We all know of the dangers of substance abuse, and there are, thankfully, drug and alcohol rehab centers where our loved ones can get the help that they need to overcome their addiction and start on the road to recovery.
Something to bear in mind, though, is that drugs and alcohol are not the only addictive substances that are out there. We often hear of the dangers of violent video games, but perhaps a more important concern is the danger of video-game addiction.
Video Game Addiction – Facts and Figures
While not officially recognized as a disorder, there have been cases of what can only be termed video-game addiction, where players abandon real life to focus only on the playing of a game and the achievement of goals within the game.
Some professionals liken it to compulsive gambling or other such psychological addictions. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs), such as World of Warcraft, are often linked with video game addiction.
One scholar estimated that 40% of World of Warcraft players could be addicted. Internationally, a 2006 survey found that 2.4% of South Koreans between the ages of 9 and 39 could be considered to have videogame addiction.
As with other addictions, video game addicts become agitated when they cannot play their game of choice and may miss sleep, meals, and social interaction in order to continue playing. So why can video games be addictive? Some psychologists think that the games offer the fulfillment of essential human psychological needs, such as rewards and interaction with others.
Video Game Addiction – Is It Really That Big A Deal?
While videogame addiction sounds scary, it doesn’t seem that it has reached anywhere near the level of prevalence as drug and alcohol abuse. But just because you are not addicted does not mean that your videogame habits are perfectly healthy. So many of us work in an office sitting in one place for eight hours a day. Even children don’t get much exercise in school. Can it really be healthy to come home and spend even more hours sitting in front of a computer? Often, settling in to play a game is more of a habit than a considered choice.
Of course, not all video games are dangerous. Indeed, many can offer opportunities for learning, fun, and even development of hand-eye coordination. However, as with all things, moderation is the key. Those video-games that take advantage of psychological tricks to keep people playing should be treated with caution. If you ever find yourself putting off activities with friends and family to complete “just one more level,” it’s time to take a break from that game!
This guest post written by Shane who writes on all things, from drug and alcohol rehab centers to online phenomena.