Pinbutton attraction is a WordPress plugin by successful internet money maker Chris Guthrie. It was made to his specifications to make images more likely to be pinned by Pinterest users and increase the changes of getting some of that huge traffic that the site is famous for.
Chris has had great success with the plugin and because it was made for his own blogs and has gone through a number of improvements, it a solid and stable plugin that has been proven to work to increase traffic and subsequently, earnings.
Main Review
What is it for?
The main purpose of the plugin is to increase the chances of your blog images going viral by making it extremely easy for any user to ‘pin’ them.
It can also help to grow your Pinterest followers with the ‘follow me on pinterest’ button which is optional.
Who is it for?
For self hosted WordPress bloggers.
Why install it?
Turns every image on your site in to a pinnable image and it will encourage users (if you want them to) to follow you on Pinterest.
It’s a quick and painless process to set it up and once done, you can leave it to do its’ work.
How much does it cost?
It is currently below $20 (price may increase)
How does it work?
See this video for a quick overview of how the plugin works in practice
Pinbutton Attraction
The short answer is yes!
Look at this image showing the increase in traffic after an image was repinned and other pinterest users joined in.
Chris reported that the blog got an increase of $100 dollars in adsense earnings over just two days because of the image going viral on pinterest. Now that’s the kind of ‘works’ that I could handle
Do all images have to get the button?
No. You can set in the media uploader if you want the image to be pinnable or not and you can set on the post to not pin any images too.
The previous two images on this post are set to not be pinnable but the one below is how it will show on normal images. (hover your mouse over the image)
Why I recommend it
I’ve used stuff that Chris has had made before and it’s always been good. I always audit the code of any plugin before I even let them near any of my sites and this plugin is good enough to go on my main network site and on my future sites. I am quite impressed by how it is put together and there is no denying that it has worked wonders for Chris’ sites.
I don’t have time to join another social network and start religiously adding people like crazy but I do want to get some of that pinterest traffic! Having this plugin installed means I don’t have to do anything, once it is configured then every image on every post is capable of being pinned.