Blog Networks Deindexed – The Aftermath

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Alan Jurysta
I am an entrepreneur with various interests. I like to help other businesses get off the ground. I also enjoy humor and you might find some funny stories posted here
Alan Jurysta
Alan Jurysta

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Rants From A Conspiracy Theorist

google seo penalty image

Admittedly I am not completely clued in to all the chatter going on regarding the de-indexing of blog networks. A little over a month ago, I heard Terry Kyle put out a video announcing the death of “Homepage Backlink Networks”. Certainly events in recent days don’t bode well for those who run networks, or those who rely on them.[youtube][/youtube]

What is Google Up To?

If I were Google, a public company driven by shareholders demands for profits, I would want to make sure my visitors were happy with the results they are presented with, so they stick around and can be upsold to adsense results.

The first headache I have is the SEO industry. There are lots of clever people in this community (as well as some people just trying to make a buck). I would need to keep them off-balanced so noone gets too close to our secret formula. How would I do this? How about if I leaked to some community members how it worked? And what if I told other community members the exact opposite. Wow I would have a couple of groups running around telling their followers contradictory information they got from Google”. But who to believe? If I am Google I wouldn’t care, because whatever I tell them now will

change in a few months anyway.

Once I have this community thoroughly entrenched in debates, I can turn my attention to the people who try to game the system. Suppose I open an account with one of the blog networks and checked out how it worked? What sites were part of it? What if I did this with every blog network? What if I set up dozens of accounts with these services? What if the people who ran these services had no idea? What a load of information I would have to act decisively with networks that have been set up for the sole purpose of gaming the system. What if I created further confusion by sending out a notice stating effectively, come clean and you may get off the hook? How frightened people would be.

Now what if I publicly state that websites exhibiting certain characteristics would do better in results, even if I did not have the technology to identify these characteristics? Would I get a lot of people to listen? Would I throw a lot of people off the scent? You bet I would. created further confusion by sending out a notice stating effectively, come clean and you may get off the hook? How frightened people would be.

Is Google Perfect?

What if my algorithms were faulty? Would I lose my customer base in droves if anyone lost confidence in my results? How would I rationalize this? How about if I create a “dance”?

How would I encourage more ad sales? What if I wreaked havoc with search results to force businesses to hedge their best with ad purchases?

What if I were a conspiracy theorist? I might just share my views with the world. Fortunately this article is science fiction so we have nothing to fear. Or do we?

Read more warped views at my blog.