3 Simple Yet Effective Tips for Writing Longer Blog Posts

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Harshit Singhal is a 21 years old student, gadget freak & part-time blogger who loves writing on a variety of niches. He mainly blogs at ExceptionalBlogger.com

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writing on laptopWriting long blog posts is the need of the hour, for they not only help in improving your blog’s authority in the eyes of search engines but also give you an opportunity to better serve your readers by providing them with comprehensive information.

Since I have noticed bloggers refrain from writing articles longer than 300-400 words and tend to focus more on writing shorter posts in order to increase the quantity of posts in their blogs and also save themselves the trouble of creative more content, here are some tips that would be helpful for you in writing longer blog posts without any hassles:

1. Research Well

Once you’ve decided the topic of your post, you should spend a reasonable amount of time in researching about it and trying to get into the depths of the topic. You can do this by reading other blogs who have written on some variations of that topic and then brainstorming your mind for some more valuable points which are missing in other articles so that your post can stand out among the others.

Doing this will ensure that will never run out of points to discuss when writing your post and you will be able to produce an interesting article that touches upon a number of ideas, thereby engaging your readers and improving your credibility as a blogger.

2. Elucidate your points

Once you’ve jotted down points for your post, explaining them would be a piece of cake and you will easily be able to discuss your points at length. Not only will this help increase the word count but your readers would also get in-depth information which will help

them understand the ideas in a better way.

However at the same time, you should make sure that in your quest to lengthen the article, you do not make your post sound uninteresting and boring to your readers. To prevent this, you should make it a point to avoid being repetitive and do not go about beating the bush instead of providing value to your readers.

3. Give Examples

The best way of writing long posts is to put in your own perspective in them as well. This strategy is used by most of the top bloggers like Yaro Starak, Darren Rowse and other prominent bloggers wherein they use their personal examples to elaborate their points, thereby adding a personal element in their posts that resonates with their readers.

For instance, if you are writing a post on how to use guest blogging effectively, you can cite your own example and share with your readers what strategies you used while guest blogging on other blogs and how that helped you to grow your blog and readership.

This serves a dual purpose – firstly, your readers would get to better understand the ideas presented in the post thanks to the live examples, and secondly, as these posts tend to get labelled as pillar content, they generally attract a lot of traffic and trackbacks as other bloggers in the niche link back to these articles which increases the backlinks count of the blog, thereby boosting its rankings in search engines.

While these were some simple yet effective ideas that will help you to write longer blog posts, it is not necessary that each and every post of yours should be more than 1000 words. In fact, contrary to popular belief, readers tend to avoid reading such long posts, so you should ideally try to keep the number of words to around 600 or so, as this will keep both your readers as well as search engines happy.