Trying out a new theme (maybe temporary)

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btw.. you can get this author box here

I have spent the past 2 weeks coding the new url registration and theme and it’s being tested out now. If it all works, fine! if not, I’ll have to take it down and fiddle with it some more.

At the moment there is only 1 site url able to be registered per account but I will add the ability to add more sources once this theme and code is stable.

It takes a long time to code things when you work full time and run a company too! I really really need a break from the PC, it’s been months since I took a decent walk or ride on

the bike… oh plz tell me it works! :)

I would really appreciate it if you could leave a comment if you spot something not working like the menu bar not showing or an error coming from trying to register your url or details.


I’ve reset the sitewide tags so there aren’t any showing right now but will be populated when ComLuv blog owners start posting again.