As a CPA or accountant, you know how important it is to reach out to consumers over the Internet. Old marketing techniques were cumbersome, time consuming and have ultimately been replaced with technological methods that make it easier for consumers to decide who they want to hire for their accounting needs. Each day new content is appearing on the Internet which can make it harder for a prospect to find your website. You have to utilize techniques that bring traffic to your website and turn them into customers.
The New Village Square
If you haven’t signed up with major social media websites start by doing so. These sites allow you to reach thousands of consumers. Use your business name when creating your accounts because this way, people can form an affiliation between your website and your Facebook or Twitter account page.
Post about accounting problems that people go through and how you are able to help them. Ask your clients to post on your page with their success stories.
Show Your Stuff
Avoid the stereotypes associated with accountants. Stay away from throwing out numbers or having a boring black and gray social media page. Use colors, pictures, and fonts effectively while at the same time answering any questions or comments that your followers may have.
Stay Ahead of the Game
Remember that there’s a disadvantage to being an early adopter. Your rivals are working hard to duplicate your success and steal your clientele. Never get too comfortable and keep your customers on their toes by always providing up to date content.
Keep them glued to you by adding interactive financial calculators, free reports, and free interactive tax forms.
Having a current newsletters is another great way to keep your brand in front of prospects.
Don’t bore your visitors with too much detail. You want to fully explain how to go about handling accounting problems but you need to concentrate on results, not procedures.
Offer Something Unique
You can utilize white pages is you want to offer more detail. Write these white pages and save them as PDFs. Include a description of what they are about on the download page. This way you don’t place a lot of data on the website which can be a turn off, but you have something special to offer people who want more information.
Keep a blog. These are basically conversations that can teach you a lot about what your clients want by getting feedback quickly. You can also provoke visitors into discussing pressing issues providing dynamic content to your site and giving you a bump in the search engines.
Twitter: googlai
Hi Brian ! Thank You for sharing a best tricks for marketing field. In this competitive marketing age, new technique should be apply to defeat rival. There is growing virtual marketing and also become challenging for new producer and service providers.
Googma Sansar recently posted..7 Best Ways to Monetize Your Blog
Hi Googma, I like your spirit, keep it up.
ZaccshegzyBlog recently posted..The New Club 10 Padi, From Airtel Nigeria, How To Join
Hello Brian,
Aside from the mere fact that I admire how this article was written, what impressed me the most is the content. I was so amazed with the tips you have given when it comes to marketing. This is so perfect for me who is working as online freelancer who’s frequently given marketing tasks. Thank you so much for this article. It is very useful for me.
adrian mendoza recently posted..Easy Steps for Re-Painting your Action Figures
Hi Brain,
There are so many ways of marketing.One of them is social media,Through this you can come closer to your audience,and came to know that what they wants.This will help you to fulfill your Deficiency which you had made in your last post.
thanks for sharing this nice article.
Ali zia recently posted..Quick tip to make your post tail strong
awesome post!!! very nice tips for marketing and it comes with daily new tips regarding marketing thanks
Rahul recently posted..How to Make Online Money from Forum Posting
Twitter: primejuicers
Hello Brian! Nicely written article. When you mentioned the New Village Square I was thinking of something like the Freelance website or Linkedin. I normally think of professionals going to those sites, but I see they’re on FB and Twitter too. I was also wondering about how they should setup those accounts, either with their personal names or the name of the business. I’m guessing you’re talking about something like a fan page on FB. Thanks for your ideas. Best wishes and Happy Holidays!
Rich Donahue recently posted..FREE Juice Recipe Software
hello Brian,
This is simply one of the best post i have read about marketing, Nice tactics. Thanks for the lovely post.
I’m not very smart when it comes to this subject, however, it seems that you know what you’re talking about! Carry on!
Wade Harman recently posted..Why You Should Buy CommentLuv Premium Before The End Of The Year
These are all great tips and I think with marketing, it’s important that you stand out above the rest and have a website that is vibrant and exciting. I’m taking accounting now so if I ever because an account, I’ll have to keep these tips in mind when marketing myself. Thanks so much!
Marketing, accounting and customer has close relationship. Good marketing can get many customer. Good accounting can facilitate the finance management.
julidarmaputra recently posted..The Relationship Between Angina And Blood Pressure
With so many free online and offline options for creating colorful graphs and infographics, accountants can easily distinguish themselves from the pack by showing how they an turn dull numerical reports into something that will catch the consumer’s eye.
Leo Kolache recently posted..Additional Accountant Jobs
Brian, thanks for the article. I like what you wrote about social media being the new “town square”. I’d love to hear more about the specific techniques you employ to create an online identity across the slew of social websites. It can be daunting to craft an effective online presence.
Calvin recently posted..Outdoor Patio Designs
Whether doing marketing online or offline. Marketing often is time consuming.
bert recently posted..Ronde tafel Business Club bijeenkomsten Arnhem/Nijmegen
Great tips Brian. Utilizing social media for marketing an account practice is the good idea and will be the successful one.
Kevin recently posted..Techniques to Drive Traffic from Google Plus
Hi Brian,
Excellent! Turning out the traffic into consumers, great tips. Having our business page in social media site brings a lot of traffic and we can utilize them.
Jamie recently posted..Important Ethics in Internet Marketing
Great thought. It works really. Thanks for such a nice article. Even though I am not an accountant enjoyed reading this post, I think we can adopt this technique for other small businesses too.
Darryl recently posted..Hello world!
internet marketing, i love it, thanks for share. Whether doing marketing online or offline. Marketing often is time consuming.

nena recently posted..KPAH 132 Mod Full
I agree with you! As a realtor, there are so many of us out there, we have to offer something unique to our customers to stand out.. what makes us different… why are we the best realtor in Maryland, vs the other thousands of realtors out there.
Good stuff!

Jonathan Lahey recently posted..Friendship Heights Home for Sale
As a lawyer, I can definately relate to the message of this post. I abolutely agree that you should avoid the stereotypes and do something to set yourself apart. People do want to know that you are a human being.
Jared Adams recently posted..How to Get a Confession Thrown Out of Court
Twitter: cpachandler
I will say that people in the tax preparation field tend to struggle with the social media aspect of promoting a business. I personally have found it difficult at times to make sure that I have new fresh content that individuals and business owners will want to read. Unfortunately I have also found that automating this process or outsourcing it to a company simply doesn’t do the trick either. At the end of the day I feel if you want something done right you have to do it yourself!

Ryan Stone recently posted..American Taxpayer Relief Act
Thanks for the great post. So many businesses don’t understand that you can’t always just be great at one thing you need to be great at you specialty and real good at everything else. Most accountants probably have no idea how to do marketing but it can be so important. Thanks again
Kirk recently posted..Construction and TI
Thank you for a great article, brian. I like that you pointed out the power of social media, because it is one of the most important marketing tactics these days. People spend a lot of time on social networks, and that’s a fact. A successful business must utilize these networks to their advantage.
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