There is need for a mentor in any field. Being it in academics, business, research, etc, the presence of a good mentor will always make a difference. A mentor is someone that is trusted and whose counsel is considered the best. When we are just beginning out on something, say we want to enroll in a new school, start a new business or changing a career, we need somebody, an established person, who will stand beside us and help us out during those tough times. I hope the image above, which is from the movie Finding Forrester, reminds you of the outstanding performance of Sean Connery as a mentor to a young man who wanted to be a writer.
No, I don’t want to hear about gurus anymore
Probably, you‘ve met a million gurus before, especially on the net, but a business mentor may not have occurred to you before. A business mentor is meant to guide you through your entrepreneurship journey – giving you advices, suggestions and providing solutions to your challenges and difficulties. Anything worth doing in life has that initial tough stages when things will seem more difficult and stressful. Having a mentor increase the chances of success in any area and business is not an exception. Business mentor means you have somebody who have faced and conquered the same problems as you and understands the ways through which you can escape from the world of solo-amateur control over business crisis and risks. The truth is you need a business mentor. When searching for one, take the following tips into consideration.
How To Find My Mentor
You must choose a business mentor from the same niche as you. In order to get the best from his coaching and experiences, your business mentor must be an established person in your area of specialization. For example when I was about to launch my Software Reviews and Coupons blog I was in constant touch with my two mentors: Matthew from WeightLossTriumph.Com and Alex from YouLoveCoupons.Com. My learning curve was almost annihilated because of their support and guidance. I received such knowledge that others need years of trial and error to get. Nevertheless, the fact that somebody is successful in a particular niche shouldn’t necessarily make him your mentor. If for example, choosing a software developer to coach you in affiliate marketing, it won’t work.
You will have higher chances of meeting with the right business mentor if you network well. Sitting in a place and hoping that (s)he comes from nowhere won’t do you any good. Go out to forums, social networking sites and other places specialized to your field and mingle with people who are higher than you. Visit the local clubs and associations that are related to your field and get connected to the established people there. Starting your communication gently and in the right manner will help increase your chances of being welcomed.
Confirm Your Mentor’s Achievements
Don’t just pick somebody because he is specialized in your area. Your ideal business mentor must have good records. Take your time and analyze the person’s business achievements, their skills and performances – your decision should not be based on what they claim to be. Most people fake their identity and possibly present false self images. Your decision should be based on fact.
There Is Nothing Like Over-Night Success
Don’t expect that your ideal business mentor will shoot you to success within few minutes of finding him. No, it doesn’t work like that. It takes just the same systemized approach as you would have done. But now basing those on steps and principles you are sure will work by following the directions and suggestions of your mentor. Clear your mind of getting results immediately as you meet the right mentor and be committed to putting in more efforts. Overnight business success is not ideal and you should never follow any person or “guru” promising you such.
A good business mentor will stand by your side both during good times and tough times. You stand to benefit from your mentor’s experience and tested business strategies – the one great reason mentors are needed. If you haven’t been thinking about it, then you have a re-think to do today. And remember: buy your mentor a pizza and a couple of beers from time to time and you will have the deepest “secrets” of your specialty fall in your hands.
Twitter: otmezger
This is very true. One of my partners is working with Jim conolly from UK, and he is more than pleased. He tells me, that without jim, he won’t be able to achieve so much.
thank you for the article.
Olmo – Electric Car´s recent blog post ..Top 10 arguments against Nuclear Energy – Part one
Twitter: newtricksin
yeah! Nice Article. Very informative for newbies which very often loose faith for not getting any traffic
krishna´s recent blog post ..Download From Rapidshare-Hotfile-Etc As Premium User For Free
Twitter: stevenpapas
thanks Krishna, for stopping by. I ‘ve seen many cases of people who started something but couldn’t overcome some obstacles and gave it up. If they had one person backing them up with proper guidance they would have thrived.
stevenpapas´s recent blog post ..World Of Warcraft Burning Crusade Collector’s Edition Review
Twitter: BasicBlogTips
Hi Steven, this is great advice. Good mentors help to reinforce our ethical behavior online. That for me is one of the keys to picking a mentor. He or She must have a good reputation and a high level of credibility on the internet. If we are good students, some of that will rub off on us naturally. Thanks for the tips.
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..This Blog Runs On Thesis Awesome
Twitter: stevenpapas
that’s why they are so difficult to find, right? Good mentors are also good in giving. Rare trait. Thanks for your comment ILean.
stevenpapas´s recent blog post ..Ultimate Business Planner Review
Twitter: wkathome
Thanks for the insight. I’ve read alot about having a mentor but haven’t taken the step yet and like you say, do the homework or their achievements. Lot’s of people in the forums and on FB claiming to be a trainer but they don’t sound like they are.
Dan´s recent blog post ..Comment on How To Direct Traffic Into Your MLM Sozo Life Business Opportunity by Internet Marketer
Twitter: stevenpapas
Yes Dan, they are everywhere
Be careful who you trust. Thanks for stopping by.
stevenpapas´s recent blog post ..World Of Warcraft Collector’s Edition Review
Twitter: CoachNotesBlog
Hi Steven,
You are so right. Some lessons can be taken from offline business processes, too. Two of my early mentors were guys who had conceived and successfully run several construction-related businesses. I learned different techniques for negotiating from both of them. And one was a master in oral and written presentations.
Those skills have been transferrable — many times over — to both my onffline and online business endeavors.
Vernessa Taylor´s recent blog post ..5 Tech Escapades- Caught Between Heaven and Hell!
Twitter: stevenpapas
Hello Vernessa, I like your point. Traits of good mentors are likely to be pass to those who are willing to absorb and act unhesitatingly.
stevenpapas´s recent blog post ..Start Run & Grow Your Business PLUS Review