How old is your blog and how long have you been blogging? what is your current stats and your traffic?
Is it pleasing or plainly boring, and you feel like ” i just wanna quit blogging” ?
Well, there’s goodnews for you, because here are top simple 4 steps to help you build a winning blog within a short period of time.
What is a Winning Blog?
If this question did cross your mind while you are reading this, then let me explain it in short details….
A winning blog is an authority in it’s own right, a website that it’s counterpart look up to, that gets the advertisers, that gets the traffic etc.

Ultimate Guides To Building a Winning Blog
Guidelines On How to Build A winning Blog
Having a great website is the first step toward showing the world you’re serious about your small business. Here are 4 great ways to make your website just as professional as you are:
1. Get a Custom Domain Name: Not only is a custom URL easier for your customers to remember, it also helps improve your ranking on search engines. Depending on your link building strategies, how many blogspots and wordpress domain do you have in your memory?
Currently, as for me, it’s just two blogs on blogspot which i have, an entertainment blogspot and my ranking blogspot, i just can’t fathom the idea of visiting a website ( it’s not only hard for bloggers and newbies to store the name, but it shows immaturity for your intending advertisers.
Ensure that you get a custom domain name for your blog, to make it look professional and quality too. Would you ever buy a domain? as for me, yes, but it won’t cost more than $10 or less. they are just not reliable and the host have 101% full right
2. Create a Custom Email Address: Another benefit of having your own domain name is the ability to have a sharp-looking custom email address that shows you know what you’re doing in the blogosphere. Get an email address that is custom, like mine ( which is really professional and very matured.
3. Customize your website’s footer. One of the benefits of having a winning website is the ability to customize your site’s footer and remove the provider’s branding. This is a good step toward looking more polished.
This is one thing which i have noticed that bloggers are overlooking, their footer, top bloggers like Pat Fyln and John Chow, and their footer looks like another website altogether. Which gives them a professional look.
4. Set up a sleek mobile site. We’re in the technology age right now, and since humans are always on the move, they need to stay updated too, and making your website mobile friendly will be something that will really benefit you, in terms of your earnings, visitors and otherwise.
Okay, lets take a classical example here, if you visit a website on your mobile device and it’s just plainly not compatible with your mobile device, making you to scroll left, right just to read a sentence, how would you feel?
That is the very same situation with your readers if your blog is not mobile friendly, get a sleek mobile themes to make your site mobile friendly. Also, there are themes that are responsive to any browsing device, you can upload them and take care of your mobile visitors. Make them feel comfortable and they will keep coming.
Did you know that currently the average consumer spends almost 1 in every 10 e-commerce dollars using a mobile device? Good motivation to have a great mobile version of your website for customers to browse on the go.
That’s all for now, and i hope this help you build a winning blog that will certainly increase your earnings and your traffic.