Gotten tripped up by change lately? Read this.
Change is a constant. We’re always trying to change things in our lives. I think it’s always been like this.
There was probably a caveman sitting next to a fire, shortly after discovering it, thinking about how he’d look better to the ladies if he could just stand up a little straighter.
Even those of us that are creatures of habit and comfort still find ourselves making changes.
A funny thing happens when we make a decision to make big changes–friends and family can act as a road block. It’s odd how those that should be our biggest support system can turn out to be the ones that hold us back.
It’s interesting to see what happens to many people when they clean up their diet, and begin exercising.
Unfortunately it’s not uncommon for siblings, parents, extended family, and even spouses to sabotage another’s progress. It’s the whole crabs in a bucket theory.
As individuals we have to find ways to cope with changes in our lives. This includes how it will impact those around us.
Dave Navarro, stud extraordinaire and product launch guru to the stars, outlined nine points to keep yourself on the path. Two really stood out to me
Find people that will support you
Whether a coworker, family member, professional counselor or support group, you need to have somebody that you can talk to. The more the merrier. Don’t think one and done. You need to find as many as possible.
Get spiritually grounded
For the purpose of our discussion today it doesn’t matter what your religious believes are. One way or another, you need to lean on these.
Personally, I lean on my Christian morals, and the teachings of the Church to prop me up. This is especially true when coping with difficult situations in my life, such as change.
How do you feel about change? How do you cope with big change?
Twitter: AlisonMSmith
This is a great topic for New Years. I’m working on a similar post right now. Here’s to 2011 and reaching our goals!
Alison Moore Smith´s recent blog post ..Free 2011 Goals & Priorities Diary
Twitter: phitzone
Hi Alison,
I’ll go check out your blog and watch for that post.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Our 10 Favorite Posts of 2010
Twitter: AlisonMSmith
It’s that time of year, isn’t it? Here’s to hoping that we keep the spirit of forward momentum through the new year!
My new post will go live at 11:11 tonight. 

Alison Moore Smith´s recent blog post ..My Bold Prediction for 2011
Twitter: lavenderuses
Hi Todd
Change can be scary cos it takes me out of my comfort zone. However, having a support network sure helps
Since I began blogging not too long ago, I have met some amazingly helpful people in the blogosphere. Some of them are now my blogging buddies. They keep me going when there are bumps in the road.
My family and friends support me as much as they can. They just don’t really understand the blogosphere but are there as sounding boards when needed. I do agree we need those around us who will support these changes and I’m grateful for my support group that is growing, the more I interact and be an active part of this community.
Like to support new bloggers as not long ago that was me. Also, we all have different strengths and whereas all things techie remain a mystery to me; I love networking and also writing so I can help my friends when they get stuck on these particular aspecs of their blogging venture.
And definitely my faith helps as I share a lot of my journey with my Christian friends who pray and support my biz venture. Draw strength from our mutual beliefs and journey together.
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..At Lavenderuses Safety First Means…
Twitter: phitzone
Patricia, you’re a lady that gets it. Bloggers, for the great part, are great people that are willing to help out.
Do you find those in your support system to just be smiling and nodding until you’ve run out of gas, or are they genuinely interested even though they don’t get it?
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Our 10 Favorite Posts of 2010
I see change as new opportunities and thrive on it, but sometimes it is a bit scary, especially if you’re not ready for it. I guess I like change in regards to business a lot more than say, relationships.
The External Hard Drive Guy´s recent blog post ..ASUS LEATHER 500G Leather External HDD Hard Drive – 500GB- USB 20- eSATA
Twitter: phitzone
I agree. Change can be very scary, but it sure does have the opportunity to bring on some cool new stuff. If you’re able to embrace change, and step outside of your comfortzone, it can be a good thing.
Have you had a change recently to your business that made you nervous, but turned out to rock your day?
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Our 10 Favorite Posts of 2010
Twitter: netchunks
I agree with you, sometimes family and friends can certainly act very unsupportive and try to hold you back from the things that you would like to do but well I always listen to my heart and do what I like to. Most of the times what I do turns out to be best for me and at that point of time, those family and friends who were trying to hold me back certainly do feel at odds. Great post
netchunks´s recent blog post ..Huge List of 400 Dofollow CommentLuv Blogs
Twitter: phitzone
Those family and friends mean well (at least in their minds). It’s difficult to support something that we don’t understand, and the blogosphere is uncharted territory to a lot of people.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Big New Years Giveaway
Change can be scary but I think the way to handle it is to gradually work change in rather than going all or nothing.
anothertshirt´s recent blog post ..5 Tips For Post Workout Recovery
Twitter: phitzone
That’s a wonderful point. Ginger Vieira just did a guest post for us about that very topic — How Slow & Steady Helped Me Win the Race
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Big New Years Giveaway
Change is a good thing, and by reacting positively to new things your web business will always continue to grow.
cvos´s recent blog post ..Sample Guest Blogging Request For A List Bloggers
Twitter: phitzone
That positive reaction to everything in life is good advice. Do you think that all change is good?
phitzone´s recent blog post ..How to Lose Weight- and Get Seriously Strong
Twitter: GIJoh_com
Hi Todd,
This is a very interesting and great post to start the New Year. Starting up a blog is a big leap for me, and for now it is kind of disrupting my comfort zone, but I like the good effects it does to me. While change is a good thing, not all will embrace it in its entirety.
I’ve had my share of disapproving remarks regarding earning online, but of course, I still respect their views, as they don’t know how the online world works.
Johanna´s recent blog post ..URL Shorteners and their Security Issues
Twitter: phitzone
Johanna, Great point about the disapproving remarks. I think that making money online is still considered by some as scummy or underhanded. Unfortunately, some of the old-school marketers have given the rest of us a bad name in the eyes of some. We just have to produce the best content that we can, and keep moving forward.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..How to Lose Weight- and Get Seriously Strong
A similar analogy is why I tell people that working out at home, especially with long term goals in mind will probably not work, especially if you are the only one using the equipment. I’ve heard stories about a husband who builds a home gym and then finds his wife hanging her towels or hand-washed underwear on the equipment. When he goes to work out, he is not only thrown off by the sight of this but when he moves the items off of the equipment, the wife comes in and yells at him. He retaliates by saying, “this is my workout equipment. It’s not meant to dry laundry!” Of course she rebuts him that if he didn’t use the space for equipment, she could have put up a drying area. And on and on….
Unless intimately sharing your goals, most people will find a way to sabotage you. Muphy’s Law…
Head Coach´s recent blog post ..Kettlebell Swinging – The Hot New Swingers Lifestyle For Health
Twitter: phitzone
Hmm I haven’t seen that scenario play out, but the home gym can certainly be neglected quite easily. From my own experience, I see the “public” gym being neglected more often–although not involving a spouse’s undergarments… I would hope.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..The Secret of Balance and Stability Training
Totally agree. It think it’s a mistake to announce to the whole world you will be doing XXX. Pick people who you think will support your cause. And remember, sometimes the people closest to you may love you but may not want you to change!!
cruisesurfing´s recent blog post ..CruiseSurfing- Now Bought To You By The Letter Z
Twitter: phitzone
You get it. I like the idea of not announcing to the world what your goals are. I’ve watched many of my blogger friends and associates post their goals for the year. Meanwhile, I’ve kept that info close to the cuff. For one, my readers don’t care. That’s not why they come read my work.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..If You’re Not Eating Salmon- You’ll Hate Yourself Later
This is awesome stuff…The kind that can be used in all aspects of life. You have to know yourself to improve yourself

haydenwest´s recent blog post ..Changing Your Thought Process
Twitter: phitzone
Hayden, you’re absolutely right. BTW, Love your blog.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..If You’re Not Eating Salmon- You’ll Hate Yourself Later
Funny thing happens when we make a decision to make big changes–friends and family can act as a road block. It’s odd how those that should be our biggest support system can turn out to be the ones that hold us back.
You have my agreance with this statement because it happened to me all this time. How frustrating when you think that you expect support from your family they are the one who pull you down.
Totally agree with you, and it’s something I’ve struggled with. Trying to live a healthy lifestyle in a home full of people who don’t always want to make the same choices as you definitely is hard, but in the grand scheme of things (in my case, anyway), I’ve definitely seen a change in my family’s habits as a result of mine.
Jordan McRae´s recent blog post ..Hello- High-school Hype
Twitter: phitzone
That’s awesome, Jordan. You can act as the vehicle of change. All it takes is for you to get one other person to follow your lead, and it can snowball from there.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Bodyweight Exercises for Fat Loss
Twitter: phitzone
It’s sad when the ones that who “should” be supporting us the most are the ones that are pulling us down. When that happens, it’s important to find outside resources or support groups.
Twitter: oims
While I know this was posted as a New Year’s resolution sort of post, I think it applies throughout one’s life.
Within the past several months, walking (not saying I will but really doing it!) has taken hold of me. It may just be .93 miles (3 times around our block) or 10 time around (just depends on the weather conditions and other stuff that needs doing), but my son walks with me. We’re having a blast and talking.
Anyone who spends hours on their computer, while chatting or commenting or emailing is fun, nothing beats good old-fashioned one-on-one conversation
Ty for the great health reminder!
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Fannie Mae Wants You To Know Your Options
Twitter: phitzone
You’re absolutely right, this is a year-round reminder, and applies to all aspects of our lives. Awesome job getting out and walking with your son. One of the things that we try to do at PhitZone is to create that community feeling so that you can come get encouraged, and even to help those needing encouragement. Keep up the great strides!
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Bodyweight Exercises for Fat Loss
Twitter: RoofCleanMD
You’re on the money, there! Whether it’s diet or business, my wife has found a way to accidentally sabotage me and it stinks! It stinks that loved ones get in the way of what we want or need to accomplish, but that’s life. Great post!
Phil´s recent blog post ..21401 – Annapolis- MD
Twitter: phitzone
Phil, our wives (spouses in general) often times don’t mean to sabotage. Giving a gentle reminder of what you’re doing can go a long way. Thanks for the kind words, and don’t let anybody drag you down!
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Bodyweight Exercises for Fat Loss
Without change there is no growth… without pain there is no gain, no one likes change forced on them and most people don’t go looking for the path that goes against the grain, but accepting change builds character and character builds faith… and faith in the end will not disappoint.
Twitter: phitzone
Wow, somebody cracked open the bag of fortune cookies this morning.
All very good points, Roger.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Bodyweight Exercises for Fat Loss
Twitter: floressencetea
Love it…Love it…Love it……!
Twitter: phitzone
Thanks. I appreciate the kind comment.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..How to Lose Weight After Having a Baby
This is a great post. I just wrote one that is similar in terms of making decisions (and thus leading to change), and I touched on the subject of negativity. There will also be those that support you, and those that challenge you, and they both serve a purpose. I feel that by having a good solid foundation of people that support you, it is of course easier to deal with challenges in life, however those challenges need to be recognized as sometimes just the kick in the butt we need to get the job done. Challenge is a great motivator – of course we have to stand up for ourselves and not be taken advantage of, but if you look at challenge as a means to grow, you can certainly learn a lot from the experience.
vancouvergraphicdesigner´s recent blog post ..Small Business Tips – Decision Making Part 2- How to Make Better Decisions
Twitter: phitzone
Excellent point about challenge being a great motivator. For many, I agree, they will embrace the challenge and push forward.