BOL newsletter 48 – how to fix the XML error and looking for a social media manager

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Here’s the video and transcription of this weeks newsletter on how to fix the invalid xml entity error and more

And this weeks winner is Jeannie from Nomadic Chick who recently wrote about “A last look at China”

well done Jeannie,maybe someone will leave a comment on your blog to say well done (hint hint!) and get a backlink for the trouble :)

(it will be up to you to claim your prize of a lifetime license to Commentluv Premium, you have until next weeks newsletter comes out)

Hello and welcome to another news letter!

Now I was supposed to be telling you the sales video that I edited and extended the demonstration videos for.

But I had a bit of trouble this week with my faculties and had some pain so that I can’t think properly and stuff. Rah! Whatever. That’s not what this video’s about.

This video is about Google Plus. Its about Social Media Management so pay attention if you’re a Social Media Manager or you want to be and something else as well. (Pause) (Laugh) See, I told you I have trouble thinking. What is it?

Oh! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Declared entity  XML error kind of thing.

So, first thing’s first.

Google sent me an email saying I can have the Plus commentluv link or url. Which is pretty sweet really. So if you want to connect on commenluv on google Plus, just go to plus commentluv. Sweet!

And while we’re talking about Social Media like Google Plus, Umm…I don’t know if I need a Social Media Manager or not. You know uhh…definitely I haven’t got the time to do it myself but I don’t need all bells and whistles thing. And I don’t need certainly that costs like $99 a month kind of thing.

So if you’re a Social Media Manager or you want to be, let me know. Send me an email with why I need one and what benefit will it do for me. Why I should give the job to you and how much it costs

And if all is tickidee-boo then definitely I might be in the market for employing a Social Media Manger.

And then the third thing as well. What did I have trouble with before? Oh yeah! The Declared entity in XML error.

The Declared entity at column 39 line 1 or something like that. 

Now if you have something like these type of errors happening when you comment on a commentluv blog, and you start to type your comment and you see that message there, the next video or the video that just coming in a bit; that will show you exactly how to fix that problem.

Anyway, apart from using commenluv premium which fixes it automatically. Which is kind of really definitely worth a premium price. But if you want to use the Free version or the place your commenting on is using a lesser version than the most latest one; then for sure watch the next video because that’ll show you how you can find out what’s causing that and how to fix it.

And it’s pretty useful anyway because it’s not just for commentluv, it’s for other things too.

And then…of course something else to say, I can’t remember, what’s it gonna be? Oh yeah! Yeah! I made another video back when I had my faculties and that video explains how to find what is causing the white screen of death on your site.

That’s if you got access to the admin area and then the front page and stuff, that’s getting white screen of death. So I tell you how you can get or how you can find out whether it’s your theme or it’s your plug-in and if it’s a plug-in, how to quickly drill down and find out which plug-in is causing the error.

So, the next video that you’ll just about to see is just a couple minutes long and that’s gonna let you know what to do with the XML error. And the other video, I’ll put a link to that in the comments because that’s a bit longer and I don’t want to force you to watch that one up. Okay?

So, I’ll see you next week. And remember, if you’re a Social Media Manager or you want to be let me know by email “Why I should have a  Social Media Manager?”, “ What you can do for me?” and “How much it’s gonna cost?”


Hi its’ Andy Bailey from and in this video I am going to show you how you can very quickly find and fix the problem if you get an XML invalid entity error when you’re commenting on a commentluv blog

Okay so here we are. This is my other personal blog, but let’s says I’m making a comment on this blog here.

Now this is using an older version of the free version of CommentLuv.

I’ll put in and I’ll just show you here without having to write the comment and you can see that it’s take a while because it’s trying some different things to find the feed.

But it says, this XML document is invalid.

Now when you usually see something like this.

If you hover over the area there where it says “Hover your mouse” you can see there’s some white space before the start of the XML.

And what’s happening is CommentLuv is trying to read the XML file that CommentLuv produces, but because there’s some space at the start it doesn’t know what to do with it.

Now I’ve written some stuff into the plug in that can mostly take care of that, but not all plug versions do this, and sometimes other files get included before CommentLuv can load and then it’s those files that are adding this extra bit of white space, and that’s what causes the error.

So this is how you fix it very quickly. So I’m Andy. I’m going to log in. So we are going to go to appearance, and editor. One of the main reasons that the XML error happens is because there are extra space in the functions file of you theme.

So if you look at your theme editor and we go to theme functions, and then we scroll to the bottom, and exactly there you can see.

If you can put your cursor after the closing PHP tag then that is what inserting extra space. So what we can do is delete all of that, but before we do all of that let me show you that if you have CommentLuv Premium it does some extra little fancy bits to try to mitigate that problem.

When it gets the data back it tries to ignore any blank space, but like I said other plug-ins load before CommentLuv Premium does sometimes so even then, it causes an issue. So if we scroll down to the comments on… who’s this here… Sarupa Shah.

Okay so let’s have a look here see how it reacts with the same URL on CommentLuv Premiums site.

Now again I am not writing a comment on here I am just seeing how it reacts to my URL, and again you can see it’s taking an extra-long time and that is because it is trying other different things when it gets and error.

As you can see CommentLuv Premium is able to bring back that last post.

So if you are having a problem the first thing you should do if you are using the free version of CommentLuv then go to your functions file and then just remove everything after the last tag.

So you’ve got the question mark and the closing bracket. That closes PHP.

But because your theme gets loaded in the middle of everything else that Word Press loads you don’t need to do this closing tag. In fact it’s a good idea to remove it anyway.

And so there you go. Make sure the last character is one of the PHP characters or there are no spaces after the closing tag.

So let’s update the files. Now it’s not really a good idea to update a file while it’s live on your site, but I am just doing it here just to make it go a bit quicker.

What you would do, ideally is that you would download the file. Check it in a proper editor, not Microsoft Word and not Notepad, but something like Notepad ++ or some other type of editor like that, and then you would check it there.

But, if you haven’t got one of those editors this is the quick and dirty way to do it.

So let’s just check now. Let’s see what happens when I try again. let me click in here again.

And we can see straight away everything is working perfectly fine again.

So that little bit of extra space that was after the closing tag that was the cause of it.

So if you ever see an XML error entity starts at line 39 columns something like that this is usually the case.

If it’s not in your functions file then it will be in one of your plug-ins that you’ve recently added. So if you added a plug in or updated it recently check those plug-ins to make sure that the closing PHP tag does not have any extra space on it.

And you’re better off actually just deleting the closing tag.

There you go!

How to find which plugin is causing the white screen of death video

what do you think? useful?