Why Is This Woman Smiling?
When we first start blogging, most of us have some goals to generate traffic that we’d like to achieve. Some of us write them down. Some of us keep them in our heads.
We work hard. We do our daily tasks. We achieve some goals and miss the mark on others.
Sometimes, if we’re really lucky – and I define luck as “when preparation meets opportunity” – something really magical happens.
Vibrant Ways To Generate Traffic And Build Relationships
That’s the name of the post that I entered in the ComLuv Traffic Generation guest posting contest recently.
After listing some of the tried and trusted ways to pull people to your site, I listed what I call Vibrant Ways To Generate Traffic and Build Relationships.
For the details, please check the post. But in the meantime, here is one of my completely unexpected (this was never written down as a specific goal) results that in my wildest dreams, I would never have thought of.
Now, you may very well be asking yourself, “how did that happen?”
The answer is simple: I’ve been doing the same things you’ve been doing!
I’ve been following the advice of other bloggers (see the contest entries listed under Traffic Generation on this blog).
I keep putting one foot in front of the other, doing the daily tasks to keep my blog in front of people’s eyeballs.
Plus, of course, I’ve been showing up for my mixed martial arts classes.
Along the way, I’ve had injuries and setbacks (like do I still want to do this blogging thing?). But I didn’t quit.
In all of our lives, there’s been something out there that we might have missed if we had chosen to go left or right – to stop or to go.
I did a post on my blog to thank the people I bumped into along the way. Come over and read it if you would like to see the progression of how Kristen from Yahoo found me.
I’d love to hear your experiences of choices you’ve made that led you down a dead-end or paths that you followed that ended up placing you exactly where you needed to be for something really cool to happen. Like how you met your spouse or the one person in the world who could make something work out for you.
Call it the hand of fate or just pure good luck. Sometimes, something has to go wrong to go right.
Do tell! I’m all ears.
Cheryl Ragsdale practices martial arts for fun and physical fitness at Florian Martial Arts Center. She was recently promoted to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt by Keith Florian and Kenny Florian, both Black Belts.Stand up for yourself and stay young from the inside out. Check out some of my other posts strictly for UFC fans and fighters.
One more thing, I wish you the best of luck with your vibrant ways to generate traffic ideas!
Twitter: Ileane
Hey Cheryl! What an inspiration you are! I fell like getting down on the floor and doing some push-ups right now
It’s a shame I can’t do more than one at a time. LOL!
But what’s important here is that you motivated me into doing something healthy today. Thanks Sweetie. Love ya!!
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..How To Use Keyword Mashing For Better Search Engine Placement