Are You A CommentLuv Affiliate Yet?
One of the often overlooked benefits of your CommentLuv membership is the fantastic affiliate program we have here. There is no minimum payout for the program and it’s super simple to join. You might not be familiar with the CommentLuv Affiliate program so let me give you some of the details.
What is the CommentLuv Affiliate Program
The CommentLuv Affiliate program works like this: you get an affiliate link from your profile page here on You take the link and use it in blog post about CommentLuv, or add it to your blog roll or – and this is the one I want to talk more about – you can grab one of the lovely CommentLuv badges designed by Byteful Travel and add it to your sidebar. Now some of you have the banners up already, so why not just set it up with your affiliate and earn some CommentLuv credits.
Oh sorry, I got ahead of myself just then, now let’s get back to understanding how the affiliate program works. Once you have the link somewhere on your blog, whenever a new ComLuv member signs up with that link, they will be one of your referrals. If that person ever buys any ComLuv credits, you’ll get credits too!
How Do I Register as a CommentLuv Affiliate?
It’s a no-brainer right? You love CommentLuv, you want your friends to have CommentLuv on their blogs, you want to earn some CommentLuv credits so you can be featured on the home page….the list of reasons to be an affiliate go on and on don’t they? So without further adieu (yes I spelled that correctly) here’s how to activate your CommentLuv Affiliate account on
Log in to your dashboard and go to your profile, scroll down to the Affiliate settings and say Yes Please to Enable Affiliate links:
- Fill in your proper paypal email address
- Type in the url of your blog
- Copy and save your CommentLuv Affiliate link
That’s it! You’re done.
Well not exactly, you still have one more thing to do and I’ll demonstrate in this screencast how ease it is to add the banner to your sidebar. This demo involves a little bit of code but don’t worry, it’s not really all that technical and it’s even easier than installing the CommentLuv Plugin on Blogger or even WordPress for that matter.

Here’s the code you need to add to the badge in order to create the link, just remember to replace YOURREF with your CommentLuv Affiliate code.
<a href=”“>
Now you can show off your support for the CommentLuv community right on your sidebar and possible earn some extra ComLuv credits from the CommentLuv Affiliate program.
Twitter: moonswamp
will try today
and very happy I’m the first who comment this first post in 2011~~~

ecigs´s recent blog post ..Normal Electronic Cigar-701-5 Cartridge
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Matthew. I’m glad you’re the first one too. It’s nice to meet new people through the power of CommentLuv. Let me know how you make out with it.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Discover Your Writing Voice
Twitter: RetroCollage
I am a bit confused. I am logged in but I cannot find anything about affiliate links or settings anywhere in my dashboard. And is my affiliate code the same as my login name?
retrocollage´s recent blog post ..Blazing Star
Twitter: Ileane
Hi Eric,
That’s an excellent question! Once you get to your dashboard, navigate to “Your Profile”, which is on the left hand side. Scroll down the page and you will see “Affiliate Settings” like in the screenshot above.
If you get lost, just have a look at the video again and that way you can follow along.
Let me know if you still need a hand.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Give Facebook a Facelift with PostPost
Twitter: RetroCollage
Thanks for the help. I did get it set up.
retrocollage´s recent blog post ..Calling All Collagists and Assembleurs!!!
Twitter: Ileane
That’s fantastic. Nice to see the CommentLuv badge on your sidebar.
Ileane´s recent blog post ..How-to Tweet Your Blog Post from RSS
Twitter: BlazingMinds
Nicely explained Ileane and as always the video gives even more explanation to the CommentLuv affiliate

Karen´s recent blog post ..Saturday Six – New Year’s Resolutions
Twitter: Ileane
Thanks Karen! I’m glad you liked the video tutorial.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..5 Tips for Setting Up a Video Blogging Room
Twitter: BlazingMinds
We can always rely on you for your video tutorials

Karen´s recent blog post ..2010 Retrospective The Year That Was!
Twitter: justkissie
Hi B, I can’t help but think that you did this for me or by the suggestion of Mitch of I have ordained Fridays to be the day of the week that I commit to learning something new every week and then applying it monthly.

Kissie´s recent blog post ..Birthday Date Contest
Twitter: justkissie
Thanks, B. Mitchell ( and I talked about this a short while ago.
Initially my badge was setup incorrectly, prior to your help.
So this is definitely something that was needed. Thank you for posting for us.
I’ve resolved to learn and apply more productive and useful tools this year in all areas of my life. I know you’ll make sure it applies to my blogging lifestyle too.

Kissie´s recent blog post ..Birthday Date Contest
Twitter: Ileane
Mitch is always there to lend a helping hand. I’m glad you got the banner set up correctly now and you inspired me to do this post, just to be sure that others have the correct set up as well.
Thanks Kissie!
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Basic Blog Tips Is Off to a Great Start for 2011
Twitter: netchunks
Lol, it took me ages to find the dashboard link. I came to know about it only after seeing the video. It seems I had to just go to the homepage and I was searching every where else. Thanks Ileane for the excellent video and the tutorial
netchunks´s recent blog post ..Huge List of 400 Dofollow CommentLuv Blogs
The video tutorial helps me so much..!
I’m going to recommend my friends now…
Wish me luck, guys!
andryan7legends´s recent blog post ..Kompetisi WEB Kompas MuDA & AQUA
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Netchunks, I’m glad the screencast helped you find your CommentLuv affiliate settings! That just made my day.
Happy new year and let me know when you have your banner up.
Ileane´s recent blog post ..Embedly Plugin for WordPress Video Tutorial
Twitter: wandy_infinity
can I install this site into blogger platform?
wandy´s recent blog post ..2010 memories and nostalgia
Twitter: Ileane
Hi Wandy, Sure you can install CommentLuv on the Blogger platform as a plugin with the Intense Debate Commenting system. Here’s the instructions including a video tutorial
Let me know if you get stuck and need my help.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..UnTweeps – Unfollow Inactive Tweeple
Twitter: wandy_infinity
thanks…I will try commentLuv using blogger. thanks for your information.
wandy´s recent blog post ..2010 memories and nostalgia
Twitter: unikaman
This is great. I did not know ComLuv has affiliate program too.
I will surely try this out on my blog. Thanks!
Amandeep Singh´s recent blog post ..iTunes 12 Days of Christmas Day 9 Giveaway – Radioactive-Arizona Song and Video bundle by Kings of Leon
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Amandeep, glad I could introduce you to the CommentLuv Affiliate program and I wish you loads of success with referring new members to the CommentLuv community. Cheers!
Ileane´s recent blog post ..Tweet Videos To Your Followers With Screenr
Twitter: MrsMoodyGermany
That’s an excellent and very easy to follow tutorial for our bloggers fellows who need help to display affiliate banners.
Keep the good work up, girlfriend!
Kind regards,
Kimi´s recent blog post ..WordPress random ads plugin rotating wordpress ads widget
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Kimi,
Nice to see you again! Do you plan to add the CommentLuv badge to your blog’s sidebar? Let me know so I can take a look. Thanks for your comment.
Ileane´s recent blog post ..Saving Money In Your Home Office- 10 Useful Tips
Twitter: MrsMoodyGermany
Not for now, but i might change my mind!
Thanks Ileane!
Kimi´s recent blog post ..WordPress google ranking plugin — boost blog ranking
great write up!
very easy to follow and complete instructions!
After I change the layout of my blog, I am going to create a referral link myself!
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Protein Shakes – Develop A Great MiniSite
Twitter: Ileane
Hey zoopco, good for you. Thanks for the comment.
Ileane´s recent blog post ..Video Blogging Mistakes
Ileane, I laugh, not at you, but at the fact I feel so..DUUUUUUUH! I totally overlooked the fact that there was an affiliate program. Even if there isn’t $$ involved, it is still a great application that all bloggers need to have. Thanks for the heads up! I enjoy learning things from you.
bcatgray´s recent blog post ..“You Have Nice Blogs” – Using Commenting to Empower Part I
Twitter: Ileane
Thanks! I’m glad you’re finding value in the CommentLuv Affiliate program. It is very easy to miss it, so I wanted to get the word out.
Ileane´s recent blog post ..Oprah’s OWN Network Comes to Channel 161 on Verizon FiOS TV
Twitter: deutschedweb
Great post Ileane!
I love how you always have a video tutorial there, makes it much easier to grasp the whole thing.
I never knew that ComLuv had an affiliate program!
I’m definitely gonna use that, as my next blog will be ComLuv enabled
Amr Boghdady´s recent blog post ..German Prepositions
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Amr, now that’s what I’m talkin’ bout!
Please stop back and share with us the link to your CommentLuv enabled blog as soon as you launch it.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Burn Your RSS Feed With FeedBurner on Amplify
Twitter: TruAnaGoncalves
Hello there,
Thank you so much for this article, it is very helpful!
I have just enabled my affiliate programme, and am now attempting to add the widget to my website and for reason the full link is not working.
As you probably notice when you visit my website and see the badge, it re-directs to my website for some reason?
What do you think is missing?
Trulyana´s recent blog post ..Fire and Vision
Twitter: Ileane
Hi Trulyana,
Thanks for adding the banner to your blog. Here’s where you went wrong. You added too much code to the banner. Looks like you added this :“http:/″
Try it again by adding just this
Just a note of caution: Please verify from your CommentLuv Affiliate settings that Trylyana-8414 is your affiliate code.
Let me know when you’re all done and I’ll give it a test for you.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..The Best Chrome Extensions to use with New Twitter
Twitter: Ileane
Trulyana – that didn’t come out right. I need to email the code to you. I’m following you on Twitter now, so just send me your email address via DM.

Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Basic Blog Tips for New Bloggers
Twitter: TruAnaGoncalves
Thanks so much for your help Lleane.
Appreciate it.
Have e-mailed you my address via DM on Twitter.
Ana Goncalves´s recent blog post ..Fire and Vision
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Ana, I just sent the email to you.
Twitter: SuzSaver
For some reason this is all as clear as mud.
Suzanne´s recent blog post ..Facebook Following
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Suzanne, thanks for saying that.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Help Me Win the Credit Cards Canada Guest Post Contest
Twitter: tips4pc
Hi Ileane,
Fantastic tutorial! I wish I could get some guest posters like you! You really do a great job at explaining things clearly!
Mitz´s recent blog post ..WordPress commentluv plug-in – Use it to your advantage
Twitter: Ileane
Hi Mitz, that means a great deal coming from you because you have some great tutorials as well
Maybe we can exchange guest posts with each other, how do you like that idea?
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Help Me Win the Credit Cards Canada Guest Post Contest
Nice tutorial. It worked perfect.
Twitter: iluluonline
Where exactly are these badges? This has been my one issue with CommentLuv..the fact that I have to dig around for stuff so for now I’ll just slap the link on my blogroll. If anyone can tell me where to find the badges referenced in the video that would be cool
iLuLu´s recent blog post ..Video- Chaka Khan Performs “Tell Me Something Good” @ 7th Annual Roots Jam Session
Twitter: commentluv
try the the commentluv facebook page, there are lots of images there:
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Andy – cool gravatar. Are you using that on Twitter now also?
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Basic Blog Tips for New Bloggers
Twitter: commentluv
yeah, It’s updated across all social profiles. I thought it was time for an update, the last one was taken over 6 years ago!
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..Guest posters. It is ready for you! PR6 and HIGH traffic
Twitter: Ileane
iLuLu if you’re using Blogger (and I think you are) you need to add an “Image Gadget” to the sidebar with the badge you get from the ComLuv Facebook page, and then add your affiliate link in the Image Gadget dialog box. Let me know if you need any help I’ll be happy to give you a hand.

Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..How Facebook Stays On Top
I joined today! I have looked everywhere but your wonderful video cuts off what you clicked on to get the affiliate buttons. I assume I have to be logged into my dashboard. Help?
Laura Metzger´s recent blog post ..Fix It Friday 88
Twitter: Ileane
Hi Laura, nice to meet you. Welcome to the CommentLuv community. You can grab the banners from the Facebook Page
I’m not sure why the video is stopping – thanks for the heads up!
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..StumbleUpon Tops My Traffic Charts
Thanks Ileane, I figured it out and was able to add a button to my site.
Just to let you know, your video plays just fine, what I meant to say was that during the video your cursor goes off the screen and clicks on something and then your screen changes to show all the buttons. You don’t mention what you clicked on or the location of that page (which is not Facebook) which is why I was confused.
Mahalo and thanks again!
Laura Metzger´s recent blog post ..Fix It Friday 88