What is dofollow anyway?
Well, there’s no such thing as dofollow! it’s actually NOT nofollow.
ok, so what is nofollow then?
nofollow is the term used to describe links that you see on webpages that have a special attribute applied to them so that when Google and other search engines see them, they don’t pass any of the authority of the site they appear on to the site they link to. See? easy huh?
dofollow 101
Lets say that your site is the number 1 site on Google for ‘hairy dogs‘. Whenever anyone searches for something to do with hairy dogs you can be sure that they will find your site at the top of all the search engine pages because your site has a very high authority and receives a truck load of traffic and interactions each day.
Now let’s say that you put a link on your site to another site about ‘skinny dogs‘ and you use those exact words. Because your site has ‘juice’ (the common term of high authority in Googles eyes) then the site that you’re linking to will gain some of that juice in relation to those keywords just because you linked to it.
You see, Google is a machine. It doesn’t actually ‘know’ anything, it can only analyse traffic, links, users per page etc. so one way it determines if a site is about ‘skinny dogs’ when someone searches for those terms is by checking which sites are using those words to link to other sites and then ordering the linked sites according to how much authority the sites that link to them have.
The more authority the site has that is using those words to link to another, the more likely it is to use the linked site in the results page when someone searches with those words.
This is where nofollow comes in, by adding rel=”nofollow” to the link, google wont apply any of the ‘juice’ from your page to the page you’re linking to and it’ll treat that link just like any other link on your page. By NOT adding the rel=”nofollow” attribute to the link means that some of your ‘juice’ will leak to the site you’re linking to.
So, dofollow is just a way of saying that your links pass on a little bit of your sites ‘juice’ to the sites that you link to.
I hope that makes things clear!
Download nofollow control CommentLuv
It is a good idea to update your CommentLuv plugin to v2.818 so you can take control of the links that are appended to the comment. You can update it in the dashboard by using the automatic update in wordpress or you can visit the download page and update it manually here.
Oh I understand what is dofollow what is nofollow thanks you by the way.
osawa´s recent blog post ..Hosting แบ่งออกแล้วเป็นกี่รูปแบบ
Thanks Andy!! Really helps
ourfamilyworld´s recent blog post ..Fun Tuesday Hop- April 12- 2011
Hey Andy,
What’s your take on “No Follows”? I have a formula of about 25% of my backlinks come from No Follow links. 75% from Do Follow. I find this appears more natural in a backlinking campaign to Google then 100% Do Follows. Curious on what you’ve experienced. Thank Andy keep up the awesome work you do!
roi unlimited´s recent blog post ..ROI Unlimited Superior to Time Shares
Twitter: commentluv
to be perfectly honest, I’ve not even taken notice of dofollow or not. I didn’t even know what my comment links were for over a year! it’s only since people started asking for dofollow links in commentluv that I actually paid attention to it.
I just write blog posts and answer comments and when there’s an interesting commentluv link, I’ll click it and visit the authors site.
I’ve never worried about seo or keyphrase density, I just write blog posts. The traffic magically happens

Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..What the Google girl told me – Video tutorial Part 1 with closed captions
Quite right there is no such thing as dofollow, there’s only nofollow also both types of links are required for natural link building 500 backlinks and 1 nofollow backlink wouldn’t look natural in the eyes of G
jimmycook´s recent blog post ..First Choice Set Back for Local Bars and Restaurants
Not nofollow … well, that explains A LOT! That’s why Comluv gets all the “Luv”, especially now after the update
Phil´s recent blog post ..Yacht Charter Adriatic North – The Holiday Sailor’s Paradise