How Passion is Turning a Virtually Non Existent Niche Into a Successful Blog

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Satrap is the founder of BlogStash. A blog focused on teaching you how to make, save, and invest your money in countless number of ways. You can also find him writing for the new personal finance tips blog
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This is not what I usually write about and as you will notice through out this post, I am struggling to put words and sentences together. While writing this post, I went back many times to start over, at times I stared at the blank page for a while, not knowing what to do. But, this “thing” in me was so strong that it kept pushing me through.

We have all heard and know how passion is an important part of being successful in whatever you do, and as bloggers, we have been told over and over that you should blog about something that you have passion for. Passion drives success, passion… blah blah blah.

How about a blog about Lavender?

Now, if I had told you, Lavender, a single flower, would be a great niche to base your blog on, wouldn’t you laugh at me? Lavender, as a niche? A whole blog about a single flower? How the heck are you going to maintain a blog writing about a single flower and how the heck are you going to get traffic for it!?…

After all there aren’t much you can write about lavender. Maybe a few posts on how to decorate a room using it, or how to make a candle using lavender scent or what have you. But, even if you manage to come up with post topics day after day, who is going to read it? People aren’t gonna come to your blog and read what you can or can not do with a single flower. You can not make a successful blog and build an audience based on a single flower. Right?…

Right! I mean, I always believed in having passion for what you do, but even I wouldn’t think that would be a good niche to blog about, no matter how passionate you are about lavender, or so I thought!

That was until tonight! Tonight, I saw it with my own eyes how passion can drive success and how passion can take something utterly small and unknown and turn it into success, something wonderful! I experienced how passion can turn a virtually non existent niche into a popular and enjoyable little blog.

Passion is much more powerful than you think!

I am sure most of you know her, Patricia! She is all over the place, she comments on ComLUV

often, in fact she has left comments on almost every single post published here and whenever I go to comment on other blogs, her face and her engaging comments pop up. I, like most anyone else here, had seen Patricia all over as well and had noticed her blog title “all things lavender” in front of her name, but had never visited her blog. To be honest, I always thought why would she start a whole blog on lavender? Is she nuts or what?…

Fast forward to tonight (at the time I wrote this post- nov/20); I was reading a post on ComLuv and came across Patrica’s comment (surprise!). Something enticed me to click on her link and visit her blog for the first time. I did and I was blown away. I was utterly amazed at the number of comments she had received on each and every post on her blog.

It was amazing. And you know how sometimes you visit an unknown blog and there are like hunderds of comments on each post, but most of them are from people promoting their own blog and their comments have nothing to do with the post? But, these comments weren’t those kinds of comments. These comments were all long and genuine. They were from bloggers from many different niches.

I was amazed how this lady had attracted this much attention blogging about a frigging lavender. Then I started reading her posts, and it became clear to me; although her niche was small, very very small and almost none of us would even think about going into it, and almost all blogging gurus would certainly advise against it, she had taken this small niche and turned it upside down into something unbelievable. A blog where even people who don’t even know how lavender smells and looks, visit and read and leave comments. And I think, no scratch that, I BELIEVE, it is because Patricia has something very special. Something so special that despite being in an extremely small niche (almost non existent) has made her blog a success. And I think, we could all learn something from Patricia and her special thing to not only better our blogs, but also to better our lives.

That something special that Patrica has, is PASSION! Well done Patricia and thank you for showing us the real power of passion.

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