Upgrade Your Bedroom to a Sleep Haven

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Ivan Dimitrijevic
Ivan Dimitrijevic is a seasoned blogger and SEO consultant with years of experience. His skill sets include Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and blogging on a wide variety of topics. He is a digital marketing & business consultant and has had many articles published on serious blogs over the years on topics ranging from Digital Marketing, Tech and Online Business to Home & Family, Health & Wellness and Architecture, Real Estate & Design.
Ivan Dimitrijevic
Ivan Dimitrijevic
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Having a good night’s sleep is essential for many things. Your mood on the next day will depend on how you slept the previous night. And not only your mood, but your health is affected by it, as well. Now, there are a few ways that could help you sleep better and more soundly. First of all, the food you eat has a great effect on your sleeping habits. Some are bad, others are good. Then, drinking too much caffeine can postpone your sleep. That’s why you should stop the intake of caffeine after a certain hour during the day. And lastly, your bedroom plays the most important part in this scenario. Depending on the design and some other details, your bedroom can either be a haven or a nightmare for sleepers. With that in mind, here are a few solutions you can implement in order to achieve the sleeping haven in your bedroom:

Adjust the light



Your body is programmed to sleep when it is dark. Therefore, turning off the lights or dimming them before going to bed is a must. If you leave the lights on, your body will think that it is still day and that you shouldn’t fall asleep. So, when you go to bed, turn everything off, and cover all the electronic lights if needed. Moreover, you can also shut the curtains to stop the sun from coming in or wear a sleeping mask. Any one of these will help you have better sleep and be more rested in the morning.

Get rid of the clutter


If your room is messy and cluttered, then you will not feel comfortable in it. You will feel as though there is not enough space and freedom to move. Unfortunately, this feeling will overflow your brain and you will not feel cosy in your bedroom. Therefore, if there is any object which does not belong here, get rid of it. Move it to some other room, and clear out the rest. Your bedroom is supposed to be a place where you can de-stress, feel tranquil and pleasant. This is your sanctuary. There is no space for clutter here.

Find the right mattress


Sleeping on the right mattress is the key. You can get rid of clutter, noise, light and everything, however, if your bed is not comfortable, there will be no help for you. When you go mattress shopping, be sure to ask if the store offers a trial period. This is the only way to be sure you have chosen the right one. Pick a mattress you feel comfortable with, try it out for two weeks or a month, and after that period, you will know if that is the one for you.

Choose the right colours


Colours are known to influence our mood and emotions. Choosing a relaxing, calm colour scheme for your bedroom is crucial. Anything other than that will influence you in a bad way. So, going with shades of grey, brown, blue, purple, would be perfect. Even the colour of your beddings is important. Again, a calm tone is the best choice. Perhaps, white beddings are the best. They seem clean, comfortable, and luxurious. They simply invite you to lie in bed. So, try this solution and see what suits you best. And remember, avoid fiery tones that cause anxiety and restlessness.

Eliminate any noise



One more factor that affects the quality of your sleep is noise. Therefore, keeping your bedroom as quiet as possible is a great idea. If you are living in a busy area with the sounds of sirens, cars, people gathering near your window, putting a rug and thick blinds would be a solid solution. It might not shut off the noise completely, but at least it will reduce it to some degree. Or, if that doesn’t help, you can always buy earplugs.

Reduce the temperature

If you want to avoid waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, or having a sore throat, keep your heating temperature low. Sleeping in a hot room is nearly impossible. Plus, high temperatures just create more problems that will keep you up at night. That’s why you should cool off your room before going to bed. You can either turn down the heating or open the windows, to let some fresh air in. However, have in mind that the room shouldn’t be too cold, either. So, find perfectly balanced temperature and keep it that way every night.

There you have it, six great ways that will help you make your bedroom better, and give you an amazing sleep every night. And lastly, have a good night and sleep well!