On March 2nd I launched my business blog, and in its first 30 days (March 2 – April 1) it got over 10k page views.
Most people start their blog with a whimper, but if you plan your launch right, there is no reason you can’t have an audience ready and waiting. Here’s how.
Strategy And Planning
A lot of people just launch things or start a blog without any regard to the strategy behind it.
This is a huge mistake. You have to launch with a purpose.
I had been thinking about my launch for the better part of a year and seriously planning and prepping it for 3 months. It allowed me time to research my target audience, get some great content together on important subjects, make sure all the bugs were fixed on my website, and drop hints with influencers along the way.
Additionally, you are going to want to launch with at least 20 articles to fill up the blog. When people come on day 1 they are going to want to click around and see what’s available. I had the articles written and published in their respective categories so the blog was filled out.
Something To Rally Around
When you are launching something so big (like an entire blog with 20+ articles, it helps to have something serve as your main focus
For me, I created a mega detailed guide called 500 Ways To Make Money Online which, at least in its niche, is the most comprehensive free guide you’ll find. Now, I don’t want to be pegged as the make money online guy and there are much more important topics I want to discuss BUT creating that guide allowed me to focus people during your outreach and say hey look, I just launched this blog and it includes this awesome guide, come check it out and if you’re looking for something to share, well, that guide is definitely worth it.
As a result, I was able to get awesome shares from people like Spencer of Niche Pursuits
It also doubles as a newsletter teaser (despite it being free right there), which helped me capture 60 subscribers in my first month.
Connect With Influencers And Give Them A Reason To Share
Read any expert round up about blogging success and half of them will say you need to connect with influencers. I just launched this blog, but I’ve been working online now for 1.5 years so I’ve connected with a good amount of people in and out of my niche.
Similarly I created an ultimate business resource guide and featured a ton of articles from major influencers. I have found if you are polite and not uber aggressive, then, with proper cause, the big guys will step up and share your stuff.
Nail A Guest Post
After the launch dies down, and inevitably, it will, you have to find a way to reignite the fire.
For me, that was with a guest post on Matthew Woodward’s blog, which gets 100k’s of pageviews a month.
This guest post was a huge hit and sent over 500 visitors to my blog in my first month, and was key for me getting over the hump and hitting that 10k mark.
Additionally, it reminds everyone you just told that you are here to stay and are someone worth following.
Day 1 Is Just The Beginning
Promotion is a never ending job.
That entire month (and really, even now, everyday), I look for new people who’s work I admire and connect with them through an email or tweet. In doing so I’ve gotten a lot of free shares, guest post invites, podcast invites, and a spot in magazine!
It’s all about hitting the trenches.