Research as show that millions of people in the world are suffering from obesity. If you are among those people and you don’t wan to waste your time by just starving yourself or having your exercise routine like madman. But at the end without result that you desire. But effective weight loss is not like that. In nutshell if you really want to know what you are to do and how to do it effectively then you are on the right track to you success journey. I have shortlisted 5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Easily, master them and stick to it to get that your desire body shape.
(1) First Measure: Measuring is the most important part you have to first take note- because you need to know how much weight you are now and how much weight you want to lose in the process. This will motivate you to know where you are and where you want to be. Measuring will give you accurate feedback that will help you to stay on track. It will help you to know whether you are on the right track or not, if not then you need to adjust yourself to the routine. it is very essential for you to measure what you plan for charging such as body fat, your waist and weight or your fitness level. Here are various ways that you can use to measure: photos, stopwatch, tape, measure, are great tools that will give you accurate feedback.
(2) Create Plan: After that you have measure your body and you have visualize your desire body shape. The next step for you is to create plan how you are going to get that body shape, setting goals is not only of dreaming of what you desire, then think about problem behind your desire shape. Create plan on what you need to do and when you must do it, by thinking big for you desire body shape will help you to breaks some hurdles surrounding you to get that goal done.
(3) Healthy Food: This is another important apart for you to take note. Deciding on eating healthy foods will determine whether you are losing weight or stay where you are. Before deciding on which foods to eat or not, I will advice you to contact or seek Doctor or Expect advice on which kind of food to eat or not. Try as much as possible to find which foods work and stick to it for better result.
(4) Workout Session: Healthy foods take large part on any weight loss program, but if you need every day result or looking for athletic body-then you need to add some workout session into your weekly schedule. By doing exercise will help you burn some fat in your body which will help you again lose weight easily. You can get membership at nearest gym center in your area or you may star doing exercise with sits-ups, lunges, push-ups, dips and squats.
(5) Consistency: If you are not doing this you may have throw your goal away. Consistency will help you to know whether you are losing weight or not. If you did not do what you supposed to do, your desire body shape may be astray. if you did not keep your training in place then your body metabolism will stay slow including your which will underdeveloped your program.. I hope my litter explanation will help you to lose weight easily without any stress.
Twitter: ferbes14
nice tips koya, For keeping our body in good shape we must set a taget first, then make a plan to achieve the goal. Regular workout does a trick but selection of healthy food is even more important.
Raj recently posted..Line for Android Download | Line App for Nokia Asha/BlackBerry/iPhone/Windows
Twitter: webplanet12345
thanks for finding the post useful..
Twitter: Yogesh_pant5
i agree with you,
Planning is of utmost importance if we want to execute anything.
Twitter: webplanet12345
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Hi koya,
Very Nice Tips, i like your tips. but i understand that Excercise is one of the Best method to keep fit your body. Well i have not ever used your tips but now i will try. Thanks a lot Koya for sharing this post.
Twitter: webplanet12345
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
I believe also that discipline is essential in order to lose weight. It takes strong guts to finally decide whether we re willing to forego the temptation of fastfood

Ria Dancel recently posted..Sol Y Viento Mountain Hotspring Resort
Twitter: webplanet12345
for must forgone fast food for better result..
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Twitter: turtlers_com
A very nice post though ! Lossing weight is one of the hped trend !
harshi recently posted..[Review] Zyma Hosting | The Worst Host to Choose
Twitter: webplanet12345
thanks for finding it as great
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Twitter: TechTwisted
Hello koya,
As being a blogger and freelance web designer I have to sit and work mostly on the computer so I doesn’t really get time to do any exercise, but now I am compromising my work for my health, and I hope that your tips will help me in doing this.
Rajnish recently posted..Free SMS Sites in India
Twitter: webplanet12345
I agree with you, but you have to find time to do exercise so that you can burn so litter calories that will help you to burn fat easily.
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Twitter: TechTwisted
Yes, you are right exercising can only help, that’s why I have started doing at least 1 hour of exercise daily.
Rajnish recently posted..Free SMS Sites in India
Twitter: slideh
HI Koya,
These are some useful tips for losing weight, I agree with Rajnish, being a blogger it is difficult to find time to work out and shed some pounds. I will try these tips.
Gautham Lurk recently posted..Download Opera 15 for Windows 7 and 8 | Mac
Twitter: webplanet12345
try it some that you can burn fat easily..
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Nice healthy post i got some interesting information and points to help me reduce my fat level in my body thank you sharing this healthy post .
Twitter: webplanet12345
thank you for finding it useful…
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Twitter: health_luv
Hi Koya,
Nice points for losing weight, I personally feel it’s consistency that matters most. I know many people who stick to their plan for 1 month and when they don’t see any difference, they become frustrated and give up.

Shailender recently posted..How to Boost Immune System
Twitter: webplanet12345
thank is great from you…
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Thanks for this article!
The word “exercise” must be underlined and bold
Twitter: rajeshjhamb
hey Koya
Nice tips about to loose weight
you said right that we should take healthy food but we have to take it 2-3 times in a day not to eat again and again.
daily work our is also necessary thing to do if we want to fit.
Thanks for the tips
Twitter: webplanet12345
Nope can continue eating your food but made it Healthy foods..
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
That are true fact, consistency require strict discipline as daily or weekly target need to be justify!
Hani recently posted..Cardio And Abs Workout in 60 Minutes
Twitter: relationshipcir
Consistency really is the key to losing weight – It would be so much easier if we could all consistently eat right and exercise!
Bellaisa recently posted..Positive Affirmations And Weight Loss: Can You Lose Weight Without Positive Thoughts?
Twitter: cfacet
Hi koya olayinka, Great post and useful information, and clean information about the post 5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Easily.Nice tips about to loose weight.Thanks for shared for such valuable information.Really nice post.
Twitter: webplanet12345
it my pleasure that you appreciated the litter tips..
koya olayinka recently posted..Summer Fitness Plan To Lose Weight
Twitter: breakingsnews
I’m doing 9 hours Internet Marketing Job. And now my belly is
Syed Qasim recently posted..Travel: Five Of The Best Party Cities In Europe
Twitter: webplanet12345
OK no problem..
These are very helpful tips Koya. Losing weight should be properly planned so as to achieve your goals without having to sacrifice your health.
Connor Harley recently posted..Help with Setting up a Business
I think one should more focus on diet as it matter 70% to your body plus physical workout , proper routine and sleep . I think choosing some sports in which it requires more physical then one should go for that also.
Shorya recently posted..How to become slim by doing basic things- Different Ways to become slim Fast
Twitter: fibrefoods
Cheers Koya, this is good advice, especially for people starting up!
Adrian Ion recently posted..Zero Carb Foods and their use in weight loss
Twitter: himanshuk18
Loosing weight has become a hot topic , mostly people are unaware that there is no need to adopt dieting while loosing weight. Performing regular exercise and following balance diet will surely help you a lot.
himanshu recently posted..Best healthy lunch ideas for healthy lifestyle
Twitter: tweetsehatID
Healthy foods and exercise regularly are two key factors to lose weight. Beside that self discipline is needed to make it come true.thanks for share this tips. It’s really helpful
werry adnan recently posted..Pencegahan Asam Urat Dengan Produk Tiens
Twitter: mtscompany
It all starts from planning and then following it strictly.
Mia Taylor recently posted..Unwarranted Concerns when Outsourcing Medical Transcription
Hello Koya,
Valuable Post about the Lose Weight Easily. i am totally agree with you that we need to walk to lose weight and i think walking is beneficial for old people. its very comfortable for those people. Thanks alot for suggest me.
Twitter: webplanet12345
thanks for find it helpful…
Twitter: hardluckstrome
Hey Koya
You have written an amazing article. One should hit the gym and have a balanced diet if he/she wants to loose weight
Ashi recently posted..WhatsApp is Now Available Free in App Store
Twitter: webplanet12345
thank you @Ashi
Wow that is really good to know!:) I love to know training tips!:D Thanks for sharing!
Great tips! I think that creating a plan is definitely the most effective way to lose weight. Stick a number in your mind related to how much weight you’d like to lose and dont stop until you reach that number!
Twitter: webplanet12345
thanks for finding it helpful
koya olayinka recently posted..Quick and Easiest Ways for Couples to Lose Weight
Twitter: YpayZdotCom
Don’t have this problem and hope I never encounter it. Thanks for sharing these tips!
Best regards from I. C. Daniel

I. C. Daniel recently posted..Play RGB Shift Online
Twitter: webplanet12345
thanks for reading it..
koya olayinka recently posted..Quick and Easiest Ways for Couples to Lose Weight
Twitter: TpeBlg
An action plan (exercise + eating habits) and focus to stick to the plan can help one lose weight over time. One can also pick from many types of enjoyable exercises. Also, i have noticed that the definition of over weight varies by country. Especially when compared between few Asian countries such as Korea, Japan with other countries in the west or even Europe.
chang recently posted..Login to IRCTC
Twitter: webplanet12345
i will like to know more about what you mean by varies by country…
koya olayinka recently posted..Quick and Easiest Ways for Couples to Lose Weight
Twitter: TpeBlg
Hi Koya, What I meant that some of my friends from a few Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea call themselves as being over weight and try to lose weight inspite of being normal by western standards. I understand that keeping fit important, but then in some parts of Asia there is a obsession to be really skinny.
chang recently posted..Kogan Mobile Login
Twitter: webplanet12345
thanks for that explanation..
koya olayinka recently posted..Habits That Make You Gain Weight
Nice tips you have listed to lose weight. If all the above are followed in the right combination you would definitely see results in a short span of time. Though the catch is the last point – “consistency”
It is usually said ” If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”
I agree with you on planning part. Plan how much you want to lose and also set the time limit. This will help you remain focused on your goal.
Ajay Sharma recently posted..12 Effective home remedies for sore throat
The easiest way to lose fat is to eat less and move more :), also dont mix high GI carbs with fat, like pizza, cheesburger, so all the “good” food
Twitter: sunsettalks
Koya, Just one thing i would like to add is, set smaller targets and reward yourself. Let’s say you want to lose 10 kgs. Don’t wait until you shed all the pounds, instead reward yourself at every 2 kgs. This will keep you motivated.
Anchal Bhatia recently posted..4 Ways to Lose Pregnancy Weight in a Healthy Way
My dad really struggles on consistency. He’ll try and lose weight, and then gain it all back in a moment of weakness.
Twitter: MyBlogger_World
Well, Everyone struggles with consistency buddy, but we have to keep working hard to lose weight.
Atinder recently posted..How to Lose Weight in a Month
Twitter: beregnbmi
Besides measuring the progress I also use the bodyweight to see the drop in my weight, but I also calculate my weight loss i body fat using the measurements your already are making.
on the diet part of it all, eating high fiber and high protein foods will help you keep full, give you a more stable blodsoucker thus making you want to eat less or not more than you need.!
And give yourself a day of every week for example every sunday, this makes your metabolism work more, but also keeps you motivated.!

Jimmy recently posted..Fedtprocent beregner
These weight loss tips can really make things a lot easier to people that want to help their weight loss efforts, I’ll put them into practice myself. Thank you.
Twitter: MyBlogger_World
But karen Tips will not do it, we have to follow these tips carefully and perform actions regularly to be able to lose weight.
Atinder recently posted..How to Lose Weight in a Month
Great read Koya
the First 4 steps are always carried out by people,but what we miss out is the #5 step..Consistency. We would loose our spirit and then drop out or once we achieve the target we throw out all our plans and step back to unhealthy diet. So be Consistent is very important.
Lizbeth Zac recently posted..Non Surgical
Twitter: foodieforall
Nice tips Koya! Usually what happens is people pick a fad diet and measure, plan, eat healthy and work out as you outlined but the trick is not to think of it as a diet but change that mindset and think of it as a healthy lifestyle and that brings consistency.
Oge recently posted..Vegetarian Soup Recipes – Yellow Peas Soup Recipe
Twitter: lalita_bisht
Weight is the major concern if we talk about these day’s problems. And you have mentioned quite nice points in this article. loosing weight is quite a tough job. We have to control our diet and many more things.
Lalita Bisht recently posted..Happy Birthday SMS and Happy Birthday Messages
Twitter: IamSantoshSingh
Hey Koya,
Nice post and Yes, weight is the major concern these days and everyone wants to look slim and perfect. These ways really help us to keep in shape. Consistency is very important factor. Thanks for sharing these tips with us.
Sudipto recently posted..Best Android Phone Under 20000
Twitter: MyBlogger_World
Well, I regularly follow these tips, I follow a simple plan by eating fresh fruits and regular exercise which keep s me fit.
Atinder recently posted..How to Lose Weight in a Month