The secret trait your man MUST have
Are you looking for your dream man? How would you like him to see you as the most beautiful woman in the world?
Sound good?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.
The problem
Most women look for a guy who is smart, funny, nice, handsome, interesting, hunky, sexy, trustworthy, and rich (or at least gainfully employed).
Tsk, tsk.
That is, unfortunately, why most women overlook a terribly important, must-have trait in a man.
That is why most women never get their guy.
And that is why there are so many lonely women and men in the world today.
His “less than perfect” trait that is actually PERFECT for you
I’m just about to unveil this secret to you. But I need you to help me out. Can you keep an open mind, please?
After all, the definition of insanity, according to Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Women need a different approach to get the man they want.
Okay, here goes: A man’s less-than-perfect vision can be a godsend in your love life.
You’ve heard of farsightedness?
That’s what to look for in a partner, girls. Add “farsighted” to the top of traits you must-have in a man. And, while you’re at it, be sure to note that you want this man to wear glasses.
Farsightedness means your man clearly sees things far away. But NOT—and this is super important—up close.
That’s right.
Up close and “uncorrected” by glasses, everything to your farsighted guy is softened, blurred and dreamlike. Just like in one of those old-style movie star photos.
Picture yourself looking like that to him.
Are you with me?
Good. (After all, where do you suppose the expression, “Love is blind or nearly so,” came from?)
The secret sexy thing you absolutely must do
So, once you find your guy who is, first and foremost a farsighted glasses-wearer, here’s what to do:
When he comes in close range to you, then quickly, but very sexily, snatch off his glasses.
Voila! An instant, effective and TOTALLY FREE beauty treatment for you!
Gone are the imperfections that cosmetic companies so desperately want you to fix or hide.
No problem!
What are you talking about?
That three-inch growth hanging off your left eyebrow?
Okay. THAT is something you might need to deal with.
Love-life bliss, plus savings galore!
Yes, our farsighted secret promises to revolutionize your love life. But it also practically guarantees to save you—big-time—on:
- Money you’d otherwise be practically FORCED to spend on cosmetics, wrinkle creams, cleansers, skin treatments and the like.
- Space to store all those bottles, jars, squirters, wands, creams, lotions, tubes and such.
- Time to actually USE all those products.
Even juicier still: Just think of the diamonds, furs and luxury apartments that are sure to come your way if you look so utterly gorgeous with so little effort!
A wrinkle in the plan?
But what if your dream man is farsighted, but wears contacts? And what if he despises wearing glasses?
This IS a problem, dear. While you can playfully remove eyeglasses, slyly removing his contacts just doesn’t have the same effect.
Thus, you must ask yourself a very difficult question:
Do you want to look stunningly beautiful to him WITHOUT needing to keep up your appearance?
Only you can decide.
Whatever your choice, I wish you the best.
But let me leave this thought with you:
If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, then removing your farsighted man’s glasses is a taxicab to Tiffany’s.
Twitter: musicblogtips
Hehe! Realy interest article. I enjoyed this article.
Twitter: wowfactortravel
funny…nice article…catchy last “thought” to ponder!
Cheap Flights Perth´s recent blog post ..Cheap Flights Perth to New Zealand
This is so wonderfully true! My hubby has a farsighted brain and cannot see my flaws. LOL if he does he doesn’t say so.
Twitter: MarieOverfors
Glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for commenting, too.

Marie Overfors´s recent blog post ..Stressed Push Your Pleasure-Getaway Button
cool post. Its time since i have read such an interesting post. thanks for sharing
Himanshu´s recent blog post ..Free international calls to any phone for three days without registration
haha it’s worth it ! it’s quite the humor and a sense of information at a time .. more especially on the “farsighted” part …
budwalker´s recent blog post ..Easy Steps in Living Your Life in the Modern World
really inspiring and funny posting. what I notice about the guy, the more we feel we need them the more they stay away from us. that’s the dilemma.
thinninghairwhq´s recent blog post ..Biotin Hair Growth – Food Contain Biotin
Must admit I was half expecting a simple ‘if he has flaws, he’ll love you more/be easier to manipulate’, but really enjoyed a perspective that equally applies to myself written with a zany exploration of simile, I thought only myself and other slightly mad people enjoyed!
Twitter: MarieOverfors
Woo hoo! It’s so much fun for me to see that you guys like this humor.

Marie Overfors´s recent blog post ..Stressed Push Your Pleasure-Getaway Button