I am always looking for more ways to build blog traffic and gain back links. When I started using CommentLuv, I found a better way to gain back links when commenting. Bloggers who enable plugins such as CommentLuv are more likely to allow DoFollow in their link comments (since they want to reward their readers), and CommentLuv adds a second backlink to your comments, giving a nice double dip effect to your comment backlinks (one link from your name, and another from your recent post)! This has improved my link building tactics when commenting on other blogs in a very promising way.
Once I saw the benefits of commenting on other CommentLuv enabled blogs, I still had to find good blogs in my niche to comment on. Only a couple of the regular blogs I comment on had commentLuv enabled, so I set out to find some new sites to read and comment on regularly. I started by writing a custom search in google to find blogs which allow comments and have commentLuv installed using the following search query:
link:comluv.com +"Powered By WordPress" +"Post Comment" + <keyword>
Let’s break this down. The first section searches for sites which link to comluv.com. This is a good indicator of blogs with the plugin installed. Secondly, I searched for the phrase “Powered by WordPress”, which limits it to wordpress blogs, and “Post Comment”, which ensures the page being found is a comment page. This won’t remove certain pages which write entire posts about CommentLuv, but will have a pretty high accuracy. Finally, I included the keyword or key words I wanted to find in my niche.
Which blogs are good to comment on?
I usually like to focus my efforts where I will get the most in return, so I installed the SEOMoz Firefox plug-in. In the settings, if you turn on SERP overlay when you search the above query in Google, the plugin will add an information bar along the bottom of each result showing how high the page rank is for each result. The Page Authority bar is a better indicator in this case than the domain authority – this gives you an idea of how much link juice will come through to your links, but domain authority is important too.
Each search result returned multiple good blogs to check out based on relevance and page rank. I filtered the list a bit more by ensuring the blogs also allowed follow in their comment section. To do this, I simply checked to see what other comments had been left. Blogs with spammy comments or rel=nofollow in the link tags were removed from my list. (I use FireBug to check if links are nofollow). If a blog was particularly good, I of course added it to my list regardless!
What Else?
How else do you use CommentLuv to improve your search engine ranking? Add more tips in the comments!
Hmmm – tried it, but a tough one to crack, I must say. The few results that came back didn’t do me a lot of good.
But: practice makes perfect!
Thanks for sharing this!
leopardman´s recent blog post ..Opening the sluice gates
Charlie – Commenting on blogs that have CommentLuv installed is definitely a great link building strategy. Thanks for the tip on how to search for blogs in the search engine with the commentLuv installed. I will also make use of the SEOMoz Firefox plug-in to see how high the page rank is for each result. Thanks for the helpful tips, I’m definitely going to put them to use.
John´s recent blog post ..Find Out If Your Spouse Is Cheating With A Reverse Telephone Lookup
Twitter: wordpresswb
I have a commenting spree each time I write a blog post. I always have commment luv enabled and it not only gets me backlinks, it gets me traffic. I LOVE comment luv!!!! It is one of the top plugins that every blogger should have!
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Twitter: BlazingMinds
Comment Luv is indeed a great source of traffic and something I’ve been using ever since I first started my blog, it’s also a great source for finding other blog articles via those that have taken the time to comment on your own blog

Karen´s recent blog post ..Are You Having Trouble Opening iTunes Links In Chrome
Twitter: keepkalm
I’ll have to look into this a little bit more. Does the traffic come from people looking for CommentLuv blogs or from the links in your comments?
The only thing that is stopping me from installing this is that I don’t want to attract trolls or more spam.
I agree with mitz. I like how it can promote posts via deeplinking that wouldn’t really normally get promoted. I also use it on some of my blogs that are run more like blogs rather than just niche sites.
Waikiki Beach Bum´s recent blog post ..Aqua Waikiki Pearl
Twitter: sureshpeterss
yea it willl works..comment love can get a qulaity and solid backlinks
suresh peters´s recent blog post ..how to import and export web browser bookmarks to delicious
Twitter: sandee1991
I am trying to build up traffic ! still in progress , following these tips ! hope to get more traffic soon
Sandeep Singh´s recent blog post ..WordPress 304 released
Twitter: EndGrind
This is valuable information! I have never looked for blogs with CommentLuv before, but I now can see the benefits.
Steve Roy´s recent blog post ..The Year Of Living Passionately
Twitter: unikaman
A very nice post mate and the suggestions worth giving a thought….
This post must have taken a lot of time to put together…
Thanks for sharing… not many people do that…
Amandeep Singh´s recent blog post ..Skype for iPhone app now supports Video Calling over Wi-Fi and 3G
Twitter: dannyyounes
Very nice post and suggestions I will follow up on
Danny younes´s recent blog post ..Working At Home What Is Your New Years Resolution
Twitter: oims
Always love quick methods to find the best way to leave comments, and finding like-minded (complimentary) blogs fast is even better – so thank you!
I did want to mention that PR isn’t the be all and end all of the world. The site I have well it’s a long (and most likely ugly) story, but it gets tons of traffic.
The key to successfully gaining through one’s effort’s commenting is to make sure your comment is so interesting that people just naturally want to check to see “who is this person, what do they do?”
The back linking is, of course, another bonus. And yes, CommentLuv is a great tool for that!
So again thanks for the “formula” to use as a direct method of searching. Greatly appreciated

Diane´s recent blog post ..How to Visit Your Favorite Ezines- Web Sites- Blogs In A Flash
The suggestions are really valuable for those searching out on ways to increase backlinks. I am personally going to try them out. Thanks for the post.
Twitter: anharwahyu
Thank you for your article on Comment Luv but this is still a little confused how I can get backlinks, understand I am still a newbie in the blog problem.
anharwahyu´s recent blog post ..Ojek Wisata
Nice post Charlie, I agree with you commentLuv is the best for getting backlink. By default wordpress platform comment’s links is with Nofollow attribute. When you use commentluv its become Dofollow link. if you use fire fox its easy to check whether a page links follow or not with this addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5687/.
But I suggest not to ignore Nofollow blogs too, some expert arguing Google do count nofollow link too.
Rammesh Perumal´s recent blog post ..Whom Do You Link With
Very valuable post Charlie. I have to agree, other than writing excellent articles so that people link to you, commenting on CommentLuv enabled blogs also helps improve PR.
greenlava´s recent blog post ..10 Ways To Make Your Blog More Authoritative
Twitter: hilyamedia
Nice idea Charlie
It will be better adding Captcha in comment form (for those who use Comluv) to elude spam and bot, since the link is dofollow so visitors are enthusiastic to leave comments. Also for commentator, only leave comment on highly relevant blog.
Tantan on Hilya Media´s recent blog post ..How to Create Your Own WordPress Membership Site
Twitter: techwork_dk
I think Comluv is a great way do get deep backlink to my website. I love to write comments on blogs that support Comluv.
Thomas´s recent blog post ..Help me I’m offline!
commentluv is wonderful
let it drive traffict o your site
autocarexpose latest automotive news´s recent blog post ..Coming soon at 2013 Mercedes Benz SLS E-Cell