There are lots of ways to make money online. I should know that because I run a blog where I constantly research and publish posts about different ways of making money from home. But most of these methods require you to spend some money whether its $10 for a domain, $1000 for a SEO campaign or what have you.
But if you are a beginner, you may not have even an extra $10 to pay for a domain. Or if you are like me when I was just starting out, you may want to first see some results before spending any money. Thankfully, there are a few good ways you can earn some extra cash without spending a single dollar. Here are 4 such methods:
1- Sell magazine subscription to make money
By using a website named AcclaimSubscriptions, an affiliate program, you can get commission by persuading consumers to subscribe to a variety of magazines they have on offer.
How would you react on learning that the number of topics of different magazines they offer exceeds 200,000! Anybody would find it hard not to find a topic of his interest. So, almost anybody is a good prospect for you. They provide free registration and give you a personal referral link. As and when anybody clicks on that link and subscribes to one or more of those magazines, you earn a commission.
You may incorporate the link on your blog, email, website or any place of your choice. You could even plant it on any of your social networking pages like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter etc.
2- Answer questions and get paid
Here’s an opportunity to get paid for your experience and knowledge by answering simple questions on the website named JustAnswer. You register to become a member. In the beginning, on providing
After some time when you gain experience and have proven yourself, your commission is raised to fifty percent. You get paid through PayPal as soon as your earning reaches $20.
3- Sell T-shirts with your design and make money
CafePress and Zazzle provide you the facility to create your own designs for T-shirts and sell those through their websites. These websites have very easy drag and drop interfaces wherein you can transfer any picture or written material to a T-shirt.
You may develop your personalized design, using your photos and text or even utilize their quick design generator for creating designs. You may sell T-shirts with your designs through their website or you may opt to have your own online store to sell your stuff and make money.
4-Earn money doing just about anything
How would you like getting paid $5 for wearing somebody else’s shirt and getting photographed! Fiverr is the website where visitors can buy or sell any type of service by paying just $5. It’s sheer fun that you make money for doing some of the most unimaginable things for others.
You may be required to write or sing a song and get paid. Somebody may need travel tips to a city you might have already visited and known. Perhaps, you could design a webpage for someone or telling someone how to operate/repair a particular device. The possibilities are endless!
Lets be honest here, just because these methods don’t require any financial investments, it doesn’t mean there is no investment at all required. You still have to invest time and effort if you want to see results. That’s true with any money making method, whether online or offline.
Also, lets keep in mind that non of these methods are going to help you get rich. In fact, most people won’t even be able to make enough to call it a substantial income. Nonetheless, these 4 methods are great ways to earn money for those who don’t want to spend money to make it.
Twitter: freelancers254
I will register at the Just Answer website and earn a living from it.
Wilfred Imbukwa recently posted..Writing Excellent Blog Posts: Guide For Freelancers
Twitter: lastingbp
I am going to do the same thing.
Leon recently posted..Reasons To Hire A Wedding Videographer
Twitter: BlogStashDotCom
Hi Wilfred,
Great idea, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying “making a living”. Mots folks are just able to make a little extra cash. Either way, good luck.
satrap recently posted..19 (Really) Unusual Ways to Make Money
Twitter: keralpatel
Some nice tips that everyone can use with or without having specific knowledge in technical things. There are other sites also like fiverr that one should check out because on fiverr it is too much crowded nowadays.
Keral Patel recently posted..How to become a webmaster
Twitter: BlogStashDotCom
I agree about Fiverr being crowded, but with some creativity you can stand out. That said there are lots of Fiverr clones out there, most notably GigBucks.
satrap recently posted..5 Ways to Make Money Without Money (Infographic)
Twitter: Techmell1
Awesome tips to earn online without spending a single penny. I am running my own T-shirt business and decided to sell them on internet to earn more. I hope these tips will help me to grow my business. Thanks a lot.
Twitter: BlogStashDotCom
Hammed, that is wonderful. I wish you the best with your new business.
satrap recently posted..Best Day to Sell on eBay: is There Any?
Twitter: surajramnani
Wow i never knew about these..thank you
Suraj recently posted..Mad Men 05/05/2013 – Recap and Review
Twitter: BlogStashDotCom
You are very welcome Suraj. Glad you learned something new.
satrap recently posted..Best Day to Sell on eBay: is There Any?
Twitter: inspireyourway
You should have also include selling stock photos. This will definitely give a good exposure and money to the seller.
Debarshi Ghosh Dastidar recently posted..Top 10 Best Question And Answer Websites To Solve Your Queries in Minutes
Twitter: BlogStashDotCom
Good idea Debarshi. Thanks for sharing it.
satrap recently posted..19 (Really) Unusual Ways to Make Money
Twitter: freedommmc
Good one Satrap,
Its always a good idea to diversify. The first $100 I made online was from ebay.
Hey money is money.
Darnell Jackson recently posted..Grow Your Audience One Step At a Time [5M 014]
Twitter: effortlesshr
Interesting! Answering question sounds pretty easy. I might need to try that one out and see how I like it. Thanks for the great tips.
Tanya recently posted..Avoiding the 7 Big Team-Building Blunders
Nice article if i may say. but i would like to add up one other way in which you can make money online without paying a dime; Providing online job for fob seekers is also a great way of making cool cash online. thanks
Babanature recently posted..Adding Mobile Adsense Above And Below Your Mobilepress Theme
Twitter: harounkola
Thanks for this list Satrap. Its nice to know of other ways to make money online..
Haroun Kola recently posted..Sensual Massage for Women in Johannesburg
Twitter: ksntweets
Interesting options to make money Satrap , there are many more other ways to make money that you can include in your future posts. Internet is becoming big arena to make grand money.
Kumar Suhas recently posted..SEO Basics in 2013 – Essential Tips and Tricks
Not bad tips. Not bad at all.
Thanks for the t-shirt part. I’ll look into that
Twitter: IT_Freelancing
Hi Satrap,
You really mentioned some unique and interesting ways to make money online, without spending money. I was aware of Fiverr but wasn’t aware of other options that you mentioned in the post. Great work!!
Pankaj recently posted..Online Mobile Recharge Software
Twitter: IamSantoshSingh
Hey Satrap,
Nice post and Thanks for sharing these tips for making money online with us. I really like all the points you mentioned above specially the JustAnswer and surely gonna use it.
Sudipto recently posted..Best Android Phone Under 10000
Twitter: Yogesh_pant5
nothing can be stated as the free method for earning money. Money is something which always takes away with you something or another. It may be time, or resources either.
yogesh pant recently posted..Best google chrome extension
Twitter: BlogStashDotCom
Exactly! As I mentioned in the post, free here means money wise. Otherwise you still have to spend time and energy working on these methods.
satrap recently posted..19 (Really) Unusual Ways to Make Money
Twitter: Yogesh_pant5
yes satrap..
and also it remains the fact that many of the people does not consider these resources as such. They think they are investing only when they have to invest money!
yogesh pant recently posted..Best google chrome extension
Twitter: GlobalCraze
Hey satrap
Thanks for sharing these 4 tips to earn money on the internet. I read all the 4 points but i really liked the point number 2- Answer questions and get paid. And now i ma going to register new account on JustAnswer.
Chetan Gupta recently posted..How to Plan a Website in Few Easy Steps
Thank you for the insight on this topic, dear Satrap.
I’m really new to this. Its nice to know “what to do to” make money online. Love to hear more from you…
Twitter: Champak Gahtori
ya really money is the every ones need…but for making money you have to put some efforts always in form hard work & efforts……There you suggest the way of money without any dime,but it takes so much efforts….Thaks for share it was a nice post….
Twitter: BlogStashDotCom
Thanks everyone for your feedback.
satrap recently posted..5 Ways to Make Money Without Money (Infographic)
Twitter: weezlabs
Nice tips to earning without spending from your pocket. I hope it will work for me too
James recently posted..We are pleased to announce a new venture into the world of Google Glass!
Twitter: enstinemuki
Thanks for this post. I’ll be trying AcclaimSubscriptions and Just answer right away
Enstine Muki recently posted..Automatic & Manual WordPress Backup ~ No Plugin, No phpMyAdmin needed
Twitter: Techblowup
Getting aid for answering questions is a good way for making money without any investment. BTW nice post and this is really helpful in getting some ideas for making some decent amount of money with using our potential.
Prakash recently posted..Hike Messenger Download for Symbian, Android, PC, iPhone, Blackberry
Twitter: himanshuk18
Yes earning money while doing crazy things like o fiverr is the best. Awesome post.
himanshu recently posted..Ways to improve iphone battery life
There are lots of ways to make money online without spending any money. Although you will make money faster if you have money to spend on different things, but these are good ideas!
Twitter: YpayZdotCom
Very good ways to earn money online.
Best method would be to join an niche affiliate program which pays big per sale, than building articles related to products you intebnd to promote to increase conversion.
Best regards from I. C. Daniel
I. C. Daniel recently posted..Play Goodgame Empire Online
Twitter: mchhimwal
Money making is dream of everyone.All the tricks you shared for money making are really effective and awesome.One should choose one or two from them and start working for that.Thanks for sharing them.
Mahendra recently posted..List of best torrent sites for movie download
These are really very good points what you have given here. I think selling magazine subscription and selling t shirts by designing them will be great to make money. This is an awesome post and thanks for it.

Jennifer Hardy recently posted..Five Things to Do When Getting Pregnant
Twitter: winsonyeung
wohooo, nice sharing about that. If you got some funny talent, try selling it in Fiver. There’s even a gig where people are selling a service of singing a song for you wearing funny custom.
Winson Yeung recently posted..Why Your Facebook Page is Losing ‘Likes’
Twitter: turtlers_com
by my side is the best platforrm for earning money online wihout spending anything !
harshi recently posted..How to Root Sony Xperia Tipo – 2 Methods !
Twitter: bestofshayari1
thanks for other methods otherwise i see today people are just relying on google adsense and except that nothing.there are many website which do not use google ads but earn high.
Rohan Mod recently posted..4 Pro Social Media Tips To Increase Alexa Traffic and Page Rank
Hi Satrap,
But still blogging is the best way to add value to people’s life and get money for that. Right?
Ya, I know it is not for everyone but the person who have the power of patience can do miracles in blogging.
Anurag recently posted..Blog Traffic Strategies with Tips For More Traffic
Twitter: iprabhatroyal
nice posts, there are lots of methods to earn money online but we should try to focus on few of them trying everything at once will affect your business
prabhat recently posted..Subway Surfers for PC Download (New Trick), Subway Surfers for Windows 7/8/Vista/XP Computer
Twitter: fashionisedotco
Its possible to make money using subdomain free hosting options for an individual who would like to create a google adsense site. One doesnt even need to stress about content becuase most sites offer private label articles one can use to fill the site and even create a blog to attract visitors who’ll click on the links hopefully.
Silas O’Malley recently posted..Cheap High Heels Online
Twitter: pittgoumas
Never heard of JustAnswer before, but it sounds great! Going to try it now
Pitt Goumas recently posted..Home STD Testing Procedure – Same Day Private STD Testing
Wow…. 200,000 different magazines that is allot. I think I will have to check into that idea. I am interested to see all the different magazine topics that are available. Fever is another site that is going to be on my list to check out. Services for $5 every little bit adds up
Thank you for this article, making money online is not easy, but it can be done with hard work and determination.
As an Online Expert Internet Marketer, I have been asked several times how to make money without spending a dime. Now, to me me, it doesn’t really make sense. Let me explain.
The problem no 1 when you are IM Online Beginner: Information overload. Don’t you agree? It can only need to more questions, confusion and obviously, at 99% ot the time, Quit!
The problem no 2 is that even if people got dedication, drive they do not have the appropriate education or they are not technical person.
Now, let me ask you this: when are building a business, do you feel logical not to invest (I’m not talking about thousand of dollars
) and not having someone, a teacher or a guide who already got the knowledge. Wouldn’t be easier? Just a small reflexion here as you might do some money with free methods but it will take so much time and you’ll ending up falling into ever online traps, mistakes over and over…and you know what they said: “Time is money”.
Take care!
Twitter: geekyfind
I dont know about justanswer website.I know only yahooanswers and some other question and answer websites only.Thanks for providing this new one to make money.
raman bathina recently posted..How to Set Master Password to All Passwords in Firefox?
Twitter: corporatevineet
I guess Affiliate marketing & network marketing is also gr8 way these days to make $$$$ online
Vineet Gupta recently posted..How A Common Man Can Become Rich ?
satrap your ideas are cool for newbies but i wasted my much time wandring around. Only blogging is the best source for making some money but some if you are not expert and freelancer is also best if you have any skill but now there is so much spam now. In games you can just earn from secondlife that is really really cool and best game just like our real world. You can do jobs there
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