When I made my first few dollars that was it, I had the taste and had to now strive to become a successful blogger. It wasn’t really about the money, but more the challenge and the success it gave me. After three years of building websites and blogging for a living I have come to realize what is needed to become a successful blogger.
I used to think that I did not have what it takes to earn thousands of dollars every month until one day my hard work payed off and I realized that anyone could do it.
What do you need to become a successful blogger?
In the beginning I had no idea that you required any real skills to become a successful blogger. I mean how hard could it be? Writing a few articles, doing SEO to get traffic, replying to comments, and so on. How difficult could this blogging gig be?
Then I discovered that there was more to it than just hard work or a few good ideas and something switched on in my head.
The Mindset of a successful blogger
You mind plays a big part in your life and that’s what got you interested in blogging in the first place. You need to train your mind with positive thoughts using all the attributes below. Gathering all these attributes together will take care of your mind as long as everything you do and say is positive. Have you heard the saying “always look on the bright side of life”?
It’s the negative thoughts that cause bloggers to give up before they can taste the real success that WILL come to them. To become a successful blogger any words or thoughts that come from you need to be “YES STATEMENTS”.
- Yes we can
- Yes I can
- I will do this
- This will happen
- I am doing this now
- My plan is to…
- I am going to achieve this
Trust in yourself
Believe that what you are doing will work. Trust yourself to make this decision. It is hard to believe in something that doesn’t exist. Internet marketing and blogging is a relatively new profession which is not always believable. Anyone can fake screen shots. What you have to do is trust in yourself and believe that you can do this. Do not base your goals on other people’s success; base it on your trust in yourself.
Passion for what you are doing
Love what you do and it will not feel like work. Enjoy what you do and belief and determination will come with it. Becoming a successful blogger is in your heart.
Get your mind under control and tell it what you plan to do. Take charge of your path and become determined to achieve your goals. Imagine your target and strive for it. Break your goals into smaller chunks and conquer them one at a time.
Persistence to the end
If you feel like you are a starving animal that can smell food, you might be on the right track. Can you see your goal and do you want it bad enough to keep trying until you get it. There is no achievement to have if you do not have persistence. Your persistence will almost guarantee your success.
Friend to failure
Punch through walls, knock them down and step over the broken bits until you get to a smooth road again. Do not whine as this is negative. Just know that this is your path to the top. Also do not presume that you’re failing because you have not seen success yet.
Think of failure as another lesson learned; a positive action that will eventually get you to your goals. If you do not fail you cannot learn. Failing is a positive thing to do because it means you are taking action and not sitting back fearing failure.
Time Management expert
Everyone is busy in life. If you are using time as an excuse you are not managing time to your advantage. Everyone has the same amount of time available to them. How can you actually run out of time? Maybe you have your priorities in the wrong order.
Self Discipline
If you cannot stick to a schedule or keep yourself working and be productive without someone watching over your shoulder then I suggest you turn back now! This probably means that the mindset for a successful blogger is not there. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, however this might mean the you are a “WORKER” and it might not be possible for you to be an independent business person. There is nothing wrong with this either, so if you are not meant to be a blogger, I am sure you will succeed at something else.
Decision maker successful blogger
This is the opposite to procrastinating. I read an article about procrastination on this blog and I truly believe that you should steer completely clear of it. I cannot see any positives to dragging out your decisions because it will only delay action. If you are having trouble making decisions then that task was not meant to be. I suggest you move on to your next decision, decide, and take the action.
You must be willing to stand by your decisions through thick and thin. Remember that to fail is to learn and to fear failure means there is no action. Which would you prefer?
Who can become a successful blogger?
If you think that this article is describing you and can relate to what I have written, then you are a future successful blogger. If you do not have any of the qualities I have mentioned above then don’t worry, you can learn them. Let your mind be open to all possibilities and never presume that you know everything. This way you will be always in learning mode and will most certainly become a successful blogger.
I am still learning to this day and document everything I do at my new blog WordPress Website Builder. I have made this blog because I love blogging, it’s what I know, and it’s the truth about becoming a successful blogger.
Twitter: andrewrondeau
You mention some terrific mindsets. If we want to be successful bloggers we really have to run your blog like any other business which means your need a huge number of different traits.
I’m just about to start a complete blogging series on the mindset of successful bloggers!
Andrew recently posted..Blog Expert Series- The Mindset Of A Successful Blogger
Twitter: wordpresswb
Hi Andrew.
I am really into the mind and how it works as it is controlling everything around us. It is a difficult subject and I think your course is really needed amongst bloggers and business people.
People should study about the mind because if you work that out then everything else will fall into place.
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Do Your Friends And Family Say Your An Internet Marketing Loser
Good write up – I do believe that many people can make decent money with the right marketing and mindset – however if it truly were this easy then everyone would be doing it. You need to run your blog and think like a business owner. There are many ups and downs in the blogging world but with the right idea and startegy then there is no stopping someone from making X amount of money. Congrats on your achievements! I am light years away from making thousands a month – but im not giving up!
zoopco recently posted..Park Domains And QUESTIONS At SmartName
Twitter: wordpresswb
Thanks Zoopco. I am so positive that I do believe that anyone can do this if they want it bad enough. It sounds like you want it too. Don’t say you are light years away, say it WILL happen soon.
All the ups and downs are really UPS because they will get you closer to where you are going!
Mitz Pantic recently posted..How Did I Increase Adsense Earnings By 500
Twitter: lavenderuses
Hi Mitz
Great post. After blogging seriously for a few months, the things I feel I need to become a successful blogger are: passion for my chosen niche, perseverence for the times there are bumps in the road and patience till I achieve that success. Plus a lot of hard work! Though it doesn’t seem too much like work as I am so enjoying the journey
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia recently posted..So Little Time- So Much To Do
Twitter: tips4pc
Loving what you do is a huge advantage! Without that, people have less chance of succeeding.
I also believe that hanging around with successful bloggers will give you success a lot quicker. It all rubs off.
Mitz recently posted..Submit You Articles To Dofollow Article Directories – Doffollow link list
Twitter: Techlineinfo
Mitz, A great article, We can take blogging mainly in two ways, as a hobby or profession. If one take blogging as a profession, it is very tough like any other jobs or business to earn money. No alternatives for hard work and dedication. Slow, Steady and Systematic blogging can do wonder.
Sujith recently posted..Tips to select a good mobile broadband connection
Twitter: tips4pc
Hi Sujith
I totally agree that slow steady blogging can do wonders! In fact there is a snowball effect and it is great when it starts rolling.
Also people study for years in University to become something, yet expect success from blogging a lot sooner. As you said, it takes hard work and dedication just like anything else.
Mitz recently posted..How to treat your blogging like a real business
Twitter: humble_observer
Thank you Mitz.
Having only started humbleobserver.net about 6 months ago, it’s easy to get discouraged. But as in anything else you want in life, you need to have the qualities you speak of to reach the final destination.
This was a great reminder
Christopher recently posted..Thought Farming- Planting the Seeds of Your Life
Twitter: wordpresswb
Hi Christopher
I went to your website and read your thought farming article…Goes well with this article. If that is the kind of stuff you come up with you will succeed for sure!
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Clean out your Mailchimp email list – remove non opening subscribers
This was exactly what I needed to hear this week. I was seriously contemplating putting up a “closed” sign on my blog as I’ve been very discouraged by my slow progress. Two and a half years in and I am still making zero. I have a passion for it but have had a hard time finding new readers. I’m going to re-read your post and see if I can’t get myself re-motivated.
BTW, I am a blogging juggler too — I bounce juggle with my son. My youtube channel is “CarmaSez” My son is an amazing juggler. I bet you would enjoy his videos – his youtube is “aussiediabolo” He spent some time at circus school this summer….
Glad to meet a fellow blogging juggler
Twitter: wordpresswb
I can just juggle but not that well…But my nephew is amazing! He balances bikes off his nose and then juggles stuff!!! My nephew used to work in the juggling shop in Byron Bay.
I looked at your sons Youtube channel and yours and he has major talent and he is entertaining! Why haven’t you got a juggling website with tips on how to do it and selling stuff? Or if you have get the link to it on those videos! You are getting views on those videos and you should have a link to a website there… I am writing a post about how to make a successful Youtube channel at the moment as I have been a Youtube partner for a few years. I might post it on this website.
You have all the great content there in your own home. You are one of the lucky ones!!!
I ended up watching about 5 videos, they were so good!
Mitz Pantic recently posted..How Did I Increase Adsense Earnings By 500
Thank you for visiting our channels – I’m glad you enjoyed the videos. We have a blast making them.
Yeah, I haven’t really played up the videos on my blog other than posting every now and then when we have a new video out. I need to find out how to incorporate youtube into my sidebar in such a way that people might be tempted to click.
Unfortunately monetizing the videos is out for my son since he has copyrighted music as a soundtrack on his videos.
I appreciate your suggestions! I’ll keep an eye out for your Youtube post…
do you think I might find more (“more” being a relative term – as so far I’ve had zero- monetarily at least) success at blogging if I was to find a niche? This has been on my mind for a while now but I just can’t seem to settle on anything…
Twitter: wordpresswb
Yeah but it looks like your family has a niche. Maybe you could start making videos without the music in it…and use the others on your website.
If you do not want to do that then find something you like to do and find a niche to do with that. My first website took years to get off the ground because I didn’t research it properly…but it did work eventually because I possess the qualities listed in the above post.
My fifth website was researched and started to show signs of success after only one month…That is the difference between a focused niche and one with no research at all.
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Twitter: newyorkbigapple
The biggest thing for me and my blogging career is Determination. I have found that if you have it, you can achieve almost anything on your path. Whether it be blogging or just life in general, determination is the key. Nice post!
Twitter: wordpresswb
The biggest problem that I had was trust in myself. Every time I talked about what I was going to do people looked at me in disbelief! That always made me think twice… “Am I full of sh** or not?”, I would think to myself…
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Mitz – This was a nicely written and inspirational article you have posted here. All your points are valid, but I think the most important thing you need to become a successful blogger is faith/trust in yourself.
It’s like you said, internet marketing and blogging is a new profession and with all the hyped up sales pages guaranteeing you that you can make $50,000 dollars in 30 days it can definitely raise some doubt.
As long as you believe in yourself and trust what you’re doing is going to lead to success you will definitely reach your goals. It also helps to have some persistence and self discipline as well.
John recently posted..Beginner Guitar Lesson Secrets
Twitter: wordpresswb
Hi John
I like the trust one too. In the end it is all about what you think! Those guys telling you how they make all that money is mostly true but they are amazing inventors of products people just have to buy. There is a little more to it…
But if you want to earn more money than you could even after becoming a doctor or lawyer then blogging can do it… The difference is that you do make money while you sleep and when you start the ball rolling you end up doing less work, not more.
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Twitter: craftybegonia
When I first got my blog, NOBODY came, which was very disappointing to me. It wasn’t until I started sharing things I really loved myself, and that had all the enthusiam that I felt for them ,that people started coming. I didn’t have to push myself, nor do anything hard. I just shared things that were beautiful and fun with people who would love them just as much as I did (you would call that your niche) and they just kept coming and joining as followers. I think, because blogging is a sharing modality of writing, it is tailored basically for that one on one communication or sharing mode. If you just dish out products to them, and nothing but products, I think they will jsut move on.
craftybegonia recently posted..Painted Blue Ascot-Style Scarflet
Twitter: wordpresswb
Hi there Craftybegonia
Your blog is great!! Very original and interesting.
It is important to see that people are interested in what you are doing and its looks like you have a following. This is what kept me going and going even though I was getting no money. One little email saying thanks used to lift me up and make me do more!!
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Twitter: samui_art
Hi Mitz,

Thank you for great post. I may not be a good friend to the failure but I am persistence to the end.
I may be lucky to have my mother who is always supporting me for what I am doing.
What I want to say is that your family is also important to your succesful blogging.
Rose recently posted..What is guest posting How important is it
Twitter: wordpresswb
You are right Rose!
If you have your family supporting you it will really make a difference. You are very lucky because there are a lot of family members that do not understand what we do and therefore cannot believe in it. My parents have also supported me and they have made me who I am today.
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Time Management and Self Discipline are my big problems, they are quite hard to achieve. But I think we can by referring back to the Mindset and Passion, or whatever the ways to make our blogging activities become more neat. Thanks for the great tips Mitz
tantan recently posted..How to Create Your Own WordPress Membership Site
Twitter: wordpresswb
Time management and self discipline are really the main ones. I am in the process of drawing up a timetable for myself to stick to every day. After you have tasted a bit of success, it is very easy to slacken off. This is not okay if you want to keep moving forward. You have to keep your mind in check.
Mitz Pantic recently posted..Increase Adsense Earnings By Finding Your Websites Highest Paying Adsense Keywords
Twitter: timokiander
Great article!
I think that the mindset can’t never be underestimated – if you don’t have the right mindset, the rest of your actions are really meaningless. You may have some single victories every now and then, but you will never cross the finish line, if your internal world is not in order.
I also think that the mindset is very crucial when you move away from your 9-5 to full-time online career. All of a sudden you need the mindsets that weren’t probably necessary in your job.
Your post provides the essential ones and with these you can crush the biggest obstacle there is – fear.
Twitter: wordpresswb
When you meet someone that has this mindset you can see it straight away. They never say “Oh I wish I could do that!” they say “oh really, tell me more…” They are never envious and never WISH for what others have. They know there is no wishing involved, just hard work and a basic clue on how to do it. When they have that they go for it!
Mitz Pantic recently posted..10 Tips For Making The Best Facebook Business Page