When you are growing your website, start out with a plan. Decide on the direction you want to go, not just for the moment, but a year from now, two years, even five years.
Brick and mortar businesses develop five and sometimes ten year business plans. A lot of web entrepreneurs skip that part because everything is so fast and easy to set up online. However a good web entrepreneur knows that his website is a business, and a having a (business) plan is always the best way to go.
Growing Your Website – Are you Planting Annuals or Perennials?
I like to think of it as the difference between a gardener planting annuals or perennials. A hasty gardener may get quick satisfaction out of planting a bunch of annuals. His or her garden will look fantastic for the season, but then when the season is over, it all dies off.
The smart gardener will use perennials to keep their garden growing year after year, and getting stronger at the same time. As you develop your website, make sure you keep that thought in mind, and plant the seeds that will give you a strong web presence that keeps on growing year after year.
Keeping it Fluid, Keeping it healthy
Of course, healthy plants need regular watering, and careful attention to saturation levels. I saw that too in my online businesses. I had to constantly give my site attention, and create new content for it to freshen it up.
It’s also important to avoid “over-watering”. Putting too much up, too fast,
Just as a gardener knows that fewer plants will flourish & grow much bigger and stronger than a row of plants that are crowding each other out, you need to “thin your content out” too. Choose a few of the best in each category and price range. Don’t be tempted to put up everything available to the consumer.
Keep Your Eyes on the Competition
You can get a lot of ideas for your website by keeping an eye on your competition. It can also help you come up with ways of attracting customers, too. In the real world, businesses are always scoping out the competition. Just think of how many grocery store chains employ mystery shoppers, who’s sole purpose is to keep abreast of competitor’s pricing, You need to know what is going on in your market to know what products and methods work best.
Tracking your Performance when growing your website
Throughout my life in agriculture, I knew I had to keep an eye on the soil. Doing regular soil tests let me keep abreast of the conditions my plants were growing in. I could find out a lot of information from each test: the amount of and kinds of nutrients in the soil as well as what mixes of fertilizers to use, and when.
Similarly, when building a recent website for the best family camping tent solutions, I used many kinds of tests to keep track of my site’s health. Some of the things these tests (analytics) can tell you about your website are:
- Where traffic is coming from
- How long each visit lasts
- How many pages each visitor hits on the site
- If a visitor clicked on links
These are all vital pieces of information that will tell you if your off-page SEO is working, if the information on your site itself is working, and if you have the right products for your market. Use them to grow your website and make it strong and healthy for the long-haul, not just for the season. Just like your garden, your website needs to flourish year after year.