Here’s the video and transcription of this weeks newsletter on how bloomin sick I am!
Contest Winner
And this weeks winner is this person from Postage Journal who recently wrote about “Postage Stamps for Children”
well done!,maybe someone will leave a comment on your blog to say well done (hint hint!) and get a backlink for the trouble
(it will be up to you to claim your prize of a lifetime license to Commentluv Premium, you have until next weeks newsletter comes out)
transcript: BOL newsletter #50
Hello and welcome to another newsletter. As you can tell by me walking about, and not lying in bed going oh gah blah, I am feeling a little bit better and I have still got heavy legs but what the hell, I have been carrying my legs for all my life and I’m pretty used to that.
Oh, blimmey what a hard thing is to edit that video!
What was I doing listening to all the awesome feedback?, I could have just whack it up there and hope for the best, but instead, I listened to you people and a lot of people mentioned about those squiggly letters moving up and down which I’ll have to look at it again I thought – at first I thought it was oh it’s magic and then now I think, oh yeah, I see your point.
I have calm them down a bit, I said,

Calm your tits, come down,
and they did after bashing the computer for about hours. Blimmey that was hard work. Then I got someone else who said—,
Oh have a look at this picture!
This is my chicken cacciatore.
Have a look. See look how bright it is. It is lovely. It’s got red peppers, but I used the chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts because that’s all I had.
That’s got nothing to do with anything, plug-ins all business, but I want to show someone because my Mrs. works in the kitchen cooking stuff and she was like, ‘Yeah, whatever.’ So she’s not impressed by cooking things, I am and hopefully you too. I’ve put the recipe of it there, below the video somewhere so you can find out how to make that too because it is a really nice recipe and lots of other people said this is really tasty too.
Next I’ve got to tell you something else as well.
Oh yeah, well done for all the contest winners. Someone got in contact with me and got a license and then there is the other person this week as well, you’ll find out on my blog on the post where this newsletter appears.
And then I’ve got another I can talk to you about as well, I was going to say I’ve told you about video that I’m doing that– Oh yeah, I’m going to do some live actions stuff or maybe some narrative stuff by – maybe get Morgan Freeman to do it or someone who sounds like him because again, that was another feedback where someone said that the demo area or part of it was a bit short and so you couldn’t really get an idea of what the plug-in does from the video;
and after getting some emails from people saying, ‘What does your plug-in do for people that can’t read web pages?’ I thought, I’ve got a – it’s not that it’s my fault, but still I’ve got enough responsibility to explain what it is on video, and for that I am going to have to extend those demo pieces. I can’t really do it in the videos. We are going to have to do some shenanigans to do that as well.
I will make the videos this week to put into the placement there and I will get them narrated or live action or me pointing at things saying, ‘Look,’ maybe not and then that will be done. That’s only like six weeks behind schedule, but as I said I don’t do schedules so, I’m on schedule, huh how about that?.
I don’t do schedules so how can I be on it? That is existential for you, isn’t it?
Anyway, I hope to see you next week where I still will be ambulatory and hopefully my legs will be less heavy than they are today. So what can I say?
Yeah, I can say goodbye. Cheerio see you all next week.!