ComLuv Gold Table Of Contents
In our regular communications and chats, Usability Advisor Gail and I have mapped out what we call The One Comments Plugin To Rule Them All. The goal is to help improve, include and make safe the most useful and comment happy features that have been requested by you, the user.
This is already working in the new version of CommentLuv (it’s running on this blog) and it is only for registered CommentLuv users. This stops bots and spammers links from getting the dofollow treatment but real life humans who have joined ComLuv and have registered their URL will be treated to a dofollow link for the last blog post and their kewords after their name.
This is already working and that is also for registered members ONLY. It can be made dofollow too if that option is enabled, it’s automatic so there’s no worry about spammers entering in gargabe to the form.
Anti spammer
This will allow a blog owner to only allow comments that qualify to a set criteria. Things like, only registered members or only those who have javascript enabled etc. There will also be ‘report this user’ links on info panels so the whole community can self-moderate.
This will be coming. It will allow you to automatically subscribe your readers to a double opt in list like feedblitz feed subscriptions or just let you collect the emails to later transfer to a newsletter software.
Social features like, who comments here and who I need to comment on next as well as recommendations. How about a row of social buttons on your info panel? Any comment you make already shows a brief summary of your activities but the new version will be able to show your twitter, facebook, digg etc links so any visitor who reads and likes your comment will be able to join/follow/interact with you quickly and easily.
ComLuv rewards will allow good commentators to be rewarded with cool things when they get on top lists or visit new commentluv enabled blogs or get ‘voted up’ for their comments.
More to come..
These are a few of the things that I plan on putting in the new ComLuv Gold plugin, each one is being added to the original version here at and tested. Once it is seen to behave then I can move on to the next feature and when I’m happy that there are enough features without getting it too bloated then I can see about releasing it.
All this will inevitably take time and it’s certain that I’ll have to take regular unpaid time off work to get it done, supported and updated regularly.
I plan on releasing ComLuv Gold as a premium plugin. I haven’t worked out a price yet (perhaps you can suggest one?) but I WILL be making it exlusive to and it’ll be purchased with ComLuv credits which can be paid for with PayPal.
I know not everyone has Paypal! For this reason I’m working on alternative ways of payment. How many of you have a cell phone? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just send an SMS to get blog credits? I think so as it would open it up to almost everyone that views this site and it won’t be concerned with bank accounts or Paypal border restrictions. It’ll be more expensive in fees but I promise to try and absorb that on my end so you don’t have to pay through the nose. (I never understood that expression!)
As always, you can reply to posts sent by email or leave a comment on any article you choose if you want to leave a feature request or feedback. Please use the support tickets system if you are experiencing problems, it’s much easier to track answers and others get to learn from them too if they’re all in one place…click here to submit a support ticket
Twitter: lostaddress
Wow, that will be an amazing plugin. Hopefully this all works well and eventually you will be able to use it to create a blogging system that will overtake WP
I assume that you will be testing with the beta of WP3.0?

ray´s last blog ..The Bible – Furry Fandom
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Twitter: commentluv
thanks! I will indeed be testing with 3.0, I just have to make some space on my home server for it and I’ll run it through the trials. It is already using the new comments meta table and the rest (hopefully) will be ok.
Twitter: AussieSire
Now that is what I call a super duper plugin. When do I get ‘My Precious’

Sire´s last blog ..Does Your Blog Provide Value To Your Readers?
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Twitter: commentluv
hehe, there’s no release date yet but, I will be asking some popular real bloggers (think growmap, bloggerluv, wassup, mitch etc) soon to have a special ‘precious’ version to help spread the word.
Twitter: AussieSire
Just let me know when it’s ready and I will help to spread the word.

Sire´s last blog ..Does Your Blog Provide Value To Your Readers?
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Twitter: commentluv
you know I will!
Twitter: AskKim
I agree with Sire, just keep us as a community posted on what we can do to help promote! Can’t wait!

Kimberly Castleberry´s last blog ..WordPress Plugin Review: Old Post Promoter
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Twitter: commentluv
you’ll always hear it first on this blog or through my twitter account (@commentluv). the newsletter is also a good way to get a summary of posts sent direct to your inbox.
Twitter: DannyBrown
Dear Sir,
I would like to help spread the word too. Ever since that bugger Legolas stole my place in the Fellowship (some stupid rule about elves only), I’ve wanted to get my own back. And here’s my chance – your consideration would be great, and I could put the voodoo doll away.
Thank you.

Danny Brown´s last blog ..Why Being Obvious Can Be Original Too
Danny Brown´s recent post ..
Twitter: commentluv
it goes without saying that you’d be in the army on it’s way to Mordor, Danny!
I’m just adding things like proper stats, ability to remove the luvlink from a comment within the edit comments or edit post screen and making sure it uses the comments meta table properly.
I’m considering adding twitter-link to it too as that’s another option people can register on the profile. It means not needing another field on your comment form too.
Twitter: Bytefulcom
Yeah, it definitely has a “my precious” vibe to it, doesn’t it?
What a clever way to use the new badge, Andy! I love it. And the feedblitz integrations looks very interesting…
By the way, I think (and I may be wrong) but I think the “paying thru the nose” expression came from the fact that Egyptians pull your brain out thru your nose when they mummify you. That is, if you had the money to afford it.

Byteful Traveller´s last blog ..The Secret of Denver’s Cathedral Basilica
Byteful Traveller´s recent post ..
Yeah, I couldn’t resist but chuckle at the title picture.
Mark´s recent blog post ..Funny Pick Up Lines For Guys Vol 1
Wow! I’ll stay tuned in for he unveiling. Will the plugin allow for a dofollow after “X” number of comments?

Colleen Lane´s last blog ..North Richland Washington Homes For Sale and Real Estate
Colleen Lane´s recent post ..
Twitter: commentluv
I think that would be a good feature so, yes!
more rules can be added too, I’ll work on some code. Do you have any more suggestions?
Yes, an option that allows for a “Top Commenter” or “Top Talker” on the blog owners sidebar. Perhaps, one that can be configured with 5,10, or how ever many the blog owner selects to be displayed as Top Commentors.

Colleen Lane´s last blog ..West Pasco Washington Homes For Sale
Colleen Lane´s recent post ..
Also, the Top Commentor option would allow for the blog owner to toggle whether or not to display the number of comments made by the top commentors.

Colleen Lane´s last blog ..Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition at CBC
Colleen Lane´s recent post ..
Twitter: commentluv
thanks for the feedback. I’ll put that on the to-do list and get on it when the new things are working nicely.
Twitter: GrowMap
Most Top Commentator plugins and plugins that only go DoFollow after X number of comments apparently use the name field so they don’t count accurately if the blog offers KeywordLuv and the commentator uses different keywords when they comment.
On blogs that use Lucia’s Linky Luv or most Top Commentator plugins comments using different keywords are considered separate commentators. We’ll want to avoid introducing that issue in our Super Commenting Plugin

GrowMap´s last blog ..Twitter Tools: Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts
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Twitter: commentluv
Hmm , top commentator.. it is another thing that has been open to abuse and for people getting their links hijacked.
Maybe I can work on something for that with the new commentluv.. because that stores someone’s member id with their comment, it wont matter what name or url or email they use.. as long as they use a url that is registered to their account (as main url or additional url) then I will be able to identify them and all their comments. I could even improve that by extracting the data from the api and not from the blog the widget is being shown on… hmm, something fun to do
dofollow here is only for registered members, it works on the users member number only so email or name doesn’t make a difference.
Twitter: AskKim
GrowMap has a point, Top Commentator gets into some hairballs when it meets keywordluv. I would rather see keywordluv integrated and then use the existing Top Commentator widget (I currently run keywordluv, DoFollow, commentluv, top commentator etc already) than lose keywordluv from this stack. Since I refresh my Top Commentator every 60 days, I’m less impacted by keywordluv addling it than some are who only refresh theirs yearly. At the same time, duplicate entries can potentially let someone get into my Top Commentator list twice, which isnt entirely a bad thing.

Kimberly Castleberry´s last blog ..Listing of Community DoFollow, Commentluv, KeywordLuv blogs!
Kimberly Castleberry´s recent post ..
Twitter: commentluv
The way the new comluv gold would work means it would be able to eliminate the problems associated with keyword luv, the name field would not be contaminated with @ symbols or spaces and such and when you reply using the new comment reply methods, it would use just the author name and not the other stuff after it.
top commentator wouldn’t be affected by keyword names as it would get it’s data based on the unique member id of the person and not their email or name.
I’ll see what a top commentator widget would require to be added..
Twitter: webduck
I’m a handwriting analyst (among other things) and I bet if I looked at your writing it would show your ability to stick with things and make them better and better.
As I leave this comment I see I need to ‘fix’ my RSS feed so I’m off to remove the ban. I thought I fixed this, but I guess not. Dang it!
Twitter: commentluv
Twitter: 71mm0
Rewards? Very innovative here! I hope, I can write in good english. So many “things” that I want to tell for comluv.. Anyway, thanks for developing this awesome plugin and this web.

71mm0´s last blog ..Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace
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Twitter: commentluv
I will have to put in some serious security before rewards can happen though. I see on some blogs that are offering prizes for top commentator that they are getting seriously hammered. I have had to ban them from the visit list because making 180 comments on your own blog is kind of lame. But, if you offer something of value for something that is free to do, well, then you’re asking for trouble!
Twitter: 71mm0
Yes, I agree with you.. I was putted top commentator on my blog, whew, so many junk comment.. by the way, may I translate your plugin (commentluv) in to Indonesia Language? How can I do that? Thanks..
Twitter: GrowMap
Andy, remember that blogs are all about interacting and many bloggers like me answer the comments left in my blog so it will not be unusual for some bloggers to have that many comments in their own blogs! That has nothing to do with rewards.
Maybe you can filter out the comments made by the blogger? If you do there may be two types to filter out: the ones we write when we are logged into our blogs and the ones we leave when we are NOT logged in.

GrowMap´s last blog ..Twitter Tools: Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts
GrowMap´s recent post ..
Twitter: commentluv
yes that is true about the amount of comments, I’ve made bloody loads today! I do them in the admin interface though so no luv get’s added when I do it here. I don’t need the luv though, I have the whole bleedin site pointing to me!
actually, if you’re commenting via the public side or if you’re logged out commenting then it shouldn’t make much difference. I can do the filtering with the sql query, just don’t count the comments made by a user_id on a url they have registered to it. I have done some edits to the api recently to improve stat collecting and when the new version of commentluv goes out, they will be even more accurate so the future looks good for things like top commentator, dofollow, anti spam and such..
Twitter: GrowMap
Yes,that is exactly what I was suggesting – that you filter out comments made by the blogger on their own blogs (and registered guests on the blogs they guest post on).
That is essential for things like Top Commentator and anything else where you count comments.
If we use default links for anchor text links instead of having the keywords in the name field, CommentLuv won’t have the issue Top Commentator plugins do on blogs with KeywordLuv installed.

GrowMap´s last blog ..Support Small Businesses
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Twitter: cmygoodies
What a fine idea to combine the functionality of several plugins into one – you are certainly making some fantastic progress with this plugin – I look forward to seeing what is in store!

Brandi@Jambu Shoe Love Affair´s last blog ..My Raspberry Pink Jambu Shoe Love Affair
Brandi´s recent post ..
Twitter: cmygoodies
oops I look like a geek princess, thought the keywordluv plugin was installed in that last comment – keeping all these plugin rules straight gets confusing – one more reason to have one plugin that does it all for you.

Brandi´s last blog ..My Raspberry Pink Jambu Shoe Love Affair
Brandi´s recent post ..
Twitter: commentluv
that’s ok, I took out that bit which reminds me to put something in the plugin to do it automatically!
Looking forward to this as well. Wow, you have been really kicking things up a notch lately! I will watching for the release.

TycoonBlogger´s last blog ..What is the best blogging community for bloggers?
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Twitter: worthytips
I don’t know someone already ask it or not but it will be great if you give more control on dofollow link, like need xx number of comment before links goes dofollow to stop human spammer.

Arafat Hossain Piyada´s last blog ..How to lock desktop without effecting running process?
Arafat Hossain Piyada´s recent post ..
Twitter: worthytips
Sorry! Just read the whole part and I don’t think we need such control when you want to maintain this via your server. Nice idea Andy. Sorry for the above comment, I misunderstand some line earlier.
Arafat Hossain Piyada´s recent post ..
Twitter: commentluv
thats ok. I may add that functionality for non-member links, I’ll see if I can remember when the time comes!
Twitter: AskKim
I was running Keywordluv, commentluv, Lucy’s LinkyLove and I was exceeding 100 pieces of spam per day on a reasonably young blog. Lucy’s was not all that great at detering spam. I finally integrated Block-Spam-By-Math plugin to my stack (and switched Lucy’s for DoFollow) and have taken my spam count to just short of zero. I did have to have the plugin updated as the openly available copy is broke, but I have the code to recontribute. I like it better than most of the captchas which can be crazy hard to read. I went from > 100 pieces of spam per day to averaging under 2 pieces per day.

Kimberly Castleberry´s last blog ..Just Ask Kim: Now Fully DoFollow Enabled!
Kimberly Castleberry´s recent post ..
Twitter: jmc1871jc
Got your email.Thanks for giving people an alternative to paying via Paypal re buying credits with your mobile phone.
Joanne´s recent blog post ..Local Business Owners Need Your Internet Marketing Skills
Twitter: bizchickblogs
I can’t wait for this plugin and it’s a good idea to make it premium, actually.
Do you know if it will play nicely with IntenseDebate? If necessary, I would remove IntenseDebate for it.
bizchickblogs´s recent blog post ..My Entry in the ComLuv-Famous Bloggers Contest is Up!