Water is the giver of life… Isn’t that a nice way to start a text – with a very common sentence with a meaning that is familiar to practically everyone on this planet? But I did that with a purpose and what I am going to talk to you about has to do with water… And I simply couldn’t find a better way to start this than with that cliché sentence.
Everything happens for a reason, so did my beginning of this text… There we go again. I think that I should stop with the clichés. But I really did start like that for a specific reason. But we’ll deal with that slowly, no need to rush it.
Water and survival
Anyway, we already established how we need water in order to survive, an obvious thing really, but we haven’t said anything about the containers for water… You need those as well, as you sometimes need to store or carry water with you, especially during the summer, in the terrible heat. Today’s global weather is so messed up that you really need to be extra careful, especially in the heat. Half a decade ago it was possible for a completely white person to stay in the sun and barely get any sunburns, whilst today, you get 2nd degree burns, if not worse… This comes from personal experience and trust me, those burns are really, really uncomfortable. You don’t want that, so watch yourself out there. The same goes for extreme colds…
The destruction of nature…
Anyway, the topic at hand is storage of water, so to say. Specifically, the bottles, the ones which we are very familiar with, since most of the water that does not come from our own faucet, comes in bottles and we buy it somewhere… The sad thing is that most of those bottles which we buy are made of plastic, and plastic is, as we all know, very bad for the environment because it takes ages to dissolve. That wouldn’t really be a problem if mankind in general would learn not to throw these bottles wherever mankind pleases. I say mankind because that is the case really, since we are destroying our
We do recycle them, people are educated when it comes to this, but it seems that it isn’t enough since we can all see plastic everywhere. This is plastic in general of course, since it’s not just the bottles that are being thrown everywhere. Each human being should simply have in mind that he is not just an individual, but a part of a whole, a part of a living and breathing organism called Earth. We consider ourselves to be above the entire ecosystem only because we are the smartest and can control everything else. Yet we forget that we depend on this system and the forces it controls that are unbelievably uncontrollable. One, big enough natural disaster can eradicate the entire human race. And we should fear this, as more and more disasters are occurring every day around the globe. It is as if the planet is punishing us for our irresponsible behavior and cruelty. If it is, then let it, since we deserve that.
We need water containers, right?
The point of this is that since we are not good enough at disposing plastic, we can try and not use it entirely. In this specific case, the plastic bottles can be exchanged for steel ones. Or those made from aluminium or those made of stainless steel. There are plenty of these to go around and are much better that the plastic ones. Most importantly they are better for nature, because people want to dispose of these as they are more useful, and everyone would want to keep them, especially if they are pretty – and they are. There are many of these and they are pretty. Another good thing is that they can be used for a much longer period of time than the plastic ones and they can’t be damaged and destroyed that easily.
This is not all, many more advantages may arise from these bottles, and I don’t need to tell you about it. It is up to you to decide on your own if you should use them or not. I won’t tell you what to do because I am sure that you can easily find the right and morally acceptable solution for this problem.
Great article! I agree that water bottles are too carelessly thrown away harming the environment in a negative way. Aluminum and steel bottles are the better alternative because not only are they thrown away less but there is less of a chance that you will get cancer such as in plastic bottles where the plastic seeps into the water from heat.
Hi Ivan Dimitrijevic,
Nice post and needed message. In 1976 Americans drank an average of 1.6 gallons of bottled water every year. Roughly 30 years later consumption increased to 30 gallons per person, according to the Earth Policy Institute- despite the fact that bottled water can cost anywhere from 240 to 10,000 times more than tap water, which is brought right to your home for pennies a gallon. Bottled water also creates its own share of pollution – the production of plastic bottles requires millions of barrels of oil per year and the transportation of bottled water from its source to stores releases thousands of tons of carbon dioxide.So,
“Be Aware and Save the Earth”
Vinay recently posted..Top Eleven Football Manager Game on Android
Twitter: himanshuk18
Yeah Vinay i never thought on that thee plastic bottles are polluting our environment and causing greenhouse effect.
himanshu recently posted..How to backup messages on iPhone or iPad using iTunes
Twitter: himanshuk18
Nicely explained connection between nature and water bottles. I too carry it for safe drinking.
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Dear Himanshu, If you got all those points explained in the article then I think you should start avoiding plastic bottles for carrying water with you. There are quite better options available for you for the same now. Worst thing in avoiding these plastic bottles is that it costs very less than any other container. Still for keeping our environment safe we must avoid using it & use some other means for the same pupose.
raj recently posted..Download BlueStacks App Player for Windows | BlueStacks Android Emulator Download
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we do not behave good when it comes to water bottles. we just purchase them use them and throw them here and there. we should have a proper disposal system for them where they could be recycled. thanks for this post
raj recently posted..HTC One 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Update in India, Rolled Out
Great article!! I’m with you i prefer to use steel bottles than plastic one. I always put the plastic garbage in a plastic container, this can help to preserve our nature.
we should recycle the water bottles and harvest rain water
Nice article Ivan, I don’t always use bottle water but i do use sachet water because its much cheaper and fordable in my area

Babanature recently posted..My Greatest Traffic Tip And Strategy Ever
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I never use water bottles as the quality and the genuineness of the brand can’t be trusted.Anyways,this article would surely open many eyes.Thanks for sharing it.
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Hello Ivan,
Informativr Post, i aimpressed with you which you have some told us about the water. we know that how is valuable water in our country well i don’t believe any bottle water and even i don’t drink.. i just believe only normal water. sp i yhink we need to save the water. and thanks alot for sharing this post… plzzzz keep sharing with us.
Makes sense but might be a bit complicated to bring it to life. IMHO!
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Nice post, Ivan. Also, I have read some where that reusing, heating or freezing water bottles releases a chemical called dioxin. And this chemical can cause cancer in human beings. So, using plastic bottles is a bad idea.
Twitter: infotech20
Abslutely RIght and one of the awesome posts on this site and the best thing is that just bcoz of you many will read it and it will create awareness…
Gautam recently posted..How To Shut Down Windows 8-Complete Guide With Steps
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I thoroughly agree with your post. I came from a family where we never bought water bottles and drank tap. If you wanted water to go then you grabbed a refillable sport water bottle and filled it up. Granted, our tap water tasted pretty bad so I didn’t drink as much water as a kid as I should have. My wife, on the other hand, grew up in a family where they pretty much only drank bottled water. The irony of that is that the bottled water sold here is filtered tap water from one of the large, local municipalities. It’s taken some time to convince her that we could save a lot of money with a faucet-mount filter, not drinking bottled water at home and refilling (safe) containers where we can.
Twitter: slideh
I agree with you completely. I have stopped using plastic and disposable water bottles since a long time. And even prefers tins instead of beverage bottles.
Gautham Lurk recently posted..UPSC Teaching Jobs 2013 Recruitment
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I couldn’t agree with you more. My children, being younger, will sometimes fall victim to the negligence of society as a whole. They see their friends doing something, so they want to. During the summer, they go to a day camp and I make it know there are only reusable 1/2 gallon water coolers to be used, not disposable water bottles. The same goes for the school year, they just bring smaller reusable containers. Not only is it much more cost effective, but it’s environmentally beneficial. I would like for the population to STOP using disposables as a sole form of convenience.
Twitter: Yogesh_pant5
indeed….plastic is almost non-biodegradable.
And it has frequently been used for containing water.
we have to drop the habit of storing drinking water in the plastic water bottles.
yogesh pant recently posted..Facts about aurora borealis and australis
Twitter: rockingsindi
Well, you are completely right, one must stop or abandon to use plastic bottles to save nature! Its proved!
Shweta recently posted..UC Browser for PC Download (UC Browser for Computer)
Hi Ivan ,
Valuable Post and I am totally agree with you. actually i don’t like to drink the water bottle and i like natural water. and we need to stop who are using plastic water bottles since a long time. indeede the water bottles is not good for our health so we have to do stop it and save the water.thanks for remind me about the water.
this is a nice post Nice post and needed message. In 1976 Americans drank an average of 1.6 gallons of bottled water every year. Roughly 30 years later consumption increased to 30 gallons per person, according to the Earth Policy Institute- despite the fact that bottled water can cost anywhere
vaibhav recently posted..WeChat for PC Download Free, WeChat For Computer (Windows 7, Mac)
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Even more the waste of plastic is devastating our ocean and ocean animals. Lets be mindful of using plastic in a sense always ask question do we need this plastic now?
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I like natural water. 2 liters per day is a must drink. Best regards from I. C. Daniel
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Twitter: hardluckstrome
It is important to save the environment. It can be only done with the awareness. Thanks for the update. Would love to hear from you more. Keep up the good work
Ashi recently posted..Turn Google Chrome Into RSS & Social Media Reader [ How To ]
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A thought provoking post. Humans are contaminating the beautiful nature making it unfit for the humans itself to live in. If each one of us can do our small part by replacing plastic with eco-friendly things. This would make a huge difference.
Mia Taylor recently posted..Prepare Yourself for ICD – 10 based Medical Documentation
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There is so much talk about using things that are not made out of plastic. On the contrary, I recently watched a video which talked about why it is more eco friendly to use plastic (perhaps a certain type of plastic which has less green house gas emission during production process). That said, we need to environmentally aware and do things that is best for the environment and future generations.
chang recently posted..Twoo Login
As much as possible, the use of water pet bottles should be avoided because they do not help the environment get better. Instead, they will just contribute to the accumulation of non-biodegradable wastes.
Ria Dancel recently posted..Tierra De Lago
Sometimes because my children are younger, they will sometimes fall victim to the negligence of society as a whole. They see their friends doing something, so they want to. During the summer, they go to a day camp and I make it know there are only reusable half gallon water coolers to be used, not disposable water bottles. The same goes for the school year, they just bring smaller reusable containers. Not only is it much more cost effective, but it’s environmentally beneficial.
I agree with you completely. I have stopped using plastic and disposable water bottles since a long time. And even prefers tins instead of beverage bottles.
As much as possible, the use of water pet bottles should be avoided because they do not help the environment get better. Instead, they will just contribute to the accumulation of non-biodegradable wastes.
Right on! I agree with this lovely article, I’ve stopped buying plastic bottles awhile ago and bought myself a Brita filtering jug. That way, I filter the tap water again and just pour myself a nice glass of water. It’s way cheaper, more efficient and doesn’t pollute! (Even though Germany has a great recycling system for water bottles and cans.
) Thanks for the article
Ann-Elizabeth recently posted..3 top tips to sprucing up your brand
One litre of bottled water takes around 4 litres of water to produce it – madness really. OK I know that mains water is nor always available, or healthy to drink, but if it is we are doing ourselves no favours at all by buying the bottled stuff.