account. You could try Joomla or Drupal or opt for a blogging platform such as WordPress. All are easy to install via Simple Scripts. There are also some excellent paid versions of content management systems. One I’ve tried and was very pleased with is Subdreamer. If you opt for a Content Management System be sure to let your web designer know which one you’ve chosen as this my have an affect on his design limitations.
Well there you have it. Now you know how to build a website of your dreams. No one said it was going to be easy. But follow these steps and you are sure to build a website worthy of your content, your products and most importantly, your viewers.
Twitter: Aditya Antil
Building a website needs a thorough research on what you are providing and what others are in search for.And the design of the website should look professional and have information which the market demands.
Nice points to focus on when building websites.
Aditya recently posted..ERP Software Companies
Website Creation is not so difficult. Difficult is ti set domain name for it.
Neha recently posted..Grade 10 – Science and Math Combo
Twitter: aaronhung1
I agree, I’m about to start a second blog but haven’t figure out the right name. It can be really hard hehe
Not so much the domain name, but knowing exactly what other people are looking for.
Before creating a website, a handsome amount of item should be spent on niche ion which you are creating your website. Google Keyword analysis tool is perfect for that. I guess you missed that part.
Themes also play an important role in creating look and feel of the website. A nice theme is must for any website.
Richard recently posted..How To Live A Healthy Lifestyle
Content is gold at this time.everyone knows about this.we can say that this is highly in demand..Then good to have a website with better theme.and last work best with off-page will also work great.
Bhushan recently posted..University School Library Management Software Delhi Noida
Twitter: mysportsmans
Building a website need a through research and need our discipline and consistency to stick with white SEO rule, consider to maintain our website and provides it for our reader and not only focus on Search Engine algorithm I believe it will bring a beauty SERP at the end.
Creating/building a blog from the ground-up is one of the simplest things in the world, even if you have very little computer and internet skills/knowledge. What follows is usually much more harder – putting quality content up on it consistently, and having a large number of people visit, read and acknowledge what you have to say.
Mike Dawson recently posted..A Comprehensive List of 20 Post Ideas for Your Blog
Hello Mike you nailed it right on the head. Building a website is much easier then you think. Branding and promoting it is the hard part, and will take some time to do if you stay at it….
RobG recently posted..How-To install StudioPress Themes And The Genesis Framework
Twitter: WerryAdnan
Building website is like building conventional business. The process consist of selected your target market, fill the costumer need and wants, build your reputation and give extra service to build costumer loyalty.
The most important thing that website builder need is consistency and discipline to maintain and developing their website. It’s long time process, not instant. So every website builder need to improve their skill to get their dreams.
If there is a good chance, it’s very interesting to start website from our hobby or something that we like.
Werry Adnan recently posted..Dicari Reseller Kaos Bola Untuk Setiap Kota
Twitter: iseocompany
Hi Veronica,
Building a creative and effective website is all a web designer wishes for. Developing as well as designing a website acts as the mainframe for your website. The more beautifully the design of a website is, the more it is going to attract visitors towards it. So, this is definitely important I feel. Apart from this,I think the points that you have shared are all important and also a great guide for all the web designers. Thanks for the share!!
With an average time frame of three seconds to engage and keep a viewers attention the design and call to action message have to be spot on. If the viewer feels they are not getting what they are looking for when they land on a website they will quickly leave and look for a website that delivers the engaging content they are searching for.
yes Vance excellent point!
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
Your website is your foundation so it has to be built right so I totally agree that it takes time and work. Building a beautiful website is great but it has to be coded correctly so you can benefit from it and the search engines can read it as well. Great article!
Ella Turgeon recently posted..Drawing the 9-Headed Figure Prep
These days most websites are designed not on dreams but on how to make money.Though they have no interest in what they are posting and updating,but they do it for the money.But there are some who love to design websites the way they love and the way they want it to be

abhishek recently posted..Link Building:Important Strategy In Blogging
Yes that’s right abhishek now they are just searching for best adsense placement templates and best seo supported templates no one goes with their own design…
Nice Post!!! You have highlighted all the main points , well done!!
Gurwinder Singh recently posted..Iphone Tip: 4 More Things The Home Button Can Do
Building a website is very simple but first you must thinking to produce new things that help you to Attract a range of visitors to your site.
Thank you for your post Veronica
Twitter: @evocativeteen
Well it sounds like easy to build a website but its not. There are many things you gotta do! Domain and other stuff. Theme is a major issue. Right now I am stuck with the theme issue.
Rohan Shankar recently posted..Build Your Own Computer- Best Configurations for all Budget- 2012-2013
You make it sounds costly to have a website. I think you missed one cheaper suggestion that is to search for free beautiful theme/templates and customizing it. People can learn how to do it within a week.
It’s such a powerfull formula. Unfortunately a lot of new bloggers tend to forget. Even me. But the number one rule is to blog because you love doing it. Don’t worry about money. Who needs them, right?

Adam recently posted..A 100 word thought
Branding seems to be the trend even for blogs
Big G is pushing the brands in front of its serp
Jean-Luc de recently posted..Lancement de la Scpi Primovie
Hello, creating a website is not a hard task but to work on it seriously is the most tuffest job in this world.
I think the hardest bit is to find a suitable name for a blog. You want it to be easy enough to remember but also at the same time be related to your blogging content and somehow creative as well.
When it comes to design a logo, I go to a website called 99 cent or something similar. There I get hundreds of people designing a logo and I can pick the best one
simple and easy for me that have no idea about graphic design
Tim Anderson recently posted..Colorbond Fencing Prices
is the logo 99cent? lol if so that is the best deal on the block!
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
Twitter: websitepromocod
There are a lot of things that you need to consider when creating a website, make sure that you check your audience and that website is suitable for them. Overall, good article!
sanjay recently posted..Create a Coming Soon Page with Countdown Timer
Pretty good information, I would say the most important thing is to find your keyword and agressively pursue it.
Andy Domonkos recently posted..Paul Ryan’s Favorite Band: Rage Against Paul Ryan
I am kind of torn on this concept. I would think the most important part is to find your passion first and then determine the keywords.
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
I agree with this entire post. I also agree with one of the commenters, it is very difficult to to come up with a domain name.
Thanks for the post Veronica
Joe S. recently posted..Why you need to pay attention to the details of your detail.
yep that almost always seems like the hardest part! especially if the one you really want is already taken which almost always seems to be the case.
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
There are a lot of things to contemplate before building a website, from your market niche to content, branding, and promotion. It all takes hard work and determination to be able to carry them out successfully. Research is an important thing to do if you decide to build your own website.
Felicia Gopaul recently posted..022 Career100- Becoming a Chiropractor- An Interview with Dr. Thomas Lamar
awesome share…Themes also play an important role in creating look and feel of the website. A nice theme is must for any website.I m agree on your website and nice content too.
Twitter: india_darshan
Every web site/blog’s owner want to see there site smart from others and for that they need to do furnish their site with more advanced options like which are mentioned in this post.
Hi Veronica,Great tips you’ve pointed out here on how to build a website of our dreams. While there are things that are easy to accomplish, there are many other things which are rather difficult to do when building a website that we dream of – maintenance, the various costs of plugins, etc., constant effort to update content and promote them, and many other things to do EVERYTIME is what makes it very difficult yet challenging.
Felicia recently posted..Game Theory – A New Web Series About Poker
Twitter: tricky_techno
i will be keeping all the points with me before stating my new project…great tips….
mohit rajwani recently posted..Add and Manage Accounts in Windows 8
Thanks very much for sharing. Your these tips has proven to be helpful for me. Good Work!
Dianna recently posted..Stablon the Best and Safe Way to Treat Depression
Before creating a website we have to remember why customer are coming for our site. it’s very import to focus it our products. creative images so can user can understand very well.
Build website and continuously maintain it with ranking is just like giving birth to child and grow him. Now in online marketing world to stay ahead in your business niche your website should be on top level and for that you should follow all tips which suggest by Veronica.
Really good post! These days most websites are completely designed around how to monetize and make money. They probably have little or no interest in what they are posting and are probably only thinking about SEO or CTR. But there are some who love to design websites the way they love and the way they want it to be. Good luck all!
Twitter: AAAccidentlaw
It’s important to take initial feedback from visitors when you first launch your site. You should have a phase of tinkering with what you’ve got to maximize what your viewers actually want, because that might look a little different than what you had in mind, but it gets more views.
Very good points i will keep this in mind for my official launch!
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
It takes a ton of time, but it’s so worth building the right site. I hate having others do it, it never turns out how I visioned it.
my sentiments exactly! if you can it’s best to do it yourself
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
Great content and promotion is the most important in build a website. Use mobile plugin and share to social media can help the promotion
julidarmaputra recently posted..The Efficacy Of Green Coffee To Lose Weight
Twitter: georgegijo
A website get its unique identity by way of its design and navigation. Navigation is an important aspect of a website as it can undermine and expose the information that is contained in your website. A good navigation that make sure every part of the website is easily accessible helpying your visitors.
George recently posted..New and Innovative Methods of Sharing Your Content
Some great advice Veronica. We all wish it was as easy as “build it and they will come” lol. But getting the site on the web and functioning is half the battle. You have laid out the necessary steps very well here. Like a few others have mentioned, navigation is a big part of making a site user friendly. You don’t want people having to figure out how to use your site. I’ve found that sites with difficult navigation are sites that I and most others will spend the least amount of time on. And page heading with an up front `mission statement` so to speak is greatly important. Thanks for the article Veronica.
Twitter: WedngAlbumCafe
Yes very true Navigation plays a very important part in maintaining viewership or establishing it in the first place!
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
yes , i want to create a very good website and currently working on it , wordpress is the best blogging platform and i am on it now , trying to develop a awesome website for bloggers .
Jatin Singhroha recently posted..How to create Giveaways online ?
Good luck and much success!
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
Nice strategy for developing website, there are so may CMS available on internet which will help you to build website. I think Joomla is best cms now a days.
nice sharing Veronica Spriggs.
Hello Veronica this is really a very useful article for them who want to build a cool and rocking website. Thanks for sharing such a great tips here on this blog
Thank you for the great ideas! Getting ready to build a website and wondering if you have any suggestions on a great host? I have a domain name with but not to fond of using website tonight. What about or Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
I have hosted several websites over the years and had some nightmare hosting experiences as well as heard quite a few. I would definitely recommend getting your own hosting acct rather than running with because that can limit some of the functionality you may want to have sometime down the line. I love Bluehost! They are awesome and have 24 hr LIVE telephone support.
I’m assuming you don’t need dedicated hosting. If so i really can’t recommend anyone as i’ve never had success with that. And eventually just decided to take my chances with shared hosting and a dedicated IP. so far so good.
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Wedding Photography: How to Capture All the Emotions of Your Big Day
hi veronica, Content is gold at this time.everyone knows about this.we can say that this is highly in demand..Then good to have a website with better theme.and last work best with off-page will also work great.
I love to design the website. I like to use dream viewer and photoshop in it.
Content is the king. But the design plays a very important role in the success of a website.

Vikas Bhatt recently posted..Update Galaxy S3 to XXDLI4 Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean Official Firmware
Great article, One very important thing when starting out is to do research first to save yourself the trouble of having to go back and change things later. Some of the biggest mistakes people make are…
Stop Words In Titles – Google & Others Hate Them
E.g. Title tags should avoid stop words such as: a, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, com, de, en, for, from, how, in, is, it, la, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, was, what, when, where, who, will, with, www, we, you, your, me, mine, my, i
Title Tags With Invalid Characters
E.g. Non alpha characters are invalid for title tags, with the exception of comma (,) and hyphen (-). Avoid Using ?,!,# etc
No Meta Description Tags
Be sure to add a description meta tag to your page.
Be sure to include keywords in your page and use proper density (about 2% so a 300 word article should have about 6 keywords) Make some keywords bold and try to include your focus keyword in the beginning of your page, also make links to other pages from some of them but don’t go overboard. Also keyword phrases > 6 words. Keep the number of words in a particular keyword phrase to six or fewer either by eliminating redundant or irrelevant words.
Keep all this in mind and you will be way ahead of the game as far as Search Engine Optimization goes. Be patient and your site will come together. I’m willing to help anyone who asks. Stop by and give me a shout.
Andy Chandler recently posted..Food Storage
Twitter: WedngAlbumCafe
Hi Adam, very interesting points you’ve bought up. I have been confused about the use of stop words as I know it’s recommended not to use them. BUT when researching my key words Google itself will recommend titles with stop words.
For instance if I search for “photographer album templates” Google then suggests I try searching for “album templates for photographers” as well. I believe I read somewhere that Google filters out the stop word? Not sure on that one.
So most of my post titles (or at least a good amount of them) include stop words. I am a bit conflicted about this. For now I have decided if i need a stop word I will run with it because i think its also very important to remember we are writing for our audience first and hopefully search engines second.
Personally I don’t feel the stop words have hurt my rankings but i’d love to hear what others think of this.
Veronica Spriggs recently posted..Photographer Facebook Timeline Covers, A Miracle Marketing Tool?
I think most people spend to much time worrying about the design of the website or how the website will look and don’t spend enough time worrying about the content. Anyone doing this long enough will tell you that content is king. I appreciate the fact that you touch on that with respect to your comments on branding and your message.
Having said this, I think once you as a new website owner have your content squared away, then presentation, like a good meal is the next key ingredient to great website design.
Thanks again, Joe at Findeavor
i agreee with this statement: “Website Creation is not so difficult. Difficult is ti set domain name for it”, cause its very dificult to find or thinking domain name
) but someone told me to try (an online website builder) and it was simple enough and I made a grate website using it!
thank you for the article! I want to say that people should not be afraid of building there website themselves!
I was really afraid of coding (and computers in general
There are a lot of website builders out there, go and save your money!
Twitter: couponnoffer
hey veronica,
being new to this field, I have faced such problems in building my own website and it sure asks for a lot of commitment. I appreciate your opinions and it is true. great post.
I tried to design my website by myself but failed
Twitter: ithauphy
Hi veronica
I really want to build my blog that can describe my self. When my blog can help each other, or can provide information they looking for, it mean that my blog become blog of my dream. But to know what people want become so hard for me..
aufa recently posted..Free Texas Poker Online for BlackBerry
Building website is bomb! If you are like me and do not want to do your homework on how to figure it out to build a website, just join Empower Network. they already have a blog through WordPress set up for you. All one need to do is BLOG and tell everyone.

Pher Lee recently posted..This Is Almost Cheating
nice post.. very useful for beginners who are planning to make a own website. i suggest to go with content management system because it is easy to design and update but the toughest part is to select the domain name for you website.
I really appreciate your blog and this particular post has clarified what I need to do to as I work on my website. Wish I had this info months ago before I whacked things out blissfully ignorant of a better way. Now I’m finding that fixing all that work has created a lot more work. At least, it’ll be done right and I can move forward from here.
Twitter: Teach_Computers
Good post. Ive built a few websites now and it really does pay to plan ahead, get everything right and have a plan of action. Especially if all your traffic is going to depend on search engines ;p
Daniel Sanderson recently posted..Backup Registry Windows 7
Hi Veronica! Building a website is simple. But building a good website is though. In the beginning i never had much visitors on the website. It now slowly grows. I can use your tips to get more visitors. I think that writing good content one of the most importent things is to rank well. Thanks again for your article!
Good tips, i am building e commerce website. Thanks !!
Some nice tips there for a beginner. To build a succesful commercial site will require a bit more though, like niche-building and great copywriting.
bert recently posted..Eigen bedrijf starten? MKB Marketing geheimen voor de startende ondernemer
Website design is something that I am terrible with – I usually just pay someone else to do it! I’m looking to start managing my own sites though so this blog post has been very useful for me! thanks