CommentLuv for Photographers

New Jersey Portrait, Real Estate, Travel and HDR Photographer

Latest posts by scottwyden (see all)

You can get your own content published on this site as long as you have CommentLuv installed on your site.

Doing so means you get exposure to thousands and thousands of other CommentLuv users and your posts get sent out to the massive subscriber list.

Google loves this site and indexes it multiple times per day and posts always get lots of comments so you can be sure of some excellent exposure.

See the Write For Us page for more details

btw.. you can get this author box here

Giving Photographers some Comment Love

CommentLuv is a unique blogging tool and very useful for photographers.  The reason I call it that and not a WordPress plugin is because CommentLuv is available for WordPress and Blogger.  In the end, it is in fact a plugin.  CommentLuv simply adds a script to your comment system that searches for the commenter’s latest blog post and inserts a link to it with the comment.  CommentLuv can be customized to match your website.  You can add custom CSS to your theme or use the back-end to change some settings of display.

CommentLuv Hover Card

So why is it good for photographers?

You write a post that is very popular and it attracts 50 people, all with blogs, all commenting.  As other readers visit your blog article and start to read the comments, they will see the CommentLuv links.  If they see a title they like, they can hover over the 

target="_blank">CommentLuv icon to see some simple stats or just click the link to visit the commenters post.

CommentLuv encourages people to comment, helps build community, shows visitors that you appreciate them, gives visitors an opportunity to share your traffic and it’s free and lightweight.

Here is a video showing the simple function of CommentLuv and how you can give back to your fellow photographers by implementing CommentLuv on your blog.

CommentLuv for Photographers Video


Read more about why photographers should use CommentLuv on my website.   I am a New Jersey Photographer and I love CommentLuv.

Thanks for reading and I hope all photographers install CommentLuv to their blogs today,




  1. Melissa Rohde says:

    Added commentluv to my blog. Waiting patiently for comments from real people.

  2. I seem to find that alot of blogs seem to be cashing in on this CommentLuv pluggin without actually installing it on their sites. Yours is this first ive seen that says they have it and they actually do!

  3. Twitter:
    I have just installed commentluv on my fairly-new website, and I’m really excited to see the benefits you describe in your article. I am a photographer in Southwest Florida, and there is quite a bit of competition (as I’m sure there is in all areas). Anything I can do to get a little higher on the search results, I’m happy to try it out! Thanks for this info.
    Laura recently posted..Introducing Mr. “B” | Cape Coral Newborn PhotographyMy Profile

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