.COuld You Remember This?

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I am a part time blogger who is trying to spread the word about the newest .CO domain extension. I have also been buying and selling collectibles for years and want to spread my knowledge of how to make money with my readers. I also provide many free tips and domain news on my blog! Check it out!

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There are over 125 million registered domain names today. About 90 million of those are .com. Just about every person on the internet knows the importance of having a great domain name. No one wants a very long, boring domain name. This will more than likely be hard to remember and frankly no one wants to type an extremely long name into their browser.
Everyone wants a short, easy to remember high quality domain name. Well, unless you registered that domain name over a decade ago, chances are that it is taken and can be sold to you for a extremely high price.

What is a .CO ?

What’s the alternative? Well, I’m not sure if you know about the newest domain extension – it is .CO. It is the official extension for Columbia, but it has been made available to the public a few months ago. Why is this extension so popular? Google has announced that .CO domains will be GLOBALLY targeted. That means that this .CO will become equivalent to .COM and if you can target traffic in ANY country. For example, the domain extension .co.uk is targeted to traffic in the UK – .US – the US, and so forth.

Grab your SHORT .CO Soon!

Many people are skeptical when it comes to the .co extension – however there are already over 600,000 REGISTERED .CO domain names. If this was not going to successful then I seriously doubt there would be 600,000 .co domains already taken. Everyone knows that .COM is king, but I have a great feeling that the .CO domain is going to become extremely popular. The entire concept of the .co domain is to allow regular people

like ourselves the option to grad a great, short, easy to remember domain name – without the ridiculous .COM prices. Others are saying that people wont remember to use .CO. Are they serious? This is the shortest extension and is EXTREMELY easy to remember. It is easier to remember than .net or .org!

Recent .CO sales

There have already been some very high priced .co sales – mesothelioma.co $76,000 – denver.co $50,001 and more recently beauty.co sold for for $18.090. As you can see those are some very high priced sales! I’m sure that any one of us would be happy with a sale like that! Registering a .co currently costs $30 a year – however that comes out to .08 cents a day!

Build A .CO blog

Personally, I am using the .co extension not only as my personal blog but also as an investment. I believe that everyone who owns domain names should have a diverse portfolio and should have at least a few .co domains – especially short, easy to remember ones. Every domain extension that has keywords is valuable. Imagine how many more options people now have if they want to register a domain with the word “blog” – good luck doing that for $30 with a .com name! I found an short buzz .co domain that is being used for my personal blog, and it is working out great! If you are interested in reading more about the the official .co domain then please read this: COinternet . Also, if you are interested in reading more about .co on my blog, then please Click Here

I really want to read everyone’s replies! Did you know about .co? What are your thoughts? Do you own any .co domains? Feel free to post below!