Polish Your Ideas for Blog Posts to Create Bang-On Articles.

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Arbaz Khan
Hi there, my name is Arbaz Khan. Blogging is like a passion for me and now I can't live without my blog. I don't like to take orders and so I am on my way of becoming a professional blogger and be my own boss. You can pay me a visit at my own blog - TinyBlogger. I have a soft-corner for this blog in my heart. I also have a Android-iPhone blog - IDroidSpace. Be sure to stay connected with me on social networks.
Arbaz Khan
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Being a blogger, it is a must that you preserve each and every idea that strikes your mind. Not doing so means that you are missing on some great epic content that might have the ability to become the pillar articles of your blog.

Ideas for Blog Posts.

OK, it might be possible that you get lots and lots of ideas about your next blog post or about your marketing strategies, but the question arises that do you use them to the fullest? You brain might be generating some great ideas every second and the nest second you forget it as you get engrossed in some other work. Now when you are writing a post and you think of that idea you are not able to recall it. That point is too frustrating as you know it was a great idea to implement.

So how can you preserve all your ideas without losing even the smallest one? Let’s first see how you can preserve your ideas and later we will discuss the concept of polishing the ideas so that they can shine more than before.

Store your Ideas for Future use.

If you ask me where do I look for ideas for my next step, I will confess that I look everywhere and every time – at home, in my college, in lectures, during parties and also when I am watching movies or listening songs. I know that these are some weird places to look for ideas for your blog post but believe me you will find something great.

Sometimes professors in the lectures utter such inspirational words that can turn into your next BIG post, dialogues in the movies are written by award-winning professionals and so you will definitely find great points to look out for. I have written 4-5 posts from ideas that I got from movies.

Now comes the part where we will store our ideas.

1. Use the Technology.

If you are not using the technology provided today then you are insulting the scientists and the developers who have worked day and night to make it possible. So you must use the technology to make your presence felt in the blogosphere. Nowadays everyone has a smartphone or every phone has smartphone like features. So why not use your smartphone to store your ideas. That’s a great

move. Like this you will be sure that all your thoughts are stored at a proper place, away from the danger of being lost. You always carry your smartphone, so not using it will be a stupid thing.

2. Go the Traditional way.

Not a smartphone fan. No problem. A decade ago, people weren’t having smartphones, so they were using something different to keep their notes. You can keep a small diary in your pocket all the time and jot down points as soon as they strike your brain. This is also a great way to keep a record of your ideas.

Polishing Your Ideas For Blog Posts.

Now that you know how to store your ideas, even the smallest one; its now time to see how you can polish your ideas for blog posts and create some great and compelling articles.

#1. Take Down Every Ideas on a Hard Copy.

This is the practice that you need to do at every day’s end. You make a hard copy and note down every idea that struck your mind. Like this, you will end up writing more new ideas and more new concepts.

#2. Split them Up.

Now you have to separate all your ideas and make proper categories. You don’t want to end up writing a post on a topic that’s doesn’t fit your blog. So it is advisable to split your ideas and make different categories.

#3. Make a Mindmap.

Now you have to pick up a proper idea and keep it in center. Once done, look into the respective category of ideas and connect every idea with your central idea. Make a proper mindmap. This way you will not only get more and more ideas for blog posts but you will end up writing a whole post series.

#4. Repeat the Process.

Always remember you need to repeat the process every time. Once you have a proper blogging gameplan at your disposal you need to repeat the whole process time after time to get the best results.

Now It’s Over To You.

There it is. I have tried my best to show my fellow bloggers how to preserve the ideas and polish them to make the most out of it. Always remember, you can get new ideas for blog posts everywhere and at any time, so be swift enough to grab them.

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net