Being a blogger for so long, certain habits have gone into me in a way that it has become part of my life. To name a few, late sleeping which results in late rising, sitting on the computer for hours and the posture getting worse with every passing hour. Starring on the computer screen for long hours and especially night time screen gazing has given me painful and red eyes many times over. But again, we take all this for granted and don’t even think about it. Very recently, I saw one of my friend’s status update which made me think about it. Below, is the exact, unedited status update of my friend from facebook.
Benjamin Franklin said- “There will be plenty of time to sleep when you are dead” Life is for living.. So wake up & enjoy every moment ♥ ♥ ♥. This is why we bloggers work late nights… Bloggers Rock \m/

Night Blogger
Source – 97103921@N00
This is all very good and touching, yes we bloggers work real hard and I do agree that we rock. But late night working is so unhealthy? Let’s focus more on the “wake up part” and that reminds me that late night sleeps and waking up late has stolen my early mornings for quite some time now. So, for a change I tried to wake up early and I must say, the day starts with watching the sun go up, that is the very positive thing which relates to living, tells you that you are alive and let you enjoy the best moments by just watching the sun rise. And err… Benjamin Franklin, sorry to be rude, I know you are awesome and everything, but please, let me just state in straight words that you are wrong on that statement. The more you sleep the better you will be. Sleep for 8 to 10 hours a day to live longer and keep death away. Body requires a long and peaceful sleep to regenerate, so make sure to sleep plenty while you are alive.
This also made me to think of some of the other unhealthy habits that I was developing and cherishing. So, let’s discuss some of those unhealthy habits here and then in the comments section you can come up with more unhealthy habits and discuss on how we can get rid of them.
Sitting long hours – Sitting long hours in front of the computer screen can cause several health problems like back, neck and shoulder pain and it can further damage the bones and make it a chronic disorder. So, why not take small breaks, like a 5 minutes walking and roaming around the room or taking a small nap in the bed if you have already exhausted yourself on the chair. For relaxing you can try Epsom salt, there are some excellent health benefits of Epsom salt that you can use at your advantage.
Changing to LCD from CRT – nothing technical here, if you are having the old computer screen then it is time to move on to the super sleek LCD monitors. That way your eyes will be less strained, but I think you are already are on a LCD because CRT is so backdated now.
Exercise – Bloggers need specific exercises for neck, shoulder, back, hips and even hands as we type quite a lot. But I don’t have to write more on it, because Lisa Johnson has already written an article on fitness for bloggers. In case you are developing some extra weight, you might consider some exercises or lifestyle changes seriously, try eating some super foods to boost metabolism.
Posture – Have you tried sitting straight while you are on the computer? Has it happened that while you started your day with a straight back, in the next hour or so you have completely gone round on the chair in an almost sleeping posture? It had happened to me, I was almost round on the chair after a few hours and I think I can take a bit of my own tip from the first point and so can you. Also, try to fall back on the desktop if laptop is creating a posture problem. Get a computer chair and avoid taking the laptop on the bed, that is where the real problem of poor posture starts.
Maintain your routine – This starts from sleeping early because unless you do it, you won’t be able to wake up early in the morning. Once you finally wake up early in the morning, start your day, drink some water, do some exercise and then get to blogging. There is plenty of time in the morning that can be utilized for blogging and the early morning clean air provides plenty of ideas and thoughts that late night blogging can’t. As a matter of fact, am writing down major part of this post in the morning fresh air, because it is giving me more ideas than a late night sleepy head can.
Take break – No, am not taking about the five minutes break or a small nap here and there. Take a real break, for 3 to 5 days time and appreciate the life you got. Go on a holiday, a small vacation and have your mind clean of all the regular worries and pressures. Blogging does put plenty of pressures in our mind starting from fluctuations of traffics to ups and downs of retweets on the latest posts or not getting enough link love from fellow bloggers… and while we are at it, please do link… and to the ups and downs of revenue and everything that surrounds our everyday blogging, creates so much of tension into our heads, seriously, every blogger deserves a good rest whenever possible. So, how to take a break and not lose readership. This question will require a whole post to answer, however here I will just put two ways. The number one method is to allow guest post and then sit back and relax while the guest poster takes up your work and the next method is to schedule a few posts in advance, something that I always do.
Remember friends, while you can get a penalized blog back or a sandboxed blog back in the serps, you cannot recover a bad back that easily. You could end up with Spondylitis, Slipdisk and whatnot if you do not take care of your health. Make sure to take care of your health in the same way you take care of your blog’s health. Taking care of your own health is also a responsibility of a blogger.
Twitter: danalingga
Always having enough and good sleep. That’s my suggestion. It is because as bloggers, we tend to work overnight since we love blogging for sure.
Dana´s recent blog post ..Anti-Mosquito on Your Cell Phone
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Dana,
thanks for your comment,
Yes, i am, myself, guilty of working overnight sometimes… blogging is almost like an addiction, it keeps you hooked and the night just slips away… but for the sake of our health, we must resist to the temptation and make sure to sleep on time,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Depression Symptoms – Causes And Treatment
Twitter: craftybegonia
You’re right! Read a medical article that said that one must stand up every hour and move around a bit or one’s hips will give way and one’s back will start suffering. Scary stuff!
Clotilde M´s recent blog post ..Painted Blue Ascot-Style Scarflet
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Clotilde,
thanks for your comment, and glad you agreed,
this is not just scary, it is also downright painful. i have had occasional neck, shoulder pains in the past, my posture on the computer is not good at all, am working on it. I must confess that it is a very painful condition, so lets not allow our backs to give us that pain,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Depression Symptoms – Causes And Treatment
Twitter: phitzone
It’s especially tough being a fitness blogger… oh the irony.
Seriously, Uttoran, you bring up some great points. I would also add that a good diet is highly recommended.
phitzone´s recent blog post ..Do You Have Any Bananas Today
Twitter: healthvotes
hi phitzone,
thanks for your comments,
Yes, a good diet is absolutely important, and to make it better, am making some regular trips to the farmers market and buying a lot of vegetables… to make it further nutritious, and then preaching it on my blog,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Depression Symptoms – Causes And Treatment
Hi Utteroransen,
Often do I take a walk or a swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Or you can take a trip or a hike. Get out of the house or office and do whatever makes you feel good, but don’t forget to take a little notebook and a pen to scribble some stuff down in case you suddenly feel an idea coming to a slow boil.
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Lennart Heleander,
thanks for your comment,
am planning to take a vacation actually, might be a long one, lets see… but i like the idea of taking a hiking trip or doing some other work that involved a bit more hard work and sweating… will give it a try soon,
and, about the swimming, well… i don’t know how to swim, and unfortunately there is no place in my town which teaches swimming,
P.S. my name is Uttoran Sen and not Utteroransen

uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Depression Symptoms – Causes And Treatment
Twitter: colinfreementor
I have to agree with you 100% about scheduling articles ahead … it takes off so much pressure and frees you up for other things to do. Good article. Colin
Twitter: healthvotes
hi colin macpherson,
thanks for your comments,
yes, it helps a lot, and with less pressure in the head, it is easy to come up with new article ideas easily,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Depression Symptoms – Causes And Treatment
Twitter: sonnylanorias
I have to agree with you that sometimes as a blogger, we tend to forget about our health and focus more on the business side.
Yeah making money online is good but what good will it give you if you are not healthy?
So yes balance your time, drink water, exercise, eat healthy foods and most of all take food supplements to keep you more healthy.
This way, you are not just keeping your blog healthy but you are keeping your body healthy as well for long term success.
Sonny Lanorias´s recent blog post ..The 3 Key Points On How To Become Successful In Your Online Business
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Sonny Lanorias, for your comment, glad you agree with me,
health is everything, if we are not completely healthy, money and other stuff will be of no real value…
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Getting Adequate Information about the HCG Dietary Program
Twitter: mycleansmile
Very good and wise article Uttoransen. I recently read a book by Leo Baubata called “Focus” (the free version) and it had a lot of good points covered in it. It recommended periods of “disconnection” where you shut down the browsers and focus completely on the task that is most important to your day. It recommended using twitter, facebook and email less and argued that less time on these is less time wasted. I think the principles outlined in that ebook are very useful for us in this hectic internet lifestyle most of us have been living for a while now.
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Chris,
thanks for your comment, glad you liked it,
i will give the ebook a read, the social media sites can be a real addiction and i must confess, twitter is becoming an anchor on my browser, currently am trying to fix some time schedule for those sites, that way it will be easy to allocate my rest of the time for other blogging activities.
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Getting Adequate Information about the HCG Dietary Program
Appreciate the comment about LCD screens. My eyes bother me often on the computer, so I’m going to have to look into this for the next computer I buy.
I agree that all these tips are very helpful! Great job Uttoran!
Christopher´s recent blog post ..Endless Summer Syndrome – Part I
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Christopher,
surely LCD screen is a must for all blogger as we of the blogigng kind spend way too much time on the computer screen.
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Getting Adequate Information about the HCG Dietary Program
Twitter: plantingdollars
I’ve found it super hard to maintain a good routine while juggling work, blogging, and social life, and sometimes pull all nighters to make sure I get everything in. Not exactly healthy, I know.
Scheduling my articles ahead and working in batches is something I’ve recently tried and have found success in doing that. I also know that Yaro over at does all his blogging standing, which may be something to consider as well.
Ryan´s recent blog post ..You Could’ve Doubled Your Money in Less Than Two Years
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Ryan, thanks for your comment,
Yaro might be standing for hours then? not exactly sure if that is healthy either, also maintaining a right posture while standing is also important, and i guess if i stand for long hours, my standing posture might get messy as well. Will have to ask Yaro how he manages that…
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Getting Adequate Information about the HCG Dietary Program
Twitter: healthvotes
Yaro Starak replied on twitter, and it seems like his idea of “standing and working” is actually good.
——————————————his reply on twitter——————————–
@yarostarak Yaro Starak
@healthvotes Yep I sure do use a stand up desk –
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
Twitter: GIJoh_com
I try to balance my time from work, family, friends, rest, exercise and blogging. However, there are instances I tend to have less sleep because of unforeseen circumstances at work, etc. Sitting for too long makes my back hurt too.
Johanna´s recent blog post ..The Pros and Cons of Working at Home
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Johanna,
thanks for your comment,
if you balance it properly on most days then i guess you are already doing good, no one can be perfect because all days are not equal. i have had a very hard month myself, and the 40 hours train journey of the day before yesterday is still fresh in my mind… but in the long, it does not count, what really counts is how my lifestyle is going to be on most regular days.
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Getting Adequate Information about the HCG Dietary Program
Thanks for the information. Alot of us forget to get up and go out sometimes and in the end it will all add up, litteraly. this was a very informative post. i will pass it along
thovis´s recent blog post ..Peacebloom VS Ghouls – The Strategy Guide
Twitter: healthvotes
hi thovis, thanks for your comment and glad you found this post informative,
and as you said, it all adds up in the end…
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Getting Adequate Information about the HCG Dietary Program
Twitter: JoeCannon2
Im a personal trainer and relative new comer to blogging and I can attest that bloggers do need to take care of themselves physically. Sitting for long periods of time can contribute to blood clots. that can be a very serious concern. while this is often discussed when people drive or fly for long periods, I have often wondered if it was an issue in bloggers. Im not aware of any statistics. Regardless, exercising regularly is one of the keys to continued successful blogging
general exercise guidelines are:
aerobic exercise – 4 more more days per seek
strength training – 2-3 times a week
most people do not need to spend more than 1 hour working out
hope that helps!
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Joe Cannon for the input, good to have personal trainers around,
blood clots sounds alarming, hope that further helps in inspiring the bloggers to move around when blogging for long hours,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Getting Adequate Information about the HCG Dietary Program
As someone who has done rehab to avoid back surgery on several of our members who were in IT or worked for call centers I must respectively disagree with the fitness advice of Ms. Johnson. If anything, doing traditional “cardio” exercise will only add additional negative stress to the body.
Doing some form of weight bearing exercise would be far superior in the form of Olympic lifts, squats, deadlifts, etc. If you do not have access to a good gym with free weights, then a good alternative would be to do something like farmers walks up and down a flight of stairs. Basically fill up two jugs or buckets with an equal/balanced weight. Then carry a bucket in each hand while you walk up and down the stairs (be careful when going down however). Actually stairs are just a benefit where actually just walking for 20 seconds at a time with a 20 second break is already enough for most people. Do that for 15 minutes every other day and you’ll be amazed with your increase in strength and stamina.
Head Coach´s recent blog post ..Simply Raw – Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days Documentary
Twitter: healthvotes
hello Head Coach,
thanks for your comment,
Lisa Johnson is a very reputed blogger and a certified fitness expert, i will not doubt her advice, however i will let her know so that she can reply to it herself,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
Twitter: LisaJohnson
While cardio exercise might be contra-indicated for someone with a specific injury that they are recovering from the vast majority of people can do cardio quite nicely. The stress release benefits and the cardio vascular benefits are quite well documented and I’d refer people to organizations like the National Institute of Health, the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine for further information.
As for walking up the stairs with two jugs of heavy liquid or sand, since carpal tunnel is a frequent issue with bloggers I would think carrying heavy weights with the center of gravity in the palm would be not as useful to a blogger.
Thanks for your thoughts,
Lisa Johnson´s recent blog post ..6 Real Life Strategies for Weight Loss
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Lisa Johnson for clearing it up,
Uttoran Sen,
Twitter: TwiMommi
I am working on getting rid of the extra pounds I’ve packed on since I started blogging. The health consequences of blogging were nothing I considered when I started. Now, I’m trying to find a healthy balance.
Blommi´s recent blog post ..10 Light Recipes from my Archives
Twitter: healthvotes
hello Blommi,
thanks for your comments,
same here, when i started blogging, my main concern was traffic and money, but now as i have a bit of both, my biggest concern with blogging is my health and the added weight.
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
Hello Uttoran,
This post is very relevant for any blogger who wants to remain healthy! You have brought to light some very good points – thank you!
One of the biggest issues that we are up against, I expect, is the lack of sleep. That is an important issue that plagues so many people and sabotages their health in many ways – a post that I’ll be adding to my blog soon since it has been a personal challenge of mine. Not only do we need to be sure we allow ourselves the proper amount of time for a good night rest, but we also need to ensure we’re not exposed to light while we are sleeping!
~ Beth
Beth Wiles´s recent blog post ..Nutrition School- My Journey in IIN Health Counselor Program starts tomorrow!
Twitter: healthvotes
hello Beth Wiles, thanks for your comment, glad you liked the article.
Yes, it is very important that we make sure that we sleep in total darkness, else our internal clocks will be messed up. The lights of the Tube and CFL makes our internal clocks to believe it is day time, thus messing it up, and that in turn has a very negative effect on our sleep.
Uttoran Sen,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
Twitter: stm_9
Hi, uttoransen
Thank you for another essential article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a complete way of writing? I have a presentation incoming week, and I am on the lookout for such information.
Firman´s recent blog post ..Pain Killer Addiction – Find The Formula That Works For You
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Firman,
thanks for your comment, glad you liked the article,
feel free to mention this article in your presentation, that way it will get promoted further, and more bloggers will be aware of their fitness status,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
I totally agree with you post, specially the CRT monitor part, it really strains the eye and it hurts specially when im staring at it for hours, just recently I replaced it with LCD monitor and it is whole lot better. Thank you for this very informative post, i will probably tweet this to my followers as well if you dont mind
Eli´s recent blog post ..Achilles Tendinitis
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Eli,
thanks for your comment, glad you liked it,
feel free to promote this article on the social media, tweet it, share it on facebook… etc.
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
What you’ve said is true about any blogger or web developer, so many times we stay up way too late, I don’t know why I bother!
I find exercise is the best way for me to take a break from the computer, then I’m refreshed and good to go at it again.
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Sam,
thanks for your comment and glad you agree to it,
that is exactly what i do as well, whenever i think am on the computer for a long time, i go out and have a walk, do a bit of exercise and return on the computer,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
Blogging can have a negative impact on your health – if you are going to blog you need to get off your butt and workout several times per week.
Twitter: healthvotes
hi Survivalist Blog,
thanks for your comment,
i guess you mean, “several times per hour” ?
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Understanding When You Need a Vascular Surgeon
Twitter: yourworldhealth
nice post. I`m also blogging in more 6 hours. I think my eyes began to glare when there is light.
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks for your comment,
you might consider meeting an eye specialist, reducing your blogging hours can also be a good idea,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..What is Life Science Technology
I used to get to bed so late ( around 2 a.m. sometimes 3 a.m) and you’re right, it’s not good for you in the long run. I started having really bad skin (which never happens), I started to have back ache. Now I go to bed at 10:00 p.m and my skin glows and I don’t feel as tired go figure =)
gains36´s recent blog post ..Top 10 Adult Nonfiction Bestselling Books of 2010
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks gains36 for your comment,
10 is a great time to sleep, i have so far succeded to get it to 12 which is the best i can do, because i take a late dinner. am working on my dinner time as well, hope i get it a bit early as well.
About the skin, yeah, regular timely eating and sleeping, good diet and exercise, and loads of drinking water is the perfect solution for a glowing skin.
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..What is Life Science Technology
Very nice post, After reading your post in simple language I can say “HEALTH IS A WEALTH”
Jenny Wills´s recent blog post ..E-Commerce Development – An Effective Way to Actuate Your Business
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Jenny Wills for your comment,
I agree completely, health is your greatest wealth,
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..What is Life Science Technology
It was really nice reading your post! I must say being a blogger for more than a year now even i have developed lot of unhealthy habits. One of the most important of couse is lack of exercise and sitting for long hours. Thanks for mentioning about the sitting posture too, its a common problem among almost all of us these days.
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Alex for your comment,
glad you agree on this,
bad posture is probably a big reason for so many health problems and conditions that affects us, and the longer you stay on the computer, the worse posture it gets. It is time we take it seriously and sit straight while we are on the computer.
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
Twitter: oims
I went out of my way to find a more ergonomic chair and still find myself sitting improperly. And, of course you are right, the very late nights and maybe a sleep in, but mostly sleep deprived.
Tearing oneself away for even a 20 minute walk should (could, might be?) on anyone’s agenda who either blogs or is just a computer fanatic
Also setting the monitor back at a decent distance to help avoid eye strain. Somewhere a long time ago I read that 18 to 24 inches was ideal (no closer than).
Thanks for the healthy reminders!
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Deadwood Series Fan February 3 Is Your Lucky Day!
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks oimdiane for your valuable inputs,
Yeah, those small breaks helps a lot. those 20 minutes, or even 10, can help us get back to the correct posture.
Good to see you mention the screen distance, on the desktop it was definitely 24+ inches but i guess that turned into half, once i switched to the laptop… and i don’t think we can help it as the screen and the keyboard is attached so we can keep it only as far as we can type…
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
I completely agree with your post! Health is indeed of great importance and it cannot be ignored at any cost!. Even i had this habit of working till 3 am to 4 am every day but within 2 months i had severe back ache and continuous headache. Black patches around my eyes really looked ugly. I have to say if health is gone everything is gone.
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Albert for your comments,
I absolutely agree, health is everything, and about working till 4 AM, you can cut that to 1AM at max and focus on waking up early to do the rest of the work, am trying to do that myself… early morning is much more productive than late night…
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
I agree with what you have mentioned in your post. Today it is the truth about almost all the bloggers or even people in IT field , there is no proper timings for us and we stay up way too late. For past few months I am also getting myself involved in physical exercises which is one of the best ways to keep myself healthy.
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Alex Lim for your comments,
am focusing on the exercise to get myself fit as well, walking, jogging etc. and then some cardio and a bit of weights…
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
I am with you, the sleep thing is very important. Unless you have something thats time critical or you are on a roll with a set of articles, but even then sleep is still important. If it is time critical go ahead and stay up I say, just be willing to pay for it with your sleep by sleeping longer during the day. You are correct in saying that too much of this is bad for you, im on board there. I have tried to cut this out as much as I could. As everyone knows when you register a new blog, you are always excited in writing genuine unique useful content. Kind of like this post. Great job.
joshua brown´s recent blog post ..The Truth about Aliens from Space
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks joshua brown for your comment and your support,
Yeah, certain things are important and they has to be done, like perhaps spotting a hacking attempt that you could undo by doing the backups if you stay up, and that is certainly worth staying up. I always try to cover up the lost sleep by sleeping late, though lately, am getting some good night sleeps.
glad you liked the article,
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
I try to keep myself fit with spending at least 4 evenings jogging in the week, that really works for me.
erwin´s recent blog post ..The Queen of England goes on holiday to Ireland
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks erwin for your comment,
i do the evening walk, though it is regular, all week long… however, jogging is better,
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
I use the following eye relaxation exercise:
- rub your hands together to warm them up
- close your eyes and cover them with your hands (lightly, don’t press your eyeballs), make sure no light reaches your eyes, all you should “see” is complete darkness
- keep your hands on your eyes for at least a minute
Tim´s recent blog post ..Your Options for Eye Surgery
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks Tim for your input,
i just gave that tip of yours a try, and surely it helped a lot. It does help in relaxation for the eyes. We should do it more often.
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
Couldn’t agree more, sometimes it’s like you’re in a writing trance while blogging and hours just pass by, next thing you know, it’s 5am in the morning and you have a meeting at 8am. *oops* #fail lol
James´s recent blog post ..How Tummy Tuck Surgery is Priced
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks James for your comment,
yep, i can understand that, i have had that experience too. It was like 2 AM when i had started writing and it was suddenly 5 and i did not even checked the clock. I actually heard the sound of the main gate and saw my dad going out for the morning walk… i saved up everything and went straight to bed, it gave me a big deal of remorse to what i was doing to my health…
thankfully, no more late night work these days… on most regular nights, am fast asleep.
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
i spend too much time on my computer blogging or reading this really exhausting to me. your advice is very important to me. some times i stopp blogging for few days for that but not too much as you now once the person started to blog he never ends
subzero525´s recent blog post ..تحميل تنزيل برنامج وين رار winrar احدث اصدار 2011
Twitter: healthvotes
thanks for your comments,
You are right, once you start to blog, there is no turning back, this is way to addictive. I would just suggest you to take small breaks, don’t sit and blog for hours at end, just roam about in your house and then again get back to blogging. That way, you won’t put much strain on your body.
Uttoran Sen´s recent blog post ..Avoid Multiple Sclerosis with Sunlight and Vitamin D
My experience is that lifting weights works really good for RSI. Sometimes I have stiff shoulders after using a computer for a long time. A good work-out with weights always seems to make that go away.
erwin´s recent blog post ..Norwegian Air gets Wifi