Natural Weight Loss: How Brown Fat Helps You Lose Weight

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Natural Weight Loss: How Brown Fat Helps You Lose Weight

It’s common for many to vilify body fat, show you blobs of gelatinous goo only to make you feel guilty for even thinking about that piece of cake you had last night. But that’s not the whole “fat” story.  When it comes to fats,  some don’t realize is that not all fat is the enemy. Now, when I say fat, your mind probably goes to oils, butter, and animal fats, all fats we consume but what I’m talking about is the fat in the body.

WAT’s the Deal with White Fat?

White adipose tissue (WAT), also known as white fat, is one of the two types of body fat and this is the fat that’s measured in the gym, using a caliper.  This fat can be under the skin (subcutaneous) or around your organs (visceral).  When there is too much subcutaneous or visceral white fat especially around the midsection, it can cause health problems.  Excessive belly fat plays a significant role in significant health problems such as  metabolic syndrome and diabetes.  Additionally, the National Institute on Aging is even investigating a link between excessive belly fat and dementia.

About Brown Fat

Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) is fat that is present in mammals, most abundantly in newborns and animals. This type of fat is naturally thermogenic and has iron-rich mitochondria, which gives it a brown color. Babies have an abundance of BAT (about 5% of mass) because it helps them regulate their body temperature and fight off the cold. This form of thermogenesis is present in hibernating animals which explains why bears, for example, lose so much weight during this period. As we grow up we lose enough brown fat and the white fat is becomes more prevalent.

Brown Fat and Weight Loss

Brown fat‘s thermogenesis comes from burning white fat.  This is important to understand because despite the name, scientists believe that it’s more closely related to muscle than white fat. Considering that leaner adults have more brown fat and that muscle burns white fat, the relationship makes sense. So, is there a way for adult humans to capitalize on our own brown fat phenomenon? Well, scientists were able to induce brown fat production in mice but as far as humans, there’s hope. While brown fat is present in the neck and chest areas of adults, finding a way to naturally turn on the furnace could lead to more help in fighting obesity.

Get Your Brown Fat Burning

As I mentioned, brown fat is most abundant in babies and hibernating animals and therein lays the key to possibly stimulating brown fat in adults. The one thing both babies and hibernating animals have in common is that BAT is activated by cold exposure; it’s like a defense mechanism to protect the body’s naturally hot state. A January 2012 scientific review talked about the therapeutic potential of cold-induced thermogenesis and in May 2012, University of Cambridge scientists found the protein that stimulates the fat burning mechanism of brown fat. It may take years for this medical research to really get to the bottom of this phenomenon but until then, what can we do?

In addition to drinking more green tea, which induces thermogenesis thanks to that mixture of EGCG and caffeine, you need to expose ourselves to the cold. BAT is activated by cold so little things showering with water between 68 F-75 F (20 C-24 C) for 5-10 minutes can help. Other possibilities are taking a walk around the block in cold weather or reducing the thermostat inside the house so that it’s a little chillier.  Remember, the key is to activate brown fat not induce a state of hypothermia so be safe get some feedback from your health care provider if this could be a health risk.

Whether you choose green tea, cold showers or both, getting BAT active helps you to naturally lose weight and keep your metabolism going throughout your life. 


  1. Twitter:
    Hi ,

    Thanks for sharing the information with us, many people today are facing overweight problem mainly because of bad diet , low physical work … I was not that clear about white and brown fat , but thanks to this article . I got the right information, this can help me to explain it to my overweight friends.

    Thank You
    Shorya recently posted..How to become slim by doing basic things- Different Ways to become slim FastMy Profile

  2. Hello Dear

    its very nice you know mostly people are facing overweight problem in fact i am also i have tried many way in fact finally i try dieting in proper way, this is useful way, so thanks for sharing me

  3. Malik Mudassar says:

    It is said mostly by Gym lovers “Get fit in the Gym, loose weight in the kitchen”. I agree with this, the amount of fats and carbohydrates we take in our meals on daily basis decides how will we look. If we manage to burn them as per requirements we can stay fit, but if we keep on storing them than we will definitely become a sack which we normally look like if we are too much fond of fast foods or oily foods

  4. Twitter:
    Thanks or the great article.
    Before this I didn’t knew about brown or white fats..
    Ansh Gupta recently posted..Things To Change In SEO With The Arrival Of Penguin 2.0 UpdateMy Profile

  5. lol.
    You can stop eating all those road sides food and start eating just vegetables too.It also help in reducing your body weight.

  6. Twitter:
    Interesting info, Diet if 90% if weight loss. Keeping track of what goes into your body is the best way to do it.
    Tanya recently posted..Three Key Characteristics of a Smart Social Media PolicyMy Profile

  7. Twitter:
    Till now I only knew about the fat. But you classified fat into twp types. Thanks for increasing my knowledge. Secondly is there any other way of losing brown fat other than drinking green tea and cold water shower. Because I cannot implement both of these ways due to some circumstances.
    Usama recently posted..Sony Finally Unveils The Design and Appearance of PlayStation 4My Profile

  8. Twitter:
    Losing weight is a modern fixation, and people are always on the lookout for losing that extra weight. There are many products in the market that promises a swift weight loss, but nothing really beats the natural process.

  9. Twitter:
    Hey Dianne,

    Haven’t ever heard about the white and brown fat. I have lot of fat on my belly. Hope i would be able to gain something out of this.
    Anchal Bhatia recently posted..4 Reasons Why Your Relationship Status is Still SingleMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Hi Anchal,
      We women tend to hold our fat there and the thighs as well; it’s just how some of us are built as I’m the same. I’ve found the green tea option to be helpful on many levels. In any case, it’s about overall health and not just “problem areas.” It’s nice to know our bodies have this mechanism in place though
      Dianne recently posted..Unexpected Weight Loss That Had Me SMHMy Profile

  10. Great information you’ve shared. Whatever the kind of fat it is whether white or brown, I still believe that regular aerobic exercise coupled with a healthy balanced diet is still the best way to burn those fats.
    Edgar Williamson recently posted..Hello world!My Profile

  11. Twitter:
    This is the first time I have ever heard of brown fat. Thanks for sharing
    Leslie Edwards recently posted..Tips On How To Make Electronic MusicMy Profile

  12. Twitter:
    Surely recommend these tip of brown fat to my friend who is too fatty.\
    himanshu recently posted..Best healthy lunch ideas for healthy lifestyleMy Profile

  13. I tend to believe that is better not to consume animal fat and meat at all. We can have a healthy, longer life without any kind of meat,I believe that this is the secret. The best fat to consume is ghee (clarified butter).

    To lose weight is not difficult, but to be healthy it is.
    Jorjette Celestine recently posted..Emotional Effects on You, Your Family and FriendsMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Hi Jorjette,
      The debate on carnivore vs vegetarian is an interesting debate because there are so many factors to consider. I have seen and met people who lived healthy lives on both sides. As far as losing weight, again, some people would disagree because of many other issues that may complicate things. What I find is that if you put the effort into you, it will yield results. It’s just a matter of finding what works for your body.
      Dianne recently posted..Unexpected Weight Loss That Had Me SMHMy Profile

  14. Twitter:
    Hey Dianne,
    Nice post and Thanks for sharing these information with us. I learned lots of good things from this post and this tip really help us to reduce weight as weight is one of the major concern of all of us.
    Sudipto recently posted..Best Android Phone Under 20000My Profile

  15. Twitter:
    This is interesting, is there any way to track how much and how well the brown fat is working?
    benwaynet recently posted..Top 5 Tablets on the Market: Which One is Best for YouMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Honestly, I didn’t find any kind of measuring device. I know that scientists are working on something for consumers but if you’re doing the green tea option alone and changing nothing else, you will feel the weight loss over time. We have it in our bodies, we just need to find what the best way is for us to tap into it
      Dianne recently posted..Unexpected Weight Loss That Had Me SMHMy Profile

  16. Jennifer says:

    Excessive belly fat being linked to dementia? I will surely wait for the result of this study.
    I love the green tea too and coupled with exercise, it would really be a good way to reduce BAT.

    • Twitter:
      Hi Jennifer,
      That is an interesting study because we’ve always heard that reducing WAT in the abdomen helps with health so the dementia connection is a fascinating one. You want to activate BAT because that will help you reduce WAT and get healthy. Green tea is just magnificent. I scarf 1-2 mugs a day and I feel fantastic.
      Dianne recently posted..Unexpected Weight Loss That Had Me SMHMy Profile

  17. brown fat? this is the first time i heard about it.

  18. Twitter:
    I know have heard about the many benefits of green tea..but honestly i am a typical masala chai (tea) type person. But, will give it a try. Anything for my belly fat. :-)
    Anchal Bhatia recently posted..5 Surprising “Germiest” Spots in Your HomeMy Profile

  19. Twitter:
    today, the number of over weighted persons is on a considerable rise. The causing factors are unbalanced diet and an unhealthy routine they tend to maintain that includes no physical exercises and a high intake of fast foods including a life full of tension.
    yogesh pant recently posted..How to study during examinations?My Profile

    • Twitter:
      You’re right. As certain countries become more industrialized, there is a marked increase in overweight and unhealthy eating. Physical activity is a part of the equation and going back to natural foods that have the right nutrients is also a great option. Thanks Yogesh
      Dianne recently posted..Unexpected Weight Loss That Had Me SMHMy Profile

  20. Very interesting fact. I didn’t know that there are what you can call “good fats” as well.
    Connor Harley recently posted..Help with Setting up a BusinessMy Profile

  21. Twitter:
    In adults “brown fat” is closely linked to skeletal muscle tissue because of the region of our stem cells in which they are derived at birth. Also because both skeletal muscle and brown fat take calories from fat and burn it in order to produce energy for the body. So it would only make sense that the more muscle one has the more brown fat they will have, and all being equal this means they will burn more calories and lose weight. So the less muscle and brown fat you have the more white fat you have and the more likely you are to be at risk of adverse health effects due to increased fat in the body.

  22. Malik Mudassar says:

    Now this is really becoming a biology class. I am enjoying it

  23. Twitter:
    First time I hear this. Thanks for sharing!

    Best regards from I. C. Daniel
    I. C. Daniel recently posted..Claas Xerion 3800 VCMy Profile

  24. Twitter:
    hey, This sounds like another article written to hype up a potential new “miracle pill”. Most brown fat dissipates after the infant stage. The miniscule amount of brown fat that is left in in adults would not be enough to make an actual difference in the weight loss of an obese adult. Further more, “shutting off” the PRMD-16 in a brown fat cell would not make it a muscle cell or even resemble a muscle cell. Also, the “miracle pill” they talk about inventing, how would you get this gene therapy distributed specifically to the brown fat cells through process of digestion? I find it hard to believe that the gene therapy would be able to be absorbed through the small or large intestine and make it’s way to the brown fat cells specifically located sporadically through the neck and chest. Lastly, the article above states to spend more time outside to burn calories. I think that is a given, common sense, that if your cold, your body does what I can to stay warm, thus burning a few more calories. People these days are always looking for instant gratification. No pill will be able to give you that. It comes down to proper nutrition and getting an adequate amount of exercise!

    that is it form my side my opinion..
    Krishna recently posted..Viber for PC Download – Windows & MAC ComputerMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Krishna, thanks for writing. Let me break it down for you:
      “This sounds like another article written to hype up a potential new “miracle pill”.” – That term miracle pill comes from the belief that this is a panacea for all of our overweight ills. It’s a loaded term that I don’t use for anything because I don’t believe there is such a thing. But as you said, it’s your opinion which is not remotely related to my truth behind writing the article.
      “Most brown fat dissipates after the infant stage. The miniscule amount of brown fat that is left in in adults would not be enough to make an actual difference in the weight loss of an obese adult.” – The brown fat dissipation was stated so there’s no news there. As far as whether there is enough to make a difference to adults, obese, overweight or otherwise, how do YOU know that? There are leading researchers dedicated to learning more about the brown fat from birth and are investigating brown fat that may be scattered in muscles and white fat.
      Furthermore, “shutting off” the PRMD16 in a brown fat cell would not make it a muscle cell or even resemble a muscle cell. – didn’t mention PRMD-16 as the article I referenced talked about BMP8B protein but I’m glad you did. Research conducted in Pamplona, Spain indicated that brown adipose and skeletal myoblasts come from the same myogenic factor5 (Myf5) positive precursor cell and is also supporting the other studies that say that BAT is present in WAT. Your statement about shutting off PRMD16 and making it into a muscle cell is WHOLLY inaccurate as fat DOES NOT turn into muscle (that basic biology) and PRMD16 is a protein, a factor in the thermogenesis process.
      “Also, the “miracle pill” they talk about inventing, how would you get this gene therapy distributed specifically to the brown fat cells through process of digestion? I find it hard to believe that the gene therapy would be able to be absorbed through the small or large intestine and make it’s way to the brown fat cells specifically located sporadically through the neck and chest.” – That’s why they call it research. You’re presupposing that they are thinking like you and they likely aren’t. You DON’T know how they would trigger the cells that are ALREADY in the body but since you’ve already come up with your own theories on what you think they shouldn’t do, why don’t you create an abstract and submit it to the journals.
      “Lastly, the article above states to spend more time outside to burn calories. I think that is a given, common sense, that if your cold, your body does what I can to stay warm, thus burning a few more calories.” – Common sense is that you stay inside and crank the heat when it’s cold outside but again, scientists find that brown fat is activated by cold temperatures, hence the term “cold-induced thermogenesis.”
      “People these days are always looking for instant gratification. No pill will be able to give you that.” – Well look at that, we actually agree on this point.
      “It comes down to proper nutrition and getting an adequate amount of exercise! “– That is a part of the equation, yes but again, you don’t want to oversimplify an issue based on your limited perspective. There are those out there who do the exercise and eat right but aren’t getting the results. Just because it’s that simple for you doesn’t mean it’s the answer for them

      “that is it form my side my opinion…” – Yes, I gathered that and found that thought process throughout your response.
      Dianne recently posted..Unexpected Weight Loss That Had Me SMHMy Profile

  25. thanks for this nice article, natural weight concept seems very interesting idea, thanks for introducing me with how helps to reduce the unwanted fat. I praise your research in the topic. :)

  26. Twitter:
    Overweight is most common problem today due to unhealthy diet.The concept of two type of fat White Fat and BAT is seems new for me.Which type of Fat is more difficult to reduce either BAT or WAT?
    champ recently posted..New Sony playstation 4 | Specification | Price | Release DateMy Profile

  27. Twitter:
    We should take exercise regularly and taking exercise is good for burn fat.But its bad to take after taking meals.
    Jonathan recently posted..2 conseils pour réussir dans un travail à domicileMy Profile

  28. Great article , thank you for sharing!
    I’m about to lose some fat these days , so i was interested on reading it!
    Artiffex recently posted..Μακαρόνια με κιμάMy Profile

  29. That is the most good things i read on this blog. I’m working on fitness as i do know that losing weight is part of fitness, this might help a lot for my blog. Thanks for sharing
    Hani recently posted..Cardio And Abs Workout in 60 MinutesMy Profile

  30. When advancing in age, we should really consider healthy diet so we can avoid getting sick. This is truly an informative data. Thank you!
    Ria Dancel recently posted..Dive Solana – AnilaoMy Profile

  31. Twitter:
    One more reason for me to look forward to winter again! I already love going for a walk in the cold, so now I will focus on my brown fat as I do. :)

    I’ve been reading about this a lot lately, and I find it fascinating that most of us don’t
    (or did not know) about brown fat, and instead we considered all fat…well, fat. Well written and informative.
    Bellaisa recently posted..Weight Loss Secret That Blew Me Away!My Profile

  32. This was interesting, didn’t know about the brown fat. So drinking green tea … great :-)

  33. Twitter:
    Thanks for this very informative article Dianne! I definitely learned something new about Brown Adipose Tissue and moreover some tips on how we can use it to our advantage. The bad news for me is, I am not a fan of either cold or green tea, but I will have to fight through it or wait until research comes up with other creative ways.
    Oge recently posted..Recipes for Chicken Breast – Baked Mustard Lime ChickenMy Profile

  34. A new study found that a specific type of brown fat actually causes your body to burn other fat when you get cold. Your body becoming cold actually triggers this reaction and “turnson” the brown fat. Another recent study revealed that exercising causes brown fat to be created from regular white fat. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should make yourself cold on purpose in order to lose a few pounds.

  35. Twitter:
    that soud interesting. I’ll try that also. Thank for the tips
    Anetta Bursh recently posted..Retrica for PC Download on Windows 7/8 & Mac DownloadMy Profile

  36. Kamlesh Sharma says:

    One more reason for me to look forward to winter again! I already love going for a walk in the cold, so now I will focus on my brown fat as I do.

    thanks for this one

  37. Twitter:
    Well, it’s reality, Brown fat really helps us lose weight. I am a science student and that’s why I know this from years.
    Atinder recently posted..How to Lose Weight in a MonthMy Profile

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